Tao Yao’s Free and Fast Life

Chapter 171

Chapter 170: Elite Brother 7

Qi Anzhi was anxious to be the boss, fearing that Ye Changmeng would change his mind, he waved his hand impatiently and said, “Oh, these materials will not run away when I have time, I will read them when I have time, you Now bring the papers for me to sign.”

Seeing that he was so eager to court death, Tao Yao no longer persuaded him, and took out the prepared contract for him to sign.

Unexpectedly, Qi Anzhi didn’t even read the document, he just took a pen and signed his name.

After signing the name, Qi Anzhi said, “Okay, you can go out now.”

Tao Yao: “…” I really can’t wait, the company is really his own before the process is over.

Seeing his younger brother still standing there, Qi Anzhi said, “Why don’t you leave, now I am the chairman.”

Tao Yao nodded and said, “Okay, I’m going out.”

After walking out of the office, Tao Yao instructed the assistant to complete the transfer process as quickly as possible. This Qi Anzhi is too stupid. Come.

After finishing the company’s affairs, Tao Yao returned home.

It was the first time that Qi’s father and Qi’s mother saw their youngest son absent from work during working hours, and asked strangely, “Why are you back?”

Peach Yao said: “Isn’t this fulfilling the wishes of the two of you, bring my eldest brother to get acquainted with my work, he is in a hurry to be the chairman, and he will drive me away after signing the transfer documents, I am now Are you two happy to become homeless people?”

“This… we don’t mean that.” Qi father and Qi mother just wanted to see the two brothers work together to live a good life, so when they saw their younger son developed, they wanted him To help the eldest son, but I didn’t want the eldest son to completely kick the younger son out of the company.

How can you do this, I’ll leave you a job anyway.”

Peach Yao didn’t care what her parents said, she just went back to her room and pretended to be decadent.

After about half an hour, Qi’s mother knocked on the door with a happy face and said, “An Peng, my mother called your brother just now, and your brother said that his previous position was reserved for You, go back to work quickly, I will say that your brother is not the kind of person who does not care about siblings.”

Peach Yao said: “Mom, don’t you think it’s funny, the company was founded by me, and now the big brother is taking the company’s favor and asking me to do one. The logistics of sending documents, he can say that too?”

Mother Qi said: “Then what can happen?”

They also want a bowl of water, but today the company is in the hands of the eldest son, so we can’t let him hand it over right away? So Mother Qi said, “Don’t worry, go to the logistics department first, and I will persuade your brother in a few days.”

Peach Yao said: “No, I’m not the kind of person who messes around with big brother. Since I have transferred the company to big brother, I just take advantage of this time to have a good rest. Before, for the company’s business, I haven’t had a vacation in two years.”

The younger son was willing to take a step back, and Qi mother also breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Okay, then you can rest for a while, and I will let your brother arrange your work after a while.”

Although Tao Yao said she wanted to rest, she actually pretended to be playing games on the computer at home, and had already started the live broadcast in private.

With today’s technology, the best gimmick to make quick money is holographic games.

In the outside world, Lin Xiufen is running, and the game company is also registering. By the way, I will discuss cooperation with the government.

Qi’s father and Qi’s mother saw that their younger son was not at work, and he was either holding a mobile phone or sitting in front of the computer to play every day. If you ask your parents to take it, the two of them will be emptied of the old-age pension paid by their youngest son.

The peach demon spends 100,000 yuan on the game in a week. According to this momentum, the family will eat dirt. Qi Mu finally couldn’t help it and talked to it and said, “Anpeng ah , you should also find something to do.”

Peach Yao said: “What do you want to do? You said that eldest brother, I arranged for him to be the logistics supervisor and gave him a salary of 10,000 yuan a month, but now he has the same position as For work, he offered me a subsistence allowance of 2,100 yuan, which makes sense? A supervisor only earns 2,000 yuan, and the minimum wage in our city is 2,001 yuan. People can find more than this salary for any cleaning job. ”

“That’s better than playing games at home every day. Look at how much money you’ve spent these days?” said Mother Qi.

Tao Yao imitated Qi Anzhi and said: “What’s wrong with spending some money? I also gave you this money, and now I just take it back. In the past, eldest brother also asked you for pocket money every three or five times. You can’t stand it if I only have it a few times now? It’s too much to favor one over the other, and you only have big brother in your heart, right?”

Mother Qi and Father Qi are just idiots. As long as their son makes trouble, the two of them will soon be unable to resist, explaining that they are not like this.

Peach Yao said: “Since you treat me and eldest brother equally, how much pocket money did eldest brother ask you for before, I also want that number, and I will talk about it when I run out of pocket money.”

