Tang San’s Twin Sister

Chapter 61

Oscar led them to the dining hall, and they spotted that Ning Rong Rong and the icy young girl Zhu Zhuqing had already arrived. Zhu Zhuquing looked slightly unsettled, but other than that, she appeared like on the first day. Tang Yin also spotted her brother and Xiao Wu coming in tow of Dai Mubai. She remembered the entrance exam and their small encounter with him in the city and shot him a bright grin.

Fatty stared at them, not concealing the gulping at seeing the number of girls present.
His eyes wandered to Tang Yin, who was even smaller than him, and then he wandered up to the taller boy behind her, who only sent a single, very frosty gaze at him.

Yin stepped subtly on Jinag's foot, telling him he didn't need to appear so menacing. It was nice being appreciated for once, even if only because I was the smallest in the group. They needed to get along with those people.

"You are being obvious." Dai Mubai said and got everyone's attention with his words. 

"What?" The fatty said, and Dai Mubai frowned before pointing at the Fatty. "Everyone that is Ma Hongjun, he is a student here like you and Little Ao. Ma Honjun, you may want to get to know the others." Dai Mubai said and then went through them.

"That is Ning Feng, Tang Yin, Tang Sans Sister, Jiang, Ning Rong Rong and.." Dai Mubai stopped for a moment, taking a deep breath. "Zhu Zhuquing." 

"Wow, are you two related as well?" Ma Honjun asked, looking confused. Ning Rong Rong and Ning Feng, except for their brown hair, appeared to have nothing else in common. 

"Yes." Ning Rong Rong said the exact moment as Ning Feng said. "No." 

Both looked confused, and Ning Feng gestured between her and Ning Rong Rong. "S-Same o-original sect," she explained. "B-But I l-left and am n-now p-part of Tang Sect. H-Hence the l-last n-name and t-the common s-spirit." 

"Oh....how does that work when you stutter?" He asked while Xiao Wu settled near Ning Rong Rong alongside Tang San. 

"I- I don't need to s-speak when I f-fight," she told him. Then she bruskly turned and walked to Xiao Wu, settling down next to her. The others followed suit. Ma Honjung appeared to notice the shift in mood and then turned to Dai Mubai. 

"Say, Boss Dai. I heard one of the new ones gave teacher Zhao a lot of trouble yesterday."

"Well, you already fought him; be happy you didn't suffer the same fate." Ma Hongun looked at Tang San for a moment.

"How I mean your spirit power is higher than mine, but seriously, Teacher Zhao is a rank 76 Spirit Sage. I find that hard to believe."

Tang San shrugged and said with a faint yet mysterious smile. "It was mainly luck."

Those who knew him also knew he was toying with Ma Hongjun and probably enjoying it too, from his smile, but all of them wisely kept their mouth shut. None of them wanted to spoil Tang Sans's fun; rather, they wanted to see Ma Honjuns expression when he finally figured out it was more than just luck on Tang Sans's side.

Dai Mubai settled down and then continued speaking. "Everyone is living here together now so we don't need much formality. Little Ao and Fatty both call me Boss Dai since I am older, but you can just call me Mubai. Oscar usually goes by Little Ao or you may hear him being called Sausage Uncle."

"Hey!" Oscar objected while Mubai grinned.

"You can just go ahead and call Hongjun Fatty. Everyone basically does."

"T-That d-does not f-feel fair?" Ning Feng said, and Honjun shrugged his shoulders.

"It doesn't matter; it's a fact I am on the stronger side, " he said, and the others nodded. Next to Xiao Wu Ning, Rong Rong smiled. "You can call me Rong Rong; my friends and family call me that."

The smile on her face and the fact she was incredibly pretty suddenly made the atmosphere lighten when Yin introduced herself. "Call me Yin. When someone shouts Tang I get quickly confused with my brother."

"Can I call you little San from now on?" Mubai asked Tang San, who nodded in agreement.

"Y-You can c-call me F-Feng." Ning Feng said. "I-I like i-it more."

Then Zhu Zhuquing stood up."I have eaten my fill." She said and left for the outside.

All of them gazed at Mubai, who looked a bit lost after leaving Zhu Zhuquing. "Well, it appears a lady killer has found a girl who is resistant," Ma Honjun said and whistled. How come that beauty is completely ignoring you, Boss? Did you do something?"

Noting that Honjun lived dangerously, Yin interrupted. "Say, Boss Dai, you have been here the longest. Can you give us a quick breakdown of the Academy Rules?"

Her words ripped Dai Mubai out of his thoughts and turned to them. "We don't have any particular rules. It's don't Rape, don't kill for no reason, no pillaging. They do encourage Gambling and fighting, though."

Now, that stupified all of the present as Dai Mubai continued.

"The Teachers here believe that fighting is the easiest shortcut to becoming stronger and that gaining as much combat experience as possible is extremely important. Gambling is just considered a mind game and is considered to strengthen mental abilities and increase perception and judgment. Including when to stop. Basically when you fight, try to avoid killing, and when you gamble, come back with your pants on."

"Makes sense," Jiang said, leaned back, and put his finished meal in front of him. "What about classes?"

"I don't know. Changes frequently. It's adjusted mostly to whatever we need. But I can tell you for sure, today is going to be plenty; we haven't had this many students entering since basically forever. We are probably the only school in Continent that has more teachers than they have students."



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