Tao Yao’s Free and Fast Life

Chapter 92

Chapter 91: Depression Eat Broadcast 5

The clerk heard Tao Yao’s words and thought she was a manufacturer, so she ran to the kitchen and called the boss out without any doubt.

Back to the kitchen.

“Boss Zhang, long time no see.” Tao Yao stretched out a hand and put it on the boss’s shoulder and said, “Why did you run away when you saw me? Could it be that you did something? Sorry, don’t you dare to see me?”

Seeing that Boss Zhang couldn’t run away, he could only turn his head and smiled and said: “Oh, what did Miss Chao say, I just came out in a hurry and forgot to turn off the heat, the Things are going to burn, so don’t rush back to turn off the fire.”

“Really?” Tao Yao said, “Boss Zhang doesn’t know what good dishes to cook, so I’ll take a look too.”

It was just an excuse. Boss Zhang immediately waved his hand: “No need, no need, I remembered that the fire has been turned off. I wonder if Miss Chao came to me today for anything?”

Tao Yao said: “You were not in the store before…”

“Miss Chao,” Boss Zhang interrupted her suddenly, “If we go to the back door to talk, the store will be too noisy.”

Tao Yao glanced at him, and the meaning of his eyes made Boss Zhang’s heart skip a beat, for fear that he would tell him what happened before.

In the end, she finally said a sound of nature: “Then go to the back door.”

Boss Zhang happily led Tao Yao to the back door, closed the door, and the two stood in the alley.

“Ms. Chao.” Boss Zhang said, “I know that I was unkind in the previous incident, but I am also a victim. For the sake of my family, I have no choice but to do this. I’m also hurt a lot, and the reputation that has lasted for more than ten years is gone, you really can’t blame me.”

Tao Yao raised her eyebrows and said, “You were also threatened? Why didn’t you call the police? Fighting the dark forces is everyone’s responsibility.”

Boss Zhang said with a bitter face: “I wanted to call the police, but they arrested my grandson. If I don’t do this, my grandson will not see the sun the next day, so small A child, only three years old, has only seen the world for a few years, I can’t just let him go like this I have suffered a lot, and speaking of which, my loss is no less than yours.”

These store owners do this. Compared with Chao Yifang, it is difficult to say which loss is greater at first glance, but Tao Yao knows that Qu Junhao will definitely give a stick to a sweet jujube. Otherwise, Boss Zhang would not be living so well now. After all, he was fined a lot of money before because of food safety issues.

If Qu Junhao makes him anxious, Boss Zhang will definitely jump over the wall, so he must have received Qu Junhao’s money, so he will eat the loss, and now he has opened the shop again, so to speak It was said that only Chao Yifang lost, and everyone else was compensated by money.

Of course Tao Yao doesn’t disdain the compensation of those money, but these people have taken advantage of it, so don’t keep crying to it about how miserable they are?

Except that the doctor was registered by Chao Yifang and was implicated, other people asked her for promotion, and they delivered it to their own door, not Chao Yifang to ask them if they wanted to do promotion , so what qualifications does Boss Zhang have to say miserable to it and let it not be held accountable.

“Is this why you hurt me?” Tao Yao asked.

Boss Zhang said with a sullen face, “Miss Chao, I really have no choice. If I had such great ability, I wouldn’t do this kind of detrimental thing to others, right?”

Tao Yao said: “I don’t care how many reasons you have, you are hurting me now, give you a chance, you go and explain to the public that you were threatened before, and there is no food problem. ”

“This…” Boss Zhang said, “I’ve paid the fine, what do you want me to explain? This slaps the police in the face again. If I say it, will I go to jail?”

Tao Yao said: “It doesn’t matter to me whether you go to jail or not, you should have this consciousness when you hurt someone, I know you must have collected the money from that person, so that you can be so innocent. No complaints, it must be a lot of money, you don’t have to pretend to be pitiful for me here, I am the worst one, so you must clarify, and definitely don’t blame me for being rude.”

