Tao Yao’s Free and Fast Life

Chapter 254

Chapter 254: Hot Queen 8

Being so touted by Tao Yao, the eldest wife raised her chin proudly, but she still said modestly: “The art of running a family is nothing compared to the way of running a country.”

The Tao Yao said: “Wherever you are, mother, you are humble. They all say that governing a big country is like cooking a small fish. As long as you manage a country as your own back house, it is almost the same.”

The eldest wife never thought of rebelling, but after brainwashing in the dream last night, she felt that there was nothing wrong with such a country, so she readily joined the Taoyao country, anyway, they have Immortals help, but to capture a mere mortal country, it is not difficult.

The eldest wife accepted the words made up by Tao Yao with peace of mind, and she was eager to try the rebellion. As expected, she was a sturdy woman who began to think about going to father and keeping her son as soon as she imagined that her husband had white moonlight. Neither is ambiguous.

“Tell me, how can I help you for my mother?” asked the eldest wife.

Peach Yao said: “Don’t worry, we can’t hold troops for the time being. When I leave Beijing, I want to strengthen my own strength first, so as to avoid being calculated by the third prince.”

If you still stay in the back house of Wu’s house, the three princes’ moves are not difficult to avoid, but they are also disgusting. Tao Yao is impatient to play with the third prince. Your grades have been lowered.

“Success.” The eldest lady has no objection to this plan, “Then how do we strengthen our strength?”

Tao Yao said: “Start with the cultivation of immortals, and when my mother enters the cultivation path like me, you don’t have to worry about being suppressed by the third prince, we can build a kingdom of immortal cultivation, as long as those who are willing to join, we will You can teach them to practice for free. No matter whether others can practice it or not, let’s win the hearts of the people first. We will encircle the city from the countryside, without costing a single soldier or hurting any civilians, and directly take Daxi State. .”

The client wants to be the emperor, Tao Yao can’t marry the seventh prince according to her method, and then kill those members of the royal family, of course, it is impossible to provoke a war for her own selfish desires.

After all, as long as there is a war, it is always the people at the bottom who suffer. Those people did not offend the client. It is impossible for Tao Yao to let them bear the consequences of the task. Find a way to take Daxi Jiangshan away without fighting.

The eldest wife is very interested in her daughter’s career, but she has some concerns and said: “If we build a country in China, I am afraid that it will be liquidated by the court. It’s not good.”

Tao Yao said: “Those don’t have to worry, I will find a way to get my father and uncle to support me.”

Dream in hand, I have the world.

The eldest wife has experienced brainwashing in dreams, and accepts the rebellion well. Presumably the family of Mrs. Wu and the eldest wife are similar, as long as they know that the third prince has set his sights on him, they will know if they want to live Who to support.

The eldest wife said, “Okay, shall we start practicing now?”

Tao Yao said: “Don’t worry, I’ll test my qualifications for my mother first.”

The eldest lady immediately asked: “How to test?”

Tao Yao took out a magic weapon and said, “Put your hand on it, and if you have qualifications, it will shine. The brighter it is, the better the qualifications.”

The eldest lady put her suspicious hand on the magic weapon, and after a while, it really radiated light.

“This…this…” The eldest wife said excitedly, “Am I qualified? Can I cultivate immortals?”

Tao Yao smiled and said, “Yes, congratulations, you can cultivate.”

The eldest lady said excitedly: “It’s great, I will become a fairy in the future, let’s see who else dares to be angry with me, and the old lady will not dare to look at me in the future, Dan, I tell You, you can’t be like your father, who has already been ridden on the head and gave up what you have for the so-called overall situation, so you can teach anyone to cultivate, but you are not allowed to teach it to the fourth room, do you hear? ”

She finally raised her eyebrows and made those who offended her feel uncomfortable.

Tao Yao nodded and said, “I understand, I definitely don’t learn from my father, you are my role model.”

The eldest lady patted Tao Yao’s shoulder and said, “You can teach me, alright, let’s not gossip, when are we going to start practicing, mother can’t wait to be an immortal, let me tell you When my mother was young, I was envious of those rangers who fought swords and lakes in the book, and I thought about being able to wander freely outside like them. Alas, unfortunately, the world is difficult and there are many constraints on women. If you can get stuck in the back house, I hope you can liberate your mother now, and when you have a cultivation base, you should learn from those rangers for your mother, and go everywhere to act as a chivalrous person.”

Tao Yao didn’t expect the eldest lady’s true character to be so out of touch, but everything can be followed. Her previous speech was much bolder than that of ordinary women, and she didn’t seem to follow the rules.

Fortunately, there is a foundation in the previous world, and it is not difficult to teach the exercises. There is so much experience in the previous world that can be used for reference. No matter what problems Da Madam encounters in cultivation, Tao Yao can show it. solution.

Just when the two of them thought they could live in peace, they heard that the host in the temple said that the third prince was coming to give incense.

