Tang San’s Twin Sister

Chapter 63

Seven Treasured Glass School, Official Hall. 

On the north side of the man hall, facing the master seat, was a giant piece of jade that emitted moisture and warmth, creating an almost mystical atmosphere in the giant hall that accented the magnificence of its owners. High archs, mable floors and ornate Lamps only empathizing it's magnificence. 

In the rosewood master chair, a man sat uptight, a small frown, marring the otherwise noble face that appeared as if it stepped out of a picture book. The man appeared approximately forty years of age, but it only showed in how he held himself. His dark brown almost black hair cascaded down his back and shoulders unbound without formalities. In front of him, a young man dressed in white was kneeling and reporting.

"Young Miss has already reached Shrek Academy and successfully passed the entrance exam alongside another clan member called Ning Feng."

The middle-aged man appeared a bit helpless at first until he heard the mention of a second person from his clan.

"Well, I hope my little devil will temper herself." He said with a frown and then tapped his walking stick on the ground. The sound echoing. "and how come I have to hear of another member talented enought to enter Shrek from you and was not informed sooner of such a member? Nevermind, what are Shrek Academy's circumstances?"

"Inside the Academy is at least one Spirit Sage and numerous Spirit Emperors. I couldn't enter the Academy without being detected, but you will have already read the rest of the facts in the letter I send ahead."

The middle-aged man smiled wryly. "I have read the report and I remember Flender. I am curious about what kind of education he can give my daughter. Maybe he will be able to make our families She-Devil slightly more sensible. I sure hope so."

The other member's lips quirked upwards. "Well, I cannot deny it wouldn't be for the worst." Both of them well aware of their Sects little Mistresses rather explosive Temper. 

"Feng-Zhi, don't you dare feel relieved to have Rong Rong roaming outside? That school can hardly provide a better education than us. I can go and pick her up." A loud and powerful voice boomed and appeared to make the hall tremble. Along with the voice, a tall man with snow-white hair yet young face walked in. His coat dramatically followed him as he settled beside the master chair.

Ning Feng-Zhi showed a helpless expression.

"Uncle Jian, with you and Uncle Long, what am I to say. You spoil her all day; she can't be disciplined anymore here. Let her roam and gather her own experiences; it will not harm her."

"Ahh, you are just being worrisome. Who says we coddle her? We coddle her far too little. You only see the side of her causing harmless mischief and not her cute one." The man called Uncle Jian said with a huff in his voice. "Are you sure about that?"

"Yes I am, and neither you nor Uncle Long, will go seek her out, she is safe there. The dean was originally part of the Golden Iron Triangle. He can protect her."

"Alright, I won't," Uncle Jian said, raising his hands in defeat. "But I looked into the other girl mentioned in the report, funny fact. Ning Feng, ironically was named after you."

"Ironically? What about it many are. She is be a talented young member of our school." Ning Feng-Zhi said, and Uncle Jian shook her head.

"She is not a Clan member...she left a few years ago." He explained, and Ning Feng-Zhi looked at Uncle Jian, sligthly confused.

"She must be immensely talented to have entered Shrek Academy. They have very rigid standards. We should have done everything to keep a girl like her." He pointed out, he would have certainly heared about a member of such talent leaving, to be quite fair he wondered why the name was not at all familiar to him. 

"Well. She was not all that talented when she left." Uncle Jian leaned back into his seat looking at Ning Feng-Zhi. "Rather, the opposite. According to her teachers, she was sent to the Literary Department of Nuoding City to learn by her mother after being severely obstructed here in the hopes for her to live a normal life despite being a stutterer. I dug a bit deeper and found she was born out of wedlock and severely bullied for being born fatherless, her low innate spirit power of one and for her stuttering." He made a pause and shrugged. "She left, considering how little promise she showed no one ojected either."

"Bullied? Since when have we had such a thing at our school!" Feng-Zhi thundered knowing that it was impossible to eradicate such happenings completely but severe enough to cause her mother to take her away from the security of the clan must mean it had to have been disastrously bad and then glared at Uncle Jian. "You said she is a clan member's daughter? Summon that member here."

"I already did. She should be here any moment," Uncle Jian said, and as soon as he finished his words, a young-looking, attractive woman stepped into the room. She had light brown hair and a pair of crystal clear amber eyes. Tall and thin bones she was a beauty that certainly robbed away the breath of most men as she marched confidently into the room, head held high, she bowed her head and bend her knee.

"Clan Master." She said, her voice a gentle whisper.

"Miss. I wanted to make inquiries about your daughter..." He explained, and he met a frosty, hard gaze that made him hesitate a moment. 

"You have to excuse me, then... " the woman interruped him. "...I am deeply loyal to my clan, but my daughter stands above even that."

He blinked and was startled by the expression burning inside the woman's eyes.

"I merely wished to inquire about her spirit levels and the details of her leaving the Clan." He told her. 

"None of that matters to you, I believe," She said, lowering her head again keeping it on the ground before continuing. "If you would please excuse me,"

"You are excused." Ning Feng-Zhi said, feeling it didn't have any sense. This woman would not tell him anything she rose without decorum and left. Ning Feng-Zhi stared at her straight back.

"It appears I must inspect the lower echelons of the clan for the first time in forever." Ning Feng-Zhi said and leaned back into his chair. How could he have missed someone with eyes carrying such intensity, he was out of touch with his own people it appeared. "After all, I would love to know how a talent meeting Shrek's requirements was missed inside my clan."


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