Mother Qi thought that the two children would have a bowl of water, so this persuasion not only did not prevent Tao Yao from continuing to spend money, but the purse bleed again.

After Qi Anzhi got off work, Qi’s mother found him and said, “Anzhi, why do you only pay your brother 2,000 yuan? Didn’t your brother pay you 10,000 yuan before? The salary is adjusted, and let your brother go to work quickly.”

So he found a reason and said: “Mom, there is no money in the company’s account, and An Peng is not an outsider. Giving him a basic salary is also to reduce the company’s burden, and the company will make money later. It’s enough to raise the salary, don’t you even have this consciousness as a family?”

The eldest son said this, and Qi’s mother also thought it was the truth, and was easily persuaded. She believed that the company that the eldest son said had no money, and no longer persuaded Qi Anzhi to raise the salary of Tao Yao.

She never thought about why the original owner gave his brother 10,000 yuan in the past. Now the company is still in the handover stage, not in the past ten or eight years. It is impossible to lose all the bottoms in a week.

However, it is true that Qi Anzhi said that there is no money in the company’s account, because the active liquidity has long been transferred by Lin Xiufen under various names, and now the company only has some fixed assets left, and There are several cards that can be overdrawn.

Peach Yao did not do a great job, overdrafted all the company’s business cards, but kept it for Qi Anzhi to die.

Now both sons are messing around, Qi’s father and Qi’s mother can’t persuade anyone, they can only close their eyes and don’t see it, Tao Yao wants money to play games, as long as they make trouble at home In order to keep quiet, Qi’s father and Qi’s mother basically compromised and gave money.

The two of them were not worried at all that the money was lost by the younger son, and what should be done in the future, and they also thought that the ability of the eldest son would not lose to the younger son, the younger son could earn so much More, the eldest son can also make money when he takes over the company, so every time the peach demon starts to make trouble, they will transfer the money.

Peach Demon successfully lived as an old trash in a month, Qi’s parents and Qi’s mother have become accustomed to it, and completely gave up persuading it to make progress.

On this day, several supplier bosses who used to have a good relationship with the original owner asked Tao Yao to go fishing, and Tao Yao rarely walked out of the room early in the morning for breakfast.

Mother Qi and Father Qi saw it got up early this morning and went out to eat, and they were not used to saying: “You got up so early today?”

Peach Yao said nonsense: “Our game gang has a party, Mom will give me some money, then I will invite people from the gang to play, they come all the way to our city, I, the host, will Make the best of the Lord’s friendship.”

It’s a good thing that my son is rarely willing to go out. Although Qi’s mother was in pain, she still transferred a few thousand dollars to Tao Yao. It’s better to go out to play with friends than to spend money in games, so transfer the money Later, Qi’s mother also persuaded it to keep friends here for a few more days.

Tao Yao said impatiently: “I know, I know.”

After breakfast, Tao Yao took a taxi to the fishing place. When several bosses saw it, they all smiled and said hello: “Mr. Qi, long time no see, how have you been recently?”

Tao Yao said: “TOEFL, I have been busy with work before, and I have recently rested for more than a month, and I feel that my body is much healthier.”

“Yo? What did you do when you were resting? Do you want to find something to do?”

Tao Yao said: “No, I just want to rest now, and then I will consider whether to do or not when I have enough rest.”

“What do you do when you take a break? Do you know the current situation of your company?”

Tao Yao said: “Just play games and do nothing, let me tell you, I recently saw a company saying that they are preparing a holographic game, I have already signed up and queued up, you guys If you are interested, you can go and see.”

Several bosses are old and have no interest in this new era of entertainment, they all shook their heads and said: “Forget it, this is your young people’s entertainment method, we old people can’t follow Go, at most, go fishing.”

Tao Yao and a few bosses sat in a row to cast the fish hook, waiting for the fish to be hooked, one boss asked: “President Qi, I heard that your company has recently received a big order.”

Tao Yao said: “I don’t know, I have already transferred the company to my elder brother, and he didn’t tell me what business the company has now.”

The boss said: “Didn’t you cancel our cooperative relationship some time ago? I heard that after your company received a big order, someone came to discuss cooperation, but the other side said The raw materials need to be changed to a different material. I remember when you were there before, the raw materials were all 316 stainless steel, but this time they ordered iron, and I thought you knew about it.”

Tao Yao said: “I don’t know, did you take this order?”

I remembered that you specifically canceled the cooperation before you transferred the company out, and I guessed that you should know some inside information, so I rejected the order and quickly let the person negotiating the business come back.”

Several bosses next to him also said: “What is your brother trying to do? He took the government’s order and didn’t do it well. He also thought of using shoddy products and using iron as stainless steel. I listened. Said that this order is worth 200 million yuan, how many goods will it be sold, and the money he greedy is enough for him to be sentenced to life?”

