Tao Yao’s Free and Fast Life

Chapter 214

Chapter 214: Bullied 8

Peach Yao said: “I don’t know, I have had a very peaceful life these two days, and I was not disturbed by those classmates anymore, and I don’t know if they were afraid after calling the police that day, anyway, I didn’t anymore. Keep bullying me.”

Mama He said: “That’s good.”

After confirming that her daughter’s life at school was fine in the past two days, Mother He said some gossip before returning to her room.

After Mother He left, Tao Yao asked Lin Xiufen: “How are the heroine and the client’s wonderful class teacher? Are you healthy?”

Lin Xiufen said: “How can it be so fast, they were beaten half to death that day, and it has only been two days, and the bruises on their bodies have not gone away.”

Lin Xiufen said: “I was arrested by the police and I am in the detention center. I will drag them into ghosts for the past two nights and let them fight each other, because they are still restless in the detention center. They fought and fought, and several of them left a very bad impression on the police, and the guarding police hated those female students.”

Tao Yao smiled and said, “Wouldn’t the police find it strange to fight in the detention center? This is contempt for the state judicial organs. It’s unreasonable to be locked up so restlessly.”

Lin Xiufen said: “There are a lot of people like this, but they are just a few underage patients with secondary diseases. The police should see more? So I don’t think it’s strange, I didn’t monitor the detention center. , the police should not find any strange places.”

“Well, that’s fine.” Tao Yao said.

After learning about the situation of the original owner’s enemy for the past few days, Tao Yao fell asleep and met with the He family couple and the lawyer the next day.

After the lawyer accepted the entrustment of the He family and his wife, he attached great importance to the case. Before meeting the victim, he had a preliminary understanding of the situation and investigated Xiong Yulan and others.

After listening to Tao Yao’s complete account, the lawyer said: “You submitted the information to me, I have studied it in the past two days, I also visited the school and obtained some video evidence, but according to With the current evidence and laws and regulations, the situation is not very favorable to you.”

“What? It’s so serious, and the situation is not good for us?” The He family couple thought it was ridiculous.

The lawyer said: “Don’t get excited, just listen to me.”

When the He family and his wife calmed down, the lawyer continued: “I have seen the injury examination report of He Ningsi, which is legally defined as a minor injury, although there are various bruises on the outside. , it looks very serious, but after these injuries are healed, it will not cause serious damage to the body, and no sequelae will be left. Violent acts that cause such minor injuries do not need to bear criminal responsibility. We can only pursue civil liability. Responsibilities and Administrative Responsibilities.”

The He family was not calm when they heard this, and said, “This is just a minor injury? It’s unreasonable, have you seen the photos of those wounds? My daughter’s body is full of wounds. Pieces of bruises, all kinds of soft tissue contusions, are not minor injuries?”

“Yes.” The lawyer said, “Minor injury in law refers to damage to a person’s limbs or appearance, including partial dysfunction of human organs such as hearing and vision, as well as other injuries that affect personal health. Injury of moderate injury, not all wounds constitute minor injury identification. If the other party has no research on causing this kind of injury, then it is purely for the pleasure of abusing people, and does not want to destroy people so quickly, so it avoids many vital points of the human body. , the wounds caused can only be identified as minor injuries, and the other party is a minor, so the situation is somewhat unfavorable for us.”

The He family and his wife heard the lawyer’s explanation and felt very resentful. How could those people escape the punishment of the law.

The lawyer said: “The situation in our favor now is that those who beat up He Ningsi have reached the age of 16, and 16 is the legal age of full criminal responsibility, and it is necessary to bear criminal responsibility. Responsible, although they can’t be held criminally responsible for beating up He Ningsi, but we can start with other crimes, such as the crime of gathering a crowd to fight.”

The He family and his wife immediately had hope when they heard the words, but the lawyer’s words quickly dashed their hope.

She said: “But this is not easy, because the other party beat up He Ningsi in the toilet, there is no monitoring in the toilet, they can make excuses and say that they are just going to the toilet, although according to He Ningsi The classmate said that the other party had beaten her for more than two months, but there was no witness or physical evidence. When the other party was beating classmate He Ningsi, he cleared the scene beforehand. This crime is not easy to convict.”

The He family was so angry when they heard this, they said, “Is there no way to punish this group of garbage?”

