Tao Yao’s Free and Fast Life

Chapter 237

Chapter 237: Rebirth Of The Great Ancestor 8

There are lesions on the body, no matter how much life is borrowed, it will be blind, so netizens tend to him not to borrow life.

The doctor’s technique is very good, so the peach demon is useless, and there is no accident until the operation is completed, and the peach demon has no chance to perform.

How is this possible? It entered the operating room for live broadcast, in addition to proving Lu Wenguang’s innocence, it was to build momentum for itself.

So when the doctor was about to suture the wound, the peach demon made a noise.

“Hold on.”

“What’s the problem?” Everyone in the operating room looked back at it.

It floated to the operating table and said: “I can use magic to heal the wound immediately, and you don’t have to wait until the intracranial wound heals and then put the skull back, I can help you all at once. solve this problem.”

The audience exclaimed: “My God, really? Too good?”

Tao Yao threw out a contract and said, “Don’t worry, I have already signed a contract with this patient, even if there is a problem, it will not involve you.”

Doctors can only ask for instructions.

It is better to agree to it while the operation is not over, so that the problem can be rescued immediately.

After getting the approval of the hospital, Tao Yao mobilized the power of the body and played several magic tricks.

Originally, the healing technique had no special effects, but in order to let everyone intuitively feel the difference, Tao Yao specially made some fancy special effects.

Everyone present and the audience in the live broadcast room opened their mouths in shock. Even though they already knew that this tree was special, they saw a green light effect floating out from the tree and shrouded the surgery. When they were on the bed, they couldn’t help but exclaim.


Peach Demon’s camera zoomed in on the wound, the healing of the wound was visible to the naked eye, and it was almost the same after a while.

It asked the doctor to put the skull back, and then played a few tricks. Now even the bones were grown, and the scalp was sealed back, and there was not even a single scar left.

The doctors have been paying attention to the values on the instrument, and found that there is no problem at all, and they couldn’t help but exclaimed, and began to discuss that if the technology of peach demon can be used in medicine, it can be How many patients benefit.

Peach Yao heard their discussions and laughed: “You think beautifully, I don’t have time to go around to heal the wounds of patients.”

Then it would have no majesty, just a ruthless healing machine, how could the public be in awe of it?

“In that case, why are you willing to help this patient?” A doctor couldn’t help asking.

Tao Yao said: “Because he is my mission target, he has privileges. If you have a hospital that wants to cooperate with me, I can provide you with some items that are helpful to patients, but if If you want me to do it myself like this operation, it depends on my mood.”

Although it made everyone a little disappointed, no one dared to express their dissatisfaction, for fear of offending this big guy.

The wounds on the body on the hospital bed have all healed. The peach demon put his soul back into his body, dispelled the anesthetic in his body, and slowly opened his eyes.

The doctors were shocked again when they saw the patient wake up, but when they thought about the unscientific performance of Tao Yao just now, they quickly stabilized and began to check whether there was any problem in the patient.

After some examinations, the hospital confirmed that the patient’s body has fully recovered, and the speed of recovery is also unparalleled.

The official people are also paying attention to this operation. After knowing the ability of the peach demon, their mood is extremely hot. If this ability can be popularized, how many people can it benefit?

They immediately started contacting Tao Yao, hoping to get some help from it.

Tao Yao naturally recommends them to go to the window of the live broadcast room for purchase, if they want to carry out deeper cooperation, but the specific exchange conditions need to be negotiated slowly, such as granting it Build Taodaxian Temple.

After the official purchased items from its live broadcast room, I once again witnessed its magical ability – space transmission technology. I have no opinion on the requirement to approve the construction of Tao Daxian Temple, and quickly agreed to Tao Yao’s application .

Tao Yao handed over the construction of the temple to Lin Xiufen, and prepared to reopen the court.

Originally, the lawyer thought that it might not be able to attend the court due to the operation, but with the blessing of magic, Tao Yao was discharged from the hospital after the operation, and she can do whatever she wants.

There is no accident in this verdict. The client’s son and two grandsons have both entered. The son is over 75 years old, and he is still given a light sentence. Only in his 60s, he was sentenced to three years.

When the verdict came out, they no longer dared to find Tao Yao Beibei, for fear that the other party would ask the immortals to toss them.

It’s good to go too far. After all, we have to cooperate with the official, and we can’t let the official think that it is a big bad guy with no bottom line.

