Tang San’s Twin Sister

Chapter 54

Zhao Wuji was not the only one surprised when Ning Feng, with the movements of a true veteran, ducked away under his fist and used the ghostly trace steps to avoid and attack him. She twisted around him like liquid striking out in quick, efficient, and underhanded moves. Zhao Wuji was so surprised by it that he didn't defend himself.

Every single day.

Ning Feng had trained every single day like clockwork to get so far. Until she was not only decent but good at it. She moved like a dancer out of Zhao Wujis sight, and Tang Yin nodded at her brother, who grabbed her waist with his bind and, in a wip-like movement, catapulted her towards Zhao Wuji. Ning Rong Rong saw that supported her, and from the other side came Tang San, with Ning Feng kept him in the game by teleporting him mid-air as she was thrown backward by him towards Jiang.

Ning Feng landed next to Jiang. Who had his eyes closed, waiting for his moment.

The Tang Twins were distractment, and Jiang was the main attack.

Tang Yin balled her fists, covered in spirit power, and threw out quick and light punches avoiding Zhao Wujis's attempts to catch her using the same ghostly tace steps as Ning Feng. Tang San took another approach grabbing heavy items from the buildings, and threw them towards Zhao Wuji with pinpoint precision, as Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuquing got quickly out of the way, falling into the same continuous attack as Tang Yin, whose hands were by now covered in silver tendrils that guarded her hands. If they left the superior spirit master any moment of rest or to gather his thoughts, they were done for.

"Now!" Thundered Tang San.

Ning Rong Rong used her support, Ning Feng teleported him, and Jiang had his hand covered in a dark grey ominous layer of spirit power.
"Dragons Fist." He muttered, and his fist balled full force against the barrier. Debris flew in all directions as the grey energy he had built dissipated, cracks forming at the point he had stuck, but the defense did not break. Xiao Wu didn't miss the cracks, though. She barreled forward, Jiang almost immediately getting out of her way and using her first spirit ability to land a second powerful strike at the same spot. Tang Yin attempted to use Lock again for help; the difference in levels to significant, though, as it didn't work a second time.

She felt the hole, even the attempt punched into her spirit power the first time, swaying on her feet. He, indeed, was far too high on the pecking order. Zhu Zhuquing followed straight after Xiao Wu but still failed miserably as her hand was grabbed, and she was thrown aside. Tang Yin used weave to catch her while Tang San saw Xiao Wu, who went straight to attacking again alongside Jiang. He had switched to a quick assault, taking over for Zhu Zhuquing, who had been thrown out of range to allow Zhao Wuji no moment's breath.

Dai Mubai watched the spectacle. They worked almost seamlessly together; the larger group that came together was a well-accustomed and played team.

They focused almost purely on speed and powerful finishers from the dragon boy. Teacher Zhao did try to go after the two supporters, it was common sense with both being from seven special glass, but one was slippery as an eel, and the other had no problem, or rather choice, getting thrown and moved around by the Tang Siblings who coordinated her to safety in perfect harmony.

The only thing that had him wondering was that while Tang Sans's first and Tang Yin's second spirit abilities were similar, Tang Yins' first seemed to have some invisible effect. It had been only a split second, but there had been no circulation from Teacher Zhao's spirit power. It had drained her from the way she went, almost ghastly pale, and despite using utterly no activation phase, he bet his last gold coin that Ning Fengs spirit ability set included remote Teleport.

Had done so for a while with how utterly unaffected everyone but Zhu Zhuquing, who let not a single emotion slip, was getting teleported around. They trusted her and were still playing it safe from how most of them hadn't gone further than their first respective second spirit ability.
Suddenly he heard a surprised gasp, and Xiao Wu was catapulted back, gasping in pain. Tang San caught her when Tang Yin let out an angry growl. Dai Mubains eyes widened at the sheer amount of spirit pressure from her. Then, all of a sudden, Jiang also seemed to step up his game.
Tang Yin ran lightfooted as before, moving nimbly using her grass threats. No losses were taken at a speed that made him dizzy trying to follow her.

"Silver Breakers." He heard her say, and her hands were covered in silvery weaved blue silver grass, tiny claws at their end. Delicately looking, they headed up all her hands, the lower arms, and ended shortly below her elbows. On their back were small spikes, sharp looking. It dawned on Dai Mubai that Tang Yin was no pure control spirit master like her brother but a lot more offensively orientated, like how Ning Feng acted as a controller more than a supporter.

"Are these ... Blade Breakers?" Teacher Zhao said, wonder in his voice. "How does a control spirit master come to have a spirit ring that gives her blade breakers...?"

"Who said I am a pure control spirit master?" Tang Yin said, smiling before she dished out. Her Body was liquid lightning as she coordinated with Jiang, who had a pair of dark wings flaring out from his back that allowed him inhuman maneuvers attack with the same kind of brutal force and the ashy spirit power as before, making a dazzling contrast of color to Tang Yins pure silver colored spirit power.

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