The lawyer said: “Don’t worry, although the above charges cannot be settled, these people spread rumors on a large scale in the school, saying that classmate He Ningsi is a third party, we can recover from the crime of defamation. Start with the crime of insult.”

“Article 246 of my country’s “Criminal Law”, the crime of insult and slander, publicly insulting others by violence or other methods or fabricating facts to slander others, if the circumstances are serious, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years , detention, control, or deprivation of political rights.”

Although the He family was dissatisfied with the punishment, they still reluctantly accepted and said, “Okay, just follow the lawyer’s advice, and we will sue them for defamation and insult.”

“Okay.” The lawyer said, “But here I have to give a few vaccinations first. Although those students are over 16 years old, they are not yet 18 years old. In court, the judge may give a light sentence, based on past experience, the maximum sentence is about one year, plus various commutations and holidays, it should be out in less than half a year.”

“What? Will the other party come out in less than half a year?” The He family couple almost jumped up again, “So light? Is there still justice in this world?”

The lawyer nodded and said: “Yes, because the consequences they caused are not serious enough, the legal provisions are like this, we can only help you get more compensation for your mental damage, but we want to make them For a long time, that’s impossible.”

The He family’s lungs were bursting with anger, and they kept talking about the injustice of the law and the sentence was too light. Tao Yao also felt that the sentence was a little light.

Because of the arrival of the tasker, the suicide case disappeared, no one knew that the client had ever died, and the law would not help the client to pursue this part of the responsibility, but Tao Yao could not be held accountable because of the law Lightly sentence that group of people and jump off the building just like the client.

But then the problem goes back to what the previous tasker said, the tasker cannot go beyond the judicial organs to try anyone and deprive anyone of the right to life.

However, Tao Yao still scorns the words of the previous tasker, no matter what judicial authority and judicial power he has, it has taken over the task of the client, and it is not a messenger to maintain world peace, it is Its mission is to complete the task, and the other party deprives the client of the life of the client, and it deprives the other party of life according to the requirements of the task, everything is as simple as that.

Those virgins who stand and talk without back pain, wait until one day they will suffer the same injury, and then forgive those who harm themselves, anyway, Tao Yao will not replace He Ningsi to forgive Xiong Yulan of.

Seeing that the He family was dissatisfied with the result, the lawyer said, “Don’t worry, I haven’t finished yet.”

The He family said: “Is there another way to punish them?”

The lawyer said: “The one-year sentence I decided before was based on the fact that the other party only did this, but I visited the school these two days, including when I asked the school leaders, Found another thing.”

“On Thursday night, those people got into trouble again and beat up another classmate and a teacher at school, and the two victims also sued them for their injuries He is much more powerful than classmate He Ningsi. He is still lying in the hospital and can’t get up. As far as I know, the two victims have suffered concussions and fractures. The information I have heard shows that the behavior of several of them that night was very serious. It is said that they have a tendency to kill and silence. Although in the end, because the victim was clever, he pretended to be dead and escaped, but the testimony is in hand. They can be locked up for four or five years.”

“After beating so many people, and wanting to kill them, they are only locked up for four or five years. It’s too cheap for them.”

The lawyer shrugged and said: “After all, the law is people-oriented, and the purpose of punishment is not just to punish, but to make criminals change through punishment, so we fully respect and protect human rights, and take into account the minors’ Happening.”

Some disgusting people are good at exploiting loopholes, making the legal provisions that reflect humanistic care become disgusting.

No matter how angry the He family couple is, they can only accept this helpless fact and entrust a lawyer to handle the case.

Tao Yao is not going to attend this court, but entrusts an agent to appear in court, because such a result is not worth the cost of the client’s life, it is afraid that the client will be even more angry after seeing the judgment on the scene .

After meeting with the lawyer, the time on Sunday was about the same. Tao Yao and the He family had dinner and went back to school.

The second day was Monday, and there was a flag-raising ceremony. Originally, Xiong Yulan and others had to come to the stage to read the review and apology. As a result, they were detained by the police, while Li Qi was in the hospital. In the end, only the principal came out and announced the school’s Punishment results.

Everyone knew that this happened in the school. Before, everyone only knew what someone was saying, saying who was a junior and so on. It’s fake, that “little three” is too miserable, he has been pointed and pointed for so long.