But it can’t toss these people who have been sanctioned by the law, and it can also abuse the great-grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the client. After all, they were also afraid of being borrowed. The matter of starving the client to death turned a blind eye, but their behavior was beyond the control of the law, so Tao Yao didn’t waste time suing them.

But if they don’t sue them, they will have to pay a little price. I’m afraid that when the time comes, they can’t wait to go to jail.

The Tao Yao returned to the main body and began to discuss with Lin Xiufen, to get a dream for the fourth and fifth generations of the client, so that they could experience the despair of being starved to death in their dreams.

Lin Xiufen said: “Yes.”

So Tao Yao carried the official people, found the descendants of the client, marked all those who called the client to commit suicide, and then flew back to cast a dream on them.

The client died of starvation for five or six days at the time, and the death was very painful. Tao Yao did not take the lives of these people, and decided to let them accept ten times the punishment. month of pain.

After the court’s second-instance judgment came out, the Lu family thought that the Gaozu incident was over, but they didn’t expect them to be too happy.

That night, after they fell asleep, they were pulled into the dream by the peach demon.

It restored the house where the client lived in the dream, and locked these people in their own rooms. After they entered the dream, they were confused and didn’t know how they suddenly returned home .

Tao Yao told them in the voice of the client with a smile: “You unfilial descendants, you dare to starve me to death, I want to avenge myself, and now let you have a taste of starvation to death taste.”

When everyone in the Lu family heard this, they were stunned. They remembered that the emperor was starved to death by them. Did he come back for revenge?

The memories of their dreams were tampered with by Tao Yao, who implanted the client’s last life’s ending in the minds of these people.

Someone began to cry in fear: “Gaozu, I am your great-great-grandson, how could I starve you to death? I didn’t know about it, I only knew about you when I got the call. You have passed away, and no one told me that you died of starvation when you came back. Our family is in good condition, and you don’t have to worry about food and drink. ?”

Some people knelt on the ground and cried and begged for forgiveness, and some people chose to open the door because they didn’t believe in evil, but found that the door couldn’t be opened at all.

After discovering that they were locked in the room, they were all in a hurry, and they hurried to rummage through the cabinets, looking for something to eat and drink, as well as electronic products, hoping to contact the outside world.

Tao Yao smiled and said: “You don’t have to be busy, since you starved me to death, I will let you taste the taste of starvation, there is no food and water in the room, I also put Put away your mobile phones and computers, you can enjoy this last time.”

This group of people is crying in the room to tell the peach demon not to joke, this kind of thing is not fun, beg the peach demon to let them out, they will definitely make offerings to the peach demon after they go out, if the peach demon will After they killed the Lu family, there was no future. No one would burn paper money for tribute in the future. It would be a tough life in the underworld.

Tao Yao listened to the content of their begging for mercy, and sneered: “You don’t know how to honor me when I live, so cruelly locked me in the room and waited to die, now that I’m dead, I really put you back , I’m afraid that instead of offering offerings to me, you will immediately go to the Taoist priest and beat me to the core, don’t lie to me, you bunch of wolf-hearted things.”

The people in the room immediately rang out the shouts of “Gaozu” and “Grandpa Zeng”.

“We will not lie to you, Gaozu, if you let us out now, we can swear that we will never go to Taoist priests.”

Peach Yao said: “I don’t believe it, I have learned your cruelty, and now it sounds nice. If I believe it, it is a fool. You can enjoy it in your room.”

After saying this, no matter how the people in the room shouted the peach demon, they stopped making a sound, and admired their cries.

Everyone shouted for a long time and saw that Tao Yao did not respond, and began to shout to other rooms, discussing how to leave this ghost place.

Someone said: “We can kick the door, as long as the door is broken, can’t we?”

“Yes, you can open the door without a key.”

Although the Lu family’s house is a building, the interior decoration also adopts some more traditional methods. The door is different from the modern building door, but the door of the old building. A person with great strength can disassemble the door directly.

But soon they were desperate, because this is the dream of the peach demon, as long as it does not agree, no one can open the door, and anything that violates the laws of reality can appear in the dream.

Everyone found that those who couldn’t lift the door kicked with their feet, or moved chairs to smash them, but no matter what they did, the door was as strong as ever.

Being busy for a long time not only failed to escape, but made them fall into deeper despair.

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