Tao Yao’s Free and Fast Life

Chapter 18

Chapter 17: Reborn Educated Youth 16

The middle-aged man bought two talismans and walked out of the courtyard in a daze, with Tao Yao’s last instructions echoing in his mind: “When you are working hard outside, no matter how busy you are, don’t forget to pay attention to national policies. A change in policy at that time is the end of some industries, and it is also an opportunity for some industries to rise. The market opportunities are changing rapidly, I wish you a steady grasp of business opportunities and make a fortune as soon as possible.”

Listen to what an immortal master should say? Shouldn’t the master have boundless mana and no fear of worldly things?

Otherwise, why do you want to attract wealth, why do you have to pay attention to national policies?

go home.

The middle-aged man’s full of complaints, the peach demon has no way of knowing, it is busy with layout and cultivation, and there will be no customers coming to the door in the next few days, the peach demon is not in a hurry, and cultivates with the body.

A few days later, Lin Xiufen, who went out to work, came back.

As soon as she returned to Beijing, she went to Taoyao’s courtyard to report first. Seeing that there were two more people in the courtyard, she didn’t talk much, but told Taoyao that she was not going out recently. Is there any place for Taoyao here? If you need her to work, you can command her.

Tao Yao has nothing to do for the time being and needs Lin Xiufen’s help, so let her do her own thing first, and come over when she is free.

Two days later, Lin Xiufen came back and said that her business was done, Tao Yao asked casually: “What are you busy with these two days?”

Lin Xiufen told what she had done some time ago, and Tao Yao knew that she was going to be a messenger. She bought a batch of new things in the city of Haihai in the south and returned to Beijing. Various vehicles evaded inspections, but they were sold out within two days of returning.

Although the state has now allowed private trading, it is not easy to re-sell in bulk. Items, so that you can bring some more quantities back to Beijing.

This is really troublesome, especially when the technology is not developed at this time, the transportation is very inconvenient, and it is very inconvenient to go out.

After listening, Tao Yao said, “I have something here that you can use, but I don’t know if you can stick to the bottom line and don’t use it for evil.”

Master’s things must be good, Lin Xiufen’s eyes suddenly glowed, and asked: “What?”

The peach demon said: “The talisman.”

“The talisman?” Lin Xiufen asked, “What is that?”

Tao Yao explained: “It’s a storage talisman. When you use it, you can drop your own blood on the talisman paper to get a storage space, which is convenient for storing items.”

, If you just go out for a few days, you will carry a lot of things with you, not to mention traveling so much with the goods, it will give you a headache when you think about it.

If there is a talisman, all these difficulties will be solved.

Can you hold the bottom line?

Such a useful thing, Lin Xiufen was really moved, she asked: “I don’t know what conditions need to be met to buy the Qiankun Talisman from the master?”

After knowing that Lin Xiufen will be the uncle, Tao Yao already had a plan in her heart and said with a smile: “If you can help me with one thing, I can give you this talisman for free.”

I didn’t expect the unexpected joy, so Lin Xiufen hurriedly asked, “What’s the matter? Master, please tell me.”

Tao Yao said: “I know that you want to start as a poor man. It is better to go abroad than to do it in China. There is a big market in Maozi. You can go to the border of Maozi and help me do publicity. There is no need to do too much, just help me to promote it, so that I can provide you with the talisman paper needed to travel to and from the country with Maozi for free.”

“The Master wants to…”

Tao Yao said: “Of course, it is to seize the international market of metaphysics while the country is opening.”

It learned from the original owner’s memory that there was a qigong craze in China in the 1980s, and tens of millions of people across the country were addicted to practicing qigong. Qigong academic works of “experts”.

This qigong trend has also been officially recognized and valued. The country has established a special qigong research society, and famous scholars have done experiments on qigong affecting molecular structure. But everyone still believes in the existence of qigong.

Tao Yao also does not understand why the country has been eradicating feudal superstition, but qigong is a mysterious and mysterious thing that has not been verified, but it has become the only metaphysics recognized by the state, and it is also led by the state The title of “Qigong World” makes qigong legal, and the state, scientists, and military personnel all express their affirmation to the qigong community.

This national qigong trend naturally also affects the surrounding countries. Some people combine qigong and kung fu with kung fu movies, and set off a kung fu craze in Maozi, making a lot of money.