“Hey! Miss Chao, I said I couldn’t do anything, why didn’t you listen?” Boss Zhang stamped his feet in a hurry.

Tao Yao opened the back door and said, “Anyway, I’ll give you a day. You haven’t clarified at this time tomorrow. Don’t blame me for not reminding you of what I did later.”

“Why, do you still want to call the police and arrest me?” Boss Zhang changed his anxious look before and said confidently, “Miss Chao, I just keep some expired and moldy food in my store, no Be careful of being eaten by others, and now that the fine has been paid, can the police still arrest me again?”

“You can watch it then.” Tao Yao said, if it hadn’t seen that these people were victims, it would have broadcast these pictures live in this world, and now let them explain themselves , the initiative is still in their hands, if you don’t say anything… hum!

Tao Yao left Boss Zhang’s shop and said to Lin Xiufen, “There is also a person here who was threatened by Qu Junhao. See if you can find any clues from him.”

“Okay.” Lin Xiufen replied, and after a while, she asked, “By the way, Qu Junhao is preparing for the press conference, do you want to watch it?”

Tao Yao said: “Okay, anyway, with these two confessions, I think it’s almost the same, and the rest will be handed over to the police.”

It took the car directly back to Chao Yifang’s house, turned on the computer and found the Qu Group’s live broadcast room. At present, Qu Junhao has not arrived yet, and the host of the venue is interacting with the reporters below.

Tao Yao went to the kitchen to get some food, and chatted with the audience in her live broadcast room while eating.

The audience asked what it would do next, whether it would punish people with dreams and force them to surrender like the previous world.

Tao Yao said: “No, in the last world I beat people every day, I was too tired of beating, you should be tired of watching it too? What’s so good about beating people, I’m going to do something in this world anything else.”

“What is Daxian doing?” The audience asked curiously.

Tao Yao said: “I haven’t thought of it yet, I’ll talk about it when I get this male protagonist first.”

Qu Junhao has a special position in this world, and he is definitely not that easy to deal with. He must seize key evidence before he can be brought to justice. The punishment for online violence and framed accusation is too light.

While Tao Yao was chatting with the audience, the press conference started.

Qu Junhao walked to the seat in a mighty manner, surrounded by a group of people.

The host announced the start of the meeting and said, “Next, we will hand over the time to Director Qu, and when Director Qu finishes speaking, there will be a question-and-answer session by reporters. Thank you for your cooperation.”

The venue soon became quiet, Qu Junhao took the microphone and said, “Hello everyone, I’m Qu Junhao of the Qu Group. Today’s press conference mainly explains one thing. Two widely circulated articles claiming that I have a love and hatred for a Chibo, so I did a lot of things to force her to be with me. Here I solemnly clarify that I don’t know the so-called Chibo, I already have one. The person I like is not the Chibo, and now this news has caused a lot of trouble for me and the person I like, so I hereby clarify that if there are any problems next, my assistant will explain it to everyone.”

After Qu Junhao finished speaking, he handed over the venue to the assistant and the host, ignoring the reporters’ questions to keep him, and left the venue surrounded by bodyguards.

The assistant took the microphone and said, “I’m sorry, our director Qu is very busy, I know you have a lot of questions about the content of the two articles, I have obtained the authorization of director Qu, you can Ask me questions.”

Immediately a reporter raised his hand and asked: “Hello, I’m Qiu Li, a reporter from B News Network, I would like to ask Assistant Dong, there is a video attached to each of the two articles circulating on the Internet, There is a conversation between Assistant Dong and Dong Qu. I would like to ask you what is your explanation for the conversation? Dong Qu said that he did not take advantage of the woman, but the content of the video shows that the two of you are discussing how to hurt the woman. , may I ask what enmity there is between that woman and Director Qu?”