The eldest wife has been absorbed into the body and successfully entered the cultivation path. She believes in Tao Yao’s nonsense, and when she heard that the third prince is coming, she immediately disgusted and said, “This kid is really haunted. ”

Tao Yao covered her mouth and smiled, the eldest wife was not in a hurry when she saw it, and said, “He might have some bad water in his heart when he came here, should we avoid its edge?”

Although the eldest lady is floating, her mind is still very clear. She knows that their mother and daughter are still weak against the third prince, and do not want to have direct contact with him.

Peach Yao shook her head and said, “Forget it, mother, you forgot that the third prince has the memory of his previous life? Be safe, I will definitely try to find out what the problem is, now we hide outside the city and he will follow, it is useless to hide, but he will show his cowardice and grow his prestige.”

“Well, what you said makes sense. I’ll listen to you.” The eldest lady said.

Two days later, Ling Xiao brought a group of people to the temple to offer incense, and then came over to the back compartment.

The Tao Yao and the eldest wife hid in the guest room prepared for them by the temple and did not go out. visit.

The eldest wife asked Tao Yao to wait in the room, and she went out to meet guests by herself.

Ling Xiao was shocked at the first sight of the eldest wife, because he felt the wave of spiritual power on Mrs. Wu.

He felt it a few times, and found that he was not wrong. He was a little surprised. He cupped his hands and said hello to the eldest wife: “I heard that Mrs. Wu brought the second girl out to relax, and Xiao Wang happened to pass by, especially Come up and harass, I wonder if it bothers Madam Wu Qingxiu?”

The eldest lady snorted, expressing her dissatisfaction in a joking tone, and said: “Look at what the third prince said, I came here without disturbing you, how can you answer this? Of course not. , I don’t know that the third prince is here today, but praying for the emperor?”

Ling Xiao said with a smile: “The little king is here today, one is to pray for the emperor’s father, praying to God to bless the father’s longevity and prosperity, and the other is for the stability of the Daxi Dynasty. The Xi Dynasty can enjoy good weather and the people live and work in peace and contentment. The third is for himself. Before, Xiao Wang made a vow to the Buddha. If the Buddha can make Xiao Wang healthy, he will come back and pay his vows. It’s very effective, Madam Wu and the second girl Wu must have benefited a lot from cleaning in the temple, right?”

He suspected that the eldest wife had an adventure after she went to the mountain.

The eldest lady still said with a smirk and a smile: “The concubine is just taking the child to hide in peace, and her aptitude is dull. So, of course, you can’t compare to you, the third prince. Now that you are in good health, you must be able to show your strength in the court?”

She threw the question back, Ling Xiao said a few more spying words, but unfortunately the eldest wife didn’t slip away and didn’t answer his words, he didn’t want to startle, so he didn’t ask very straightforward , can only go back to the wing room arranged for him by the temple with a stomach full of doubts, and then quietly release his consciousness to prepare to monitor the eldest wife.

Ling Xiao’s cultivation level did not surpass Tao Yao’s soul. As soon as his consciousness swept into the room, Tao Yao felt it immediately.

It made a silent act to the eldest wife, and whispered to the eldest lady with divine sense, saying, “The third prince is monitoring us with divine sense, and we will talk about it later.”

The eldest lady has just introduced qi into her body not long ago. She has not cultivated her spiritual sense for the time being. She can only accept the messages sent by Tao Yao, but cannot reply. The whole popularity is not good.

No matter how sturdy she is, and she has stepped into the path of cultivation, she is also an ancient woman, and she values the innocence of women.

I heard that the three princes were so careless, and put their spiritual sense into the woman’s boudoir, the eldest wife suddenly became angry, and cursed in her heart, these three princes are simply prodigal sons. Divine Consciousness penetrated into the woman’s boudoir, did she want to peep at her daughter?

She winked at Tao Yao, and wanted to leave the room and walk away, quietly discussing how to deal with the third prince.

The Tao Yao waved her hand and directly instructed Lin Xiufen to come out of the Soul Orb to lead Ling Xiao away.

As soon as Lin Xiufen appeared in the peach demon house, it really caught Ling Xiao’s attention, and he could finally confirm that his arrival caused the butterfly effect and something unexpected happened.

When Lin Xiufen drew Ling Xiao’s consciousness away, the eldest wife said, “Dan’er, how is the cultivation of the third prince? Can we only be caught? If you hadn’t noticed the other party’s actions, Isn’t our innocence going to be stained by him?”

Tao Yao said: “Don’t worry, mother, the third prince is not particularly high now, and his daughter can handle it. I was not good at him in Beijing, but now he chases outside the city, I can let him The immortals removed him.”

The description of this sword cultivator in the plot is particularly powerful, which makes Tao Yao very afraid, and dare not approach each other without complete certainty.

However, judging from the divine consciousness displayed by the other party today, the ability should not surpass it, so Tao Yao decided to test the combat power of both sides.

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