Tao Yao will now turn this unproven metaphysics into a real “fantasy science” and set foot on the international stage.

It happened that Lin Xiufen wanted to be a messenger, so she asked her to help her start the first stop.

After listening to Tao Yao’s request, Lin Xiufen will not refuse it, it is her honor to be able to help the master, and she immediately said: “I am naturally at the mercy of the master, and it is my honor to be able to help the master. How dare you take credit.”

Peach Yao is very satisfied with her performance, but in order to prevent accidents, she is more cautious, she took out a set of contracts and said: “Let’s do things according to the rules, first sign a contract and then I will I will give you things, as long as you don’t violate my rules, there will be nothing to do, but if you have a different heart, you can’t blame my contract for backlash.”

Peach Yao wrote the request on the contract and showed it to Lin Xiufen, asking her if she had any objections. Lin Xiufen said that there was no problem after reading it, and the two signed the contract.

According to the contract, Taoyao provided Lin Xiufen with various talisman papers, and Lin Xiufen used these talisman papers to help it promote it outside, but it was not allowed to use the talisman papers to do evil. Contract backlash.

After signing the contract, Tao Yao bought Qiankun Talismans, Peace Talismans, Fortune Talismans, and various talisman papers that could create visions and protect Lin Xiufen from the mall, and handed them over to her After that, let her retire and make a publicity plan by herself. The peach demon doesn’t care about these trivial matters.

After Lin Xiufen got the talisman paper, she felt a lot of pressure because she had never done such an important thing.

In the eleventh life, she was trapped in her body and had no autonomy in the first tenth life. She could only imagine various scenarios in her mind. Only when she develops will she have the courage to do it. The female ghost who transmigrated into her has never entered the workplace seriously, and she has no professional experience. Now she can only rely on her own exploration, hoping that the master will not be disappointed.

Lin Xiufen was busy with international publicity, Tao Yao also began to prepare, to be an international master, the first thing, that is—

Of course it’s not learning foreign languages, it’s a master, where it is needed to cater to others, it should be accommodated by others, it is imperative that it learn more about spells, and the skill of drawing symbols Learn, so that you don’t have to spend in the mall every time.

The peach demon was engaged in intense study, and the puppet also brought several guests to look for it.

At present, the guests it receives are all about trivial matters, which cause it to have no chance to show its talents.

Tao Yao couldn’t help laughing at herself, comparable to the aunt of the neighborhood committee and the director of the women’s federation department.

Just when it was addicted to learning and couldn’t extricate itself, the aunt who was fooled by her and bought seven drops of honey came to the door with joy.

As soon as I got to the door, I shouted: “Thank you, Master, thank you, Master, my son ate your honey water, and his body is in good shape. My daughter-in-law is finally pregnant this month.”

“Is that so? Congratulations, congratulations.” Peach Yao calmly asked the female puppet to accept the other party’s thank you.

She didn’t give birth to a son or a daughter, she asked me to ask the master for help after she knew about my son.”

Tao Yao did not agree to her right away, after all, the aunt’s son and daughter-in-law have been married for a few years, not having a son is not necessarily a physical problem, it may be that fate has not arrived, but the aunt said she The son of a friend, but he can’t give birth to a few wives, and there is a high probability that something is wrong with his body.

Have you been to the doctor?”

“Uh…” When the aunt heard this question, she felt a little murmured in her heart, why is this master’s question so strange, but she answered honestly, “Look, the doctor said that he is azoospermia, After taking a lot of medicines, it was not cured, so I thought of asking the master for help.”

, the man can’t cooperate, and the woman can’t give birth.”

If the man is like this, even if the woman can have a child, the other party will suspect that the child is not a kiss, and it will be even more sinful.

The aunt was a little anxious when she heard this, and asked, “Didn’t the master cure my son before? Why can’t you cure this?”

Peach Yao said: “Your son’s problem is not a big problem. He hurt his body because he fell into the water in the countryside. If I use spiritual honey to replenish his body, he will be fine, even if he does not drink spiritual honey, As long as you take good care of him for a few years, the child’s problems can be solved easily. Your old sister’s son is infertile. I can’t help him produce sperm. The child born like this is mine, or your old sister’s family. ?”

“This…” Auntie also had nothing to say.

The author has something to say:  Tao Yao: I am the most scientific master of metaphysics, I am firm on the path of scientism, and I must go to the hospital when I am sick! (vibration

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