Tang San’s Twin Sister

Chapter 65

They met at the main plaza, and Oscar stood next to Ning Feng and Ning Rong Rong. Ning Feng and Oscar were both panting slightly. Ning Feng's Shirt hair was sticking wet to her skin, and her clothes were drenched from sweat as she stretched her legs and massaged them with her hands. Next to her, Oscar was also panting and looking slightly uncomfortable as Flender arrived. 
As if something had happened. 

Flender looked at him and then folded his hands on his back. "Did you finish?" 

"Yes, we finished." 

"All three of you?" He asked, and Oscar gulped before saying. 

"All of us." He said, and Ning Feng looked at him for a long time before agreeing. Flender placed his hand on their shoulders. "I have sealed your spirit essences. Ning Feng, you have five more, and Oscar, you have ten laps left to run." He then pointed it out. "Don't stop until you finish." Ning Feng and Osccar cast a look at each other. "I don't care about the reason, but you are both lying, and lying is still lying."

Ning Feng stepped forward. "L-Little Ao only n-needs to do f-five." She said, and Flender cast a long look at her. 

"He will do ten and you five. You have already strained yourself more than him running with weights, and if you overdo it, your body will be harmed, " he said, and Ning Fang sighed before heading after Oscar, who had already started to run. 

Then Flender turned towards Ning Rong Rong. "Tell me, did you finish." 

"The laps were too long for me; I wasn't able to finish, " she said, and Flender cast a cold gaze at her. 

"So that's why you went into the city and ate brunch and then headed to the market to do shopping?" He asked her cool, and she jerked back. 

"Were you monitoring me...?" She shouted angrily. 

"i am the principal, and I am responsible for each and every single one of you! But not only did you leave the Academy grounds without notifying anyone but you also had both of your classmates lying for you!" He shouted. 

"I didn't ask for them to lie!" she shouted back. "And you're exaggerating? This is just some low-ranking, no-name Academy!" 

"But it is my Academy!" The dean thundered back, and all of them flinched at his tone, clearly hearing that he was getting angry. 

"You are just some spirit Saint. Do you really want me to call my people? We could easily shut this Academy down!" She shouted back in a tone that gave Yin Lake a long look at Tang San, who shook his head. It was better for them not to interfere. 

"You are right. I am a puny spirit Saint. In your eyes, certainly not worth a lot." He retorted and then gestured at them. "But in my eyes, every single one of them is worth more than you. If you don't like it, LEAVE!"

"I am the only daughter of Ning Feng-Zhi, the head of Seven Treasures, and I overcame the level then."

"QUIET!" Flender Shouted and then pointed at Dai Mubai. 

"Dai Mubai is fifteen years old and became a spirit Elder!" Flender said, and Ning Ring Rong quieted down. Then Flender pointed at Tang Yin and Jiang. 

"Tang Yin and Jiang are both Spirit Elders, Xiao Wu and Tang San are level twenty-nine and may also break Dai Mubais record. All four of them are Twelve. Twelve! Ma Hongjuns fighting essence may have its weaknesses, but he is the highest call of the beast spirit master. Regarding talent, you are the lowest of all people present here." 

Ning Rong Rong gritted her teeth and glared at Flender when he turned to Zhu Zhuquing. "Why have you come here?" 

"To become Stronger!" Zhuquing said stoutly, and then Flender turned to her. "Zhu Zhuquing is about your level, but unlike you, she has a strong will, and you have none of the like." He stated and then narrowed his eyes. 

"About Oscar and Ning Feng. Oscar was born with full innate spirit power in the food class. He has the talent to one day take your clan's title as strongest supporter by himself!" Ning Rong Rong's eyes widened, her mouth open in shock at his words. "Ning Feng started from nothing. She was born with an innate spirit power of one, ONE, and is a stutterer who cannot even say her activation sequences properly, and yet she trained hard enough to stand here with all the others. Can you imagine what kind of talent, grit, and willpower must have taken? Support without protection and without the ability to protect themselves is useless. Even your father wouldn't call himself the best, so how dare you!" 

Ning Rong Rong jerked away pale as a sheet before she ran away. 

All of them looked after her. Dai Mubai turned to the principal. "Don't you think that was a bit harsh? What if..." 

"I don't care. She had to learn that this world will not bow to her every whim." The principal thundered and then turned around. "Go tell Ning Feng and Little Ao they can stop running. They have done enough for today." 

Dai Mubai bowed and then dashed off.

Tang Yin cast a look at Flender and tilted her head. Maybe having chosen to come here and follow the Grandmaster's words was for the best. Her gaze wandered to her gloved arm despite everything.

"All others follow me while Dai Mubai gets the other two. We are heading to the city." He walked ahead, and the others ran after him. None of them really dared speak after the earlier display of the Principal. Tang Yin headed towards Tang San and tiptoed, whispering to him, "I wonder what kind of lessons we are going to have."

"I don't know, but I tell you, I'd pay a penny for the principal's thoughts." He whispered back, and then the two grinned at each other, and Xiao Wu jumped in her arms, curling around their shoulders.

"It sure is going to be wild, " she said with a glint of mischief in her eyes. But I am sure the infamous Tang Twins are going to stun him into silence like the Teachers at Nuoding." 

Tang Yin lightly punched Xiao Wu. "We never know, " she told her. Then, she heard a rumble in front of them and saw the principals' keen gaze at them. 

"Quiet, " he said. "I will explain your class for the foreseeable future. You and Jiang should listen well to Tang Yin." 

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