Tang San’s Twin Sister

Chapter 56

"See, it's over," Jiang said while Tang Yin still struggled and then glared at Jiang as he let her go, and she stormed forward, completely ignoring Zaho Wuji when he said something. She didn't care for his opinion at this point. She helped her brother and then cursed at him.

"What are you thinking, you idiot? What use is it to go and be impressive while fighting, when Xiao Wu is down? Care for her; make sure she is well before you go off and battle giants."

"I promised Xiao Wu ... they must step over my dead body if they want to harm her." He muttered and leaned heavily onto Tang Yin, limping ligthly.

"Yeah, how do you think she will take it, seeing you like this? She won't be happy believe me. I am a girl; I can tell you she will be sad and hurt to see you injured far more than happy you kicked the guy's ass. I would be." Tang Yin argued. "It's romantic and all but no use when she loses you for it or you take unnecessary risks. It would have been better if you got her to a medic and left this to us."

"S-she is r-right." Ning Feng said, Xiao Wu on her lap as Ning Rong Rong was at her side. "X-Xiao W-Wu would n-not want y-you hurt."

"Eh...." next to them, someone said, and the sausage seller from earlier held out a sausage to them. "This will help."

"A Sausage."

"A food Spirit." Zhao Wuji said, and Tang Yin stared at it with scepticism.

"Is it any good?" She asked the sausage seller.

"The best."

"Great." Tang Yin took the sausage, eyed it, and bit it off. No poison of any kind, she felt better even, and it didn't seem harmful either. Then she nodded, stretching out her hand to the sausage seller again. "Another one, please, for my brother." She stated.

"I am fine. I am just a bit tired." He said next to her, and she gave him a hard stare and handed him the given to her sausage. "Eat."

Tang San ate, knowing it was better for him when Tang Yin suddenly felt her right-hand throb and turn uncomfortably numb. She quickly put it back down and got Tang San to Xiao Wu before turning to Zhao Wuji. Marching past Zhu Zhuqing, who was standing vigilantly at the side. Seemed she didn't trust the sudden turn all that much, either.

"My sword." She stated and stretched out her hand. Zhao Wuji, visibly beaten up, handed her the slender blade with a last look. "You should be more careful with something so valuable." He said. "It's not all that often one sees one of those."

"What is it to me, with my brother's dead? That being said, this was no test anymore. I am seriously contemplating if we should really enter this school. Well, I cannot speak for the others, but I am more skeptical than ever, no matter how good you may be a school."

"You are a cocky little girl. I guess your Talent made you a cocky little girl, but while capable, you won't be able to continue with that here." Zhao Wuji said. "That being said, all of you are welcome to enter Shrek. This is a record; we have never had so many enter simultaneously."

"If I enter." Tang Yin hissed. It made a bad impression on her that she knew her little sister and brother were hurt through a test like this. Next to her, Ning Feng walked up and put a hand on her shoulder. It was a silent plea; calm your temper. Tang Yin had little desire to calm her temper, but the Grandmaster had sent them here, and she trusted him. She swallowed her anger and stepped back, turning around and heading to the others.
She gave the man another dark look when Tang San stepped forward.

"Sir, I need to take a few of my hidden weapons out of your body, or they will cause you harm." He said, and Zhao Wuji nodded, eating a few sausages. He let Tang San take the weapons out of him. Tang Yin knowing her objections would hit deaf ears, stood by and watched, balling her fists. The numb feeling in her right hand didn't go away, though, and she glanced at it worriedly. Right now, she couldn't take off her glove to check, but usually, the feeling returned quickly, even when it went numb temporarily.

The spirit bone on her back also tingled, and she knew it was storing her spirit power and absorbing it before it harmed her body. She sighed; this boded not well; she hadn't experienced that for months, her spirit power being nice and quiet since she hit level 35. She closed her eyes, and Jiang lifted up Xiao Wu.
"Is there somewhere I can bring her?" He asked Dai Mubai, who hastily nodded.

"I'll show you where."

"Thank you," Jiang said and followed. Tang Yin glared at him and made him know their last word about him holding her back hadn't been spoken yet. He tilted his head in understanding; they would talk about it later.

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