“Yeah, such a big list is not a joke, you should talk to your brother well when you go back, you should take a long-term perspective, what money can be earned, and what money can’t be Touch, you must be clear in your heart.”

Tao Yao smiled and said: “Okay, thank you for your reminder, I will talk about my brother well when I go back.”

Although it is necessary to pit Qi Anzhi, but on the surface, it must be pretentious and not too obvious.

The bosses then changed the subject to talk about other things. Tao Yao and the bosses fished for a day, and went home to see Qi Anzhi’s full face. It is estimated that the list is guaranteed, otherwise it would not be so happy.

The original owner’s company in the previous life also negotiated this order. In this life, although Taoyao dismissed most of the employees in advance, the employee who won the order did not leave, so this time he still discussed the order. .

However, the original owner of this big project in the past life attached great importance to it, and it didn’t take long for Qi Anzhi to enter the purchasing department, so he didn’t make a big mistake, but this generation of the company is in charge of Qi Anzhi, he can bear it. strangeness.

Peach Yao said: “Brother is so happy, it seems that the company has developed well recently.”

“That’s right.” Qi An said triumphantly, “Mom and Dad, the company negotiated a big deal a few days ago, and it will make a profit of 20 million when the money is in hand. I’ll give it to you. You move to a bigger house.”

“Twenty million?” Qi’s parents and Qi’s mother were stunned, “So many?”

“Yes, you see, when Am Peng was the chairman of the board, did you discuss such a big deal? I just took over as the company’s director not long ago, and I have made such great achievements.” Qi An Zhi looked at Tao Yao and said, “I’ll just say I’m no worse than you, brother, are you convinced?”

Tao Yao said: “Let’s not persuade first, I heard that you placed an order with the previous supplier, but they were all rejected. The supplier said that you changed the raw material from stainless steel without authorization. Iron, is this the case?”

Qi Anzhi said: “Yes, iron and stainless steel are not the same, I also think for the sake of the company, look at you, the company has been running for a few years, and there is no money in the account, like this What is the use of the company? This time I replaced the stainless steel with iron, and the original profit of 20 million can be increased a little more.”

It turned out that he also wanted to put this part of the profit into his personal account. Now that he has been seen by his younger brother, it is okay to tell them.

Tao Yao said: “The reason why stainless steel is used is for the quality and safety of the product. Now that you have changed the raw material, who will be responsible for the project when there is a problem? Can you afford this responsibility? ?”

Qi Anzhi said: “If there is a problem, there is no problem. Before there was no stainless steel, didn’t all use iron? Besides, if you are afraid of iron rusting, then it is not enough to coat the outside with a film to prevent rust. , how much will this save?”

“Anpeng, it’s not that I despise you, you said that you started a company not to do charity, make the raw materials so solid, and you can’t make money, and other customers can’t buy it back. It is easy to break, how many customers have you lost invisibly after using it for decades?”

Brains, don’t know how to make money.”

Peach Demon: “…”

I really don’t know how to evaluate Qi Anzhi’s good, he said that his brain is not good, but he is very agile. Not dying fast enough?

“Mom and Dad, do you also think what Big Brother said is right?” Tao Yao said.

Qi’s father and Qi’s mother hesitated and said, “What your elder brother said does make sense.”

The two of them have low vision and abnormal brains. It is only natural that they will be blinded by the prospect depicted by Qi Anzhi.

“Look at the quality of the products made by the state-run factories in our country in the past, and they can be used for decades. Now those state-run factories have almost closed down, but since the reform and opening up, private factories have Lin Li, the quality of the products is poor, but the income of the bosses is higher, but the stainless steel is replaced by iron, so there should be no major problems, I remember that some of your company’s project raw materials also use iron?” Qi said.

Tao Yao said: “The raw material is iron, it is also in a place that does not touch water, and it is the customer’s request, we will use it. If you need to touch water, you must not use iron.”

The author has something to say:  Speaking of playing games until I forgot to eat, I didn’t want to eat before, and every time I eat, I say wait until I finish the game or finish one In addition to the task, I often did not go to dinner for a long time after the meal time.

Once I was fighting in the game again, a spoon suddenly appeared in my mouth with rice on it.

When I turned my head, I found that my sister was holding a bowl and a spoon to feed me. I felt so nauseous, she said why she was so exaggerated, and I would eat it when I finished playing.

My sister said that because she is losing weight, she will want to eat when she sees that the meal is not finished, so I must eat it quickly, otherwise she will fail to lose weight, and then she will blame me .

I laughed so hard, I would eat on time later, or my sister would feed me, I can’t accept this behavior, and now I get goosebumps just thinking about it.

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