Assistant Rao and Qu Junhao discussed the countermeasures before the press conference, and were still in a cold sweat from this series of questions.

“On these questions, there is only one answer, and that is that the video is fake.” The assistant said, “I have never had a conversation with Dong Qu in the video. I found that the people in the video are just two special actors who look very similar to me and Qu Dong. Through technical tracking, we have found these two actors, and then invite them to come up and show everyone.”

As soon as the assistant’s voice fell, two people came out of the backstage, and the scene was in an uproar.

Everyone is whispering: “This is too similar?”

Seeing that Qu Junhao found two people who looked so similar to him and his assistant in just half a day, Tao Yao was also shocked for a second, and sure enough, the male protagonist was not that easy to do.

The audience who watched the live broadcast with Tao Yao were also very discouraged.

“No way? I’ll go, that’s fine too? It’s unreasonable.”

“That’s right, Daxian finally restored the plot, and the scene of this guy talking to his assistant can be reversed into being framed. Is this the magic of the banknote’s ability?”

“By the way, are there really two people who are not blood-related who look so similar?”

“I have a bad idea. Isn’t this male protagonist eating both black and white, is it quite a comparison? Could these two people be stand-ins that were raised in the dark a long time ago?”

“Fuck! Brother, you can have a brain!”

Tao Yao also felt that the audience’s mind was too flexible, how could she think of such a place?

It immediately contacted Lin Xiufen and said, “Are you watching the press conference?”

Lin Xiufen said: “I’m watching it live.”

“Where did those two people come from?” Tao Yao asked.

“I’m sorry, I only paid attention to Qu Junhao, so I didn’t pay attention to other people.” Lin Xiufen felt a little guilty when she failed the first mission. There are so many tricks.

Tao Yao said: “It’s fine, because I didn’t expect it.”

It discussed with Lin Xiufen before, according to their ideas, Qu Junhao either admits that the video is true, or does not answer directly by playing Tai Chi, and finally discussed the result, Tao Yao and Lin Xiufen both felt that Qu Junhao He knows how to do Tai Chi, so that the video he just recorded between the doctor and Boss Zhang can give him a fatal blow. I didn’t expect that Qu Junhao’s operation would result in two people who are so similar.

“What are we going to do now?” Lin Xiufen asked.

Tao Yao said: “Don’t worry, let’s see how their news will do. Since the answers are all fake, we will definitely find flaws. If it doesn’t work, we have other capabilities.”


Tao Yao said: “By the way, I just watched the audience in the live broadcast room and guessed that these two people will be Qu Junhao Yang’s stand-in, otherwise they can make two appearances in such a short time. It’s too difficult to have someone without flaws, and you may follow these two people next, and you may have new harvests.”

“Well, I will.” Lin Xiufen completely cheered up, making sure not to miss a trace of information.

After exchanging news with Lin Xiufen, Tao Yao continued to watch the press conference.

These two people have basically dismissed the reporter’s question, because they not only look very similar to Qu Junhao and Assistant Dong, but also have the same voice, it is difficult to tell the difference, and successfully proved the online video is fake.

The reporters were also very curious and asked, “Excuse me, why did you two imitate Qu Dong and Assistant Dong to publish such a misleading video?”

That’s how other people got it.”

This answer did not fully convince the reporter, someone asked: “I saw the background of the second video is Director Qu’s office, are you two also employees of Qu’s Group? Why can you enter Qu’s office? Dong’s office? Is this person who looks exactly like Qu Dong’s twin brother?”

About this question, the two naturally thought of the answer and said: “The background is synthetic, I know a little bit of synthetic technology, there are photos of Qu Dong’s office on the Internet, so I just agreed a scene like this.”

After that, the person started to demonstrate how to synthesize a video, and he was quite prepared.

Fortunately, Chao Yifang was not here, otherwise she would be so desperate in the face of such an enemy.

The author has something to say:  Riwanda, worthy of me!

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