Telling the whole incident, the principal said: “Don’t think that you are a middle school student now, you are not yet an adult, and you are not responsible for the minor protection law, I tell you, you want to be beautiful , those classmates have been detained by the police and have their criminal records. If you are engaged in work that requires political review in the future, don’t cry again and fail the review. They are all teenagers. The school has been telling you to study hard every day Go up, don’t do bad things, you just don’t listen, don’t blame the school for not teaching you if you suffer in the future.”

“Now the victimized classmates have decided to take up the weapon of the law to protect their rights and interests. Those classmates who bullied others will soon go to court. You really think that underage people can escape the punishment of the law. Is it impossible? Even if you escape the legal sanctions, you will lose money. Is it easy for parents to earn a little money? You cause trouble in the school every day, are you worthy of your parents who work hard outside to make money for you to go to school? Your parents send you to school, I want you to learn knowledge, not for you to learn to fight and spread rumors…”

When the principal was talking about gossip, the students were still interested in listening to it. Now that the old tune is repeated, the students standing on the playground began to become impatient and whispered secretly.

The peach demon felt that her shoulder was stabbed, and then a head came close to its ear.

He Ningsi’s deskmate secretly took a step forward and whispered in Tao Yao’s ear: “Hey, so you asked for leave to go to the police that day? I just said how did the school come to the police car, Speaking of Thursday night, did you know something about it?”

The peach demon said: “Hello, gossip, dear.”

In the client’s memory, the same table is not such a gossip person, because when she was rumored to be a mistress, although everyone looked at her differently, the same table never believed it, Otherwise, he would have been far away from the client long ago, and the other party didn’t chat with the client about this, so he couldn’t see that he was such a person who likes to inquire.

The same table said: “What gossip, this is first-hand information, please tell me about it.”

Tao Yao said: “Then tell you, don’t tell other people, otherwise the head teacher will be embarrassed.”

The same table took a breath and said, “What? Is it related to the head teacher?”

“Yeah.” Tao Yao nodded and said, “I saw the attorney yesterday, the attorney came to the school two days ago to collect evidence, and found out what happened on Thursday, and heard that those few bullied me. Some people beat our head teacher and another classmate, and the head teacher has not come to class these days and is just lying in the hospital.”

“Ah!” The tablemate couldn’t help covering his mouth, “My God, those people are too bold, even the teacher will not let go, tsk tsk tsk, do you want it then? jail?”

Tao Yao said: “I don’t know about that, and I have to wait for the court to pronounce.”

“My mother, this gossip is too hot.” My deskmate felt that his worldview was impacted, and this was the first time I heard that a student sent a teacher to the hospital.

Just as everyone was whispering, and it was almost time for class, the principal could only stop talking and announce the dissolution.

Tao Yao was about to go back to the classroom with her deskmate when she saw the principal walking towards it and beckoned, “Student He, come here, I have something to tell you.”

Seeing the principal coming over, the gossip expression on the tablemate’s face immediately subsided, let go of Tao Yao’s hand and said, “I’ll go back to the classroom by myself.” Then quickly ran away.

Peach Yao said: “What’s the matter? Principal.”

The principal said: “Let’s go, come to my office first.”

Tao Yao nodded and followed the principal to the office.

After entering the office and taking a seat, the principal said, “I have asked Mrs. Li about the situation and asked him the answer.”

Tao Yao said: “Why did he target me?”

The principal sighed and said: “Mr. Li said that because you are a little partial to subjects and your math grades are a bit poor, so you feel that you don’t respect him enough and are so strict with you, because he wants you to pay more attention to him and his relationship with him. his class.”

“What?” Tao Yao wondered if there was something wrong with her ears.

“I have already criticized him on this matter.” The principal also felt that this Li Qi had a problem with his brain and felt that the students were biased towards subjects. Come over and insult the students, doesn’t this force the students to not like to study even more?

Peach Yao said: “Principal, I don’t understand, even if I am partial to the subject, I am still the first in the grade, right? And my math is not very bad. In the entrance test, my math score was 120. , there is no lower than 120 in the next class test, but the grades have dropped slightly recently because of these broken things, can’t it be bad?”

The principal was silent for a while and said: “I also told Mr. Li about this question, but Mr. Li does not have a very harmonious relationship with your Chinese teacher and English teacher. He thinks that your Chinese and English test 140 A score above is slapping him in the face, and it is discriminating against his math class, so…”

Anyway, it is a neuropathy, and the principal is the first to understand Li Qi’s heart.

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