Tao Yao’s Free and Fast Life

Chapter 86

Chapter 85: Domestic Violence Girl 13

The martial arts hall is not far from the town police station, and soon a policewoman was dispatched from the station.

After the policewoman signed up at the front desk, she asked the front desk to help arrange to Tao Yao’s class.

The front desk didn’t know what these policemen wanted to do, and they were dying of curiosity, but they couldn’t ask.

The policewoman entered the classroom and started looking for excuses to approach the peach demon.

“Hello, are you also a student of this martial arts hall?”

The Tao Yao nodded and said, “Yes, what’s the matter?”

The policewoman smiled and said, “It’s nothing, I came to sign up before. I just thought I was the only adult, and I was very embarrassed to be among a group of children. Now it’s not so embarrassing to see you.”

Tao Yao smiled and said nothing.

The policewoman can only try her best to find a topic, such as asking her: “Why do you want to learn this?”

Tao Yao said: “Because my husband is domestic violence, so I want to learn some ways to beat people, go back to fight with him, and let him know how good I am.”

“Uh…” As a police officer, she actually wants to say that it is wrong to use violence to control violence, but this method is indeed very effective for domestic violence, as long as the woman dares to do it for the first time in the man When she fought hard, she could basically correct this bad habit of men, but she couldn’t say this, she could only say with a dry smile, “If your husband is domestic violence, you can actually call the police.”

“It’s useless to find the police.” Tao Yao said.

When Qiu Shuxian was beaten unbearably, it was not that she did not seek help from the outside world, but the words recorded by the police dispatched at that time were very unfavorable to her, because Lao Mingyuan was too eloquent to defend himself, causing the police to The police records are all his sophistry.

For example—

Rather, I move slowly, and it makes me angry at first sight, and I am so angry when I am hungry.”


“She is a housewife, and she doesn’t need to be entertained. It’s getting dark, and she dresses up and goes outside. I don’t know what kind of people she’s going to meet. I’m afraid that she won’t obey women. Wearing a green hat, so I couldn’t hold back.”

Anyway, Lao Mingyuan can find a reason to excuse himself, all because his wife is not doing well, which makes him unhappy, so he beats people, he is too innocent.

After the police finished recording, they said a few words about Lao Mingyuan, what’s the use? Instead, these records are very unfavorable to the woman.

Why is Qiu Shuxian slow in cooking? Don’t you need to prepare vegetables before cooking? Does it take time to wait for the rice to be cooked? It seems that as long as she gets up, the dishes will be washed and cut automatically, and the rice will be cooked automatically.

What kind of adult can manage a child like a robot all the time? These two children are already obedient enough, and they basically didn’t cause Qiu Shuxian any trouble.

As for Qiu Shuxian dressed up to go outside in the middle of the night, obviously because the garment factory had to rush work, she went to town at 9 o’clock in the evening to pull the clothes back and cut them, but when she arrived at Lao Mingyuan, she was the one who went to see her. No three or four people.

These problems are family conflicts, and the police can’t take Lao Mingyuan back to lock up, they can only try to mediate, Lao Mingyuan is someone who can act, and promises well in person, secretly The police can’t control what they do here.

And the police who got the promise brought the police record back, but the words in the record were very unfavorable to Qiu Shuxian. Anyone who saw it would think that she was enjoying the happiness at home, lazy and bad, even children will not bring.

These words have been in Qiu Shuxian’s heart for a long time, she has never had the opportunity to tell others, today Tao Yao finally can tell the policewoman about her grievances, she wants to know why the police write so biased record of.

The policewoman was also very depressed after listening to this, because this record was not written as they wanted. They could only record the content objectively, truly and completely at the time, and the recorder could not be included when writing. Subjective color, the content of the speech is changed at will, not that they are intentionally biased, but such records are easily misinterpreted by some people with colored glasses, but this is really not the fault of the police.

Considering that Qiu Shuxian didn’t know much about this aspect, she misunderstood the police, the policewoman still explained to Tao Yao seriously: “The police work has a working process, record your husband’s words, and It’s not because they agree with your husband’s approach, but because of the needs of the job, it must be written in this way to ensure the objectivity and fairness of the text, you really misunderstood.”

Tao Yao asked quietly: “Is that so?”

“Of course.” The policewoman said firmly, “Actually, if you have any doubts about the police’s handling at that time, you can report it to your superiors, and the superiors will definitely send someone to understand the situation, and this will not cause any inconvenience. Necessary misunderstandings, if there is something you can’t figure out, you must say it, don’t hold it in your heart, it’s easy to hide everything in your heart.”

Like now, she has such a big move that she will scare everyone to death.

Tao Yao stared at the policewoman for a while, then suddenly said, “You’re talking to the police, you’re actually a policeman, right?”

Woman police officer: “!” The identity has been discovered, how can she approach this person to obtain information?

She felt that she could still be rescued, and reluctantly found an explanation: “No, I just have confidence in our country’s police, they are not easy.”

“Oh, so that’s how it is.” Tao Yao just frightened her, pretending to be persuaded by this explanation.

In the first few worlds, it has cooperated with the police. In fact, most of the police are good people, but occasionally there will be a mouse **** that spoils a pot of porridge. Tao Yao has no opinion on the police, but Qiu Shuxian was heartbroken, so she thought the question was more extreme. It was also for Qiu Shuxian to ask these words, and the answer she got depends on whether she accepts it or not.

Seeing that Tao Yao did not continue to doubt, the policewoman said with a sigh of relief, “Yes, yes, that’s it.”

The two of them didn’t speak again, because the rest time was over and they had to continue the class again.

Senior leaders are very satisfied with the work progress of the policewoman, Tao Yao also went to buy snacks for the two children with a good mood, and then went home.

In the few hours that it went out, the policemen who were squatting outside felt a little suspicious of life, because at first they thought that Qiu Shuxian had gone out and leaving the two children at home might lead to uncontrollable accidents, So I secretly looked inside through the yard, and found that two children were talking into the air and calling Aunt Lin sweetly, as if there was an invisible person playing with them. The policeman sent chills down his spine.

But they didn’t give up the two children because of this, they still kept their eyes on them, fearing that they would have an accident, and then saw an even more terrifying scene, the two children handed one in a certain direction. toy, and then the toy floats in the air.

If it wasn’t for the two children with superpowers, then there was something in the Law family that they couldn’t see.

Faced with the unknown existence, the policemen were beating their hearts, but they still dutifully observed the situation in the house, recorded all this, and passed it on to their superiors.

Everyone who knows about this is guessing, is this invisible thing in the house today the owner of the mysterious live broadcast room?

I don’t know if it can communicate or not. It would be great if it could communicate.

However, for the time being, they did not dare to rush up to ask questions rashly, for fear of annoyed that thing, so they could only hold on.

When the peach demon came back, the people squatting outside the house were watching it closely, wanting to see how it would react after entering the house.

As soon as the peach demon came back, the two children were so happy that they left Lin Xiufen and ran towards it.

“Mom, you’re back!”

“Yeah.” Tao Yao squatted down and hugged the two children, kissing each of them.

Lao Bowen asked with concern: “Mom, are you tired after learning martial arts? Do you want to drink water?”

“Not tired, let’s see what mom bought?” Tao Yao said and put the things in her hands in front of the two children.

The Lao brothers and sisters opened the bag and exclaimed, “Wow, cheese sticks, Mom, I like this!”

“If you like it, then one per person.” Tao Yao opened two bags, handed the cheese sticks to the child, and put the rest in the refrigerator in the kitchen.

After it put away all the things it bought, Lin Xiufen said: “Today the police outside the fence are looking in.”

Tao Yao raised her eyebrows and said, “Did you see anything?”

Lin Xiufen said: “I guess I will see some toys floating in the sky.” Thinking of those people climbing up and down for a while, whispering outside, I guess she was frightened enough.

Peach Yao said, “If that’s the case, just keep doing the straw weaving with me and make a show.”

“Okay.” Lin Xiufen went to the utility room and took out the grass that the peach demon had dried yesterday and put it in the yard.

The two children licked the cheese stick and ran over and asked, “Mom, Aunt Lin, what are you doing?”

Peach Yao said: “Mom has to make money by hand.”

The two brothers and sisters immediately squatted down and said, “I want to help too!”

Peach Yao said: “Really? You guys are awesome, go get a chair and sit next to it and watch and learn, mom will teach you.”

It did not stop the two children from wanting to share the good intentions of their mothers. After all, poor children are in charge of their homes early, but they cannot raise two children without giving birth, just like the adopted children in the previous world, Take your parents’ efforts for granted.

The two children immediately cheered and went to the house to get their own small bench and sat next to Tao Yao to learn straw weaving.

When all the preliminary work is ready, Taoyao removes the web page in the live broadcast room and starts to broadcast the content of straw weaving.

The two people in the courtyard, one demon and one ghost, were happy and harmonious, and the police officers outside the courtyard also reorganized their worldview several times.

Before the two children talked to the air, they could tell themselves that maybe the children were playing, but now they watch the peach demon in reality talking to the air, but the live screen on the mobile phone , the position of the air is the young woman who appeared in the live broadcast before, and the mysterious existence has been perfectly proved.

They reported the situation, and the leaders above also opened the live broadcast room to watch.

The atmosphere of today’s live broadcast is very harmonious. Two adults are teaching two children to make straw weaving. The whole live broadcast room is full of laughter and laughter, which is completely opposite to the special effects of the underworld last night.

It would be great if it could be like this all the time. The leader looked at the screen on the computer and scolded Lao Mingyuan, why did he beat his wife when he had nothing to do? See how much trouble his actions have caused the country?

If they can start from the source and stop this from happening, what else is going on in this live broadcast room?

He also deeply reflected that the basic work at the grassroots level was not done well. If Qiu Shuxian reported the case, the police could have done a good job in mediation and actively monitored Lao Mingyuan, so that he could not continue domestic violence, or When Qiu Shuxian applied for divorce, the court did not set up so many difficulties for her, and she was judged not to divorce twice, how could she be forced to make such a decision?

So we must pay close attention to the basic work at the grassroots level to avoid similar situations.

The more the case of Qiu Shuxian is investigated, the more problems are exposed at the bottom, and soon there is a trend of “grasping the grassroots, grasping the basics” all over the country, actively implementing the anti-domestic violence law, never let it go any domestic abuser.

In less than a week, the social atmosphere has changed greatly.

It won’t work if you don’t change, Tao Yao’s anti-domestic violence website is full of applications, as long as Lin Xiufen’s investigation results are true, those who beat people don’t want to sleep at night. To be beaten is to be beaten back by those who were beaten.

In the dream, the peach demon can help weaken the fighting power of those violent elements, so that the victims have the courage to fight back. If the violent elements dare to continue to beat people after leaving the dream, they will receive more severe punishment.

However, after those people are generally tossed once, they know the power of the Tao Yao, and they dare not do it again, so no one enjoys the more severe punishment for the time being.

Sure enough, fighting violence with violence is the fastest way to stop domestic violence. Only when the pain is on yourself can you experience the pain of others.

These people who have been reported to the anti-domestic violence network are not the worst, the worst are Qiu family, Lao family and Fang Sheng, the others are finished with one beating. Followed by being beaten together, and being beaten to the point of doubting life.

Fang Sheng finally knew why the police who questioned him that day told him that the torture of being beaten every day as soon as he fell asleep was indeed much more uncomfortable than being in prison.

After hearing about the reason for being beaten every day at the police, he finally couldn’t help asking the police for help, hoping to apologize to Qiu Shuxian, get her forgiveness, let go of himself, and let the law punish him.

Tao Yao was a little surprised to receive a call from the police. This guy can’t stand it after only a week of beatings. Didn’t he think that being beaten a few times was nothing? I always felt that Lao Mingyuan didn’t beat his wife hard enough. Also too spineless.

Unfortunately it is not the original owner, even if the other party admits to being wrong, it is not qualified to forgive, so Tao Yao directly refused: “Didn’t the judge always feel that being beaten a few times is fine? What are you begging for now? Wait for him to be beaten too. Five years later.”

, when will the grievances be repaid, private punishment is not worth it, and this thing you invited, do you understand it?”

Peach Demon: ?

Ask it in front of it, does it not understand itself?

The other end of the phone didn’t notice its silence, and continued to persuade: “Although that thing has power that we don’t understand for the time being, it doesn’t mean that the state can never crack it. If it is cracked, the state has the power to deal with it. It, what will you do then? What do you think your behavior is? Do you want to punish you then? So while the situation is not bad, everyone sympathizes with you, and the state will not punish you, just accept it when you see it. , so as not to end badly in the end, it is the right way to hand over everything to the law.”

Although Tao Yao doesn’t think that this world can crack its power in a short time, but I have to say that he is right in saying that the timing of the ending is very important.

The author has something to say:  Riwanda, worthy of me!

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