
Chapter 102 - Vajra Rune

Chapter 102: Vajra Rune

“A great disaster?”

“I am waiting.”

Ye Qianghan laughed. As soon as the sword in his hand was fast and fast, the potential was chasing the soul. The sword killed him. The air in the hall was hissed and cut.

And Tang Yufeng was forced to be in a hurry and a dangerous situation.

In fact, according to Tang Yufeng’s martial arts cultivation, as long as he breaks away from Ye Qianghan’s sword attack range at the beginning, he can completely defeat Ye Qianghan. Even if Ye Qianghan breaks out ten times of fighting power, he still cannot tolerate him.

However, from the very beginning, he wanted to capture Ye Qianghan alive, so as to force him to find out his secret method and chose close combat. This was enveloped by Ye Qianghan’s sword power, thus falling into a disadvantage step by step.

Fast Swording, unknown level, unknown power.

However, Fast Swording has one characteristic, that is, fast, and with the use of the sword, the sword is faster than the sword, and the speed superposition will not stop until the user’s physical limit.

However, Ye Qianghan has practiced God-King Motionless Body and has reached the second level, refining blood like gold.

It is already equivalent to the realm at class-2 of physical training, and the power of the refiner is usually higher than his own realm, and he can easily leapfrog and fight. Therefore, the physical strength of Ye Qianghan can already compete with the level 3 master.

Even if he can’t beat, level 3 master can’t hurt him unless the other party uses weapons.

Therefore, if Ye Qianghan’s Fast Swording is superimposed to the extreme, with his physical strength, he can completely achieve the power of Level 3 master.

With the culture of Tang Yufeng’s third-level master at class-3, as long as he is slightly negligent, he will really end up dead.

“Ye Qianghan, you want to kill me, you are still young.”

At this time, I saw Tang Yufeng, who was covered in blood, facing upwards and roaring angrily. He looked like a crazy tiger and his white hair was flying in the wind. He looked extremely horrible.

What a shame.

He is the law enforcement elder of the alchemist’s union. He is the third-level master and the third-level master. He has an outstanding position in the alchemist’s union and plays an important role.

With his three words Tang Yufeng, which family in Anyuan City did not fear him for three points. Wherever he went, he greeted him with smiling faces and sent him with smiling faces. He was also afraid that if he laughed slowly, he would be unhappy.

Now, incredibly by a first-class martial arts weak chicken forced to life and death worrying situation, this shame even if all the world water is difficult to wash all.

“Kill you, enough”

Ye Qianghan replied, his face as calm as ice and unsmiling.

From the beginning of the attack to now, starting from the speed of the second-level samurai at class-1, he has only taken dozens of breaths. At the moment, his sword power has been superimposed on the peak of the second-level samurai at class-9, that is to say, each sword he now has is equivalent to the full-strength blow of the peak of the second-level samurai at class-9.

At the moment, Ye Qianghan only felt that his body was heating up and his blood was boiling. He was eager to find a vent. The sword in Ye Qianghan’s hand was undoubtedly the best carrier.

“Haha, you are dreaming.”

Tang Yufeng laughed and suddenly pulled out a three-inch square yellow piece of paper from his arms and looked at Ye Qianghan. His eyes showed endless malice and resentment. He wished to devour Ye Qianghan alive and cramp his bones.

“Rune paper?”

Ye Qianghan saw this and couldn’t help shrinking his eyes. He recognized the origin of the yellow paper in Tang Yufeng’s hand and immediately forced the vigorous Qi in his body, making the sword power in his hand suddenly more than double again and stabbing Tang Yufeng’s throat.

He will kill Tang Yufeng before he uses rune paper, otherwise, when he uses rune paper, he will be in big trouble.

Rune paper is made by a runner. It seals the heavens and earth Vigorous Qi in the runner paper by special means. When it is used, the user only needs to use Vigorous Qi to inject any one of the runner lines in the runner paper to stimulate the power contained in the runner paper, thus attacking the opponent.

There are many kinds of rune paper, among which Vajra Rune is the most famous for its defense, sword symbols that are good at attacking, luminous symbols that can illuminate, dust removal symbols that can remove dust, etc.

These rune paper are sealed with different power attributes by the runner. Take Vajra Rune as an example. Once used, a mask will be formed to protect the user. The lowest Vajra Rune can last for 15 minutes.

The higher the level, the longer the duration of the rune paper, and the higher its robustness, even if it can block rune paper several levels higher than the user.

Of course, the more powerful the rune paper is, the more demanding the ability requirements for the runner will be.

What Tang Yufeng took out was a secondary Vajra Rune. As long as he stimulated the Vajra Rune, the energy of the seal inside the Vajra Rune would form a protective cover around his body to protect him in it for 15 minutes.

Level 1 Vajra Rune contains the same energy as a Martial Artist at the class-9 realm.

The second level Vajra Rune contains the same energy as the second level samurai at the class-9 realm.

The three levels of Vajra Rune contain the same energy as the three levels of master at class-9, and so on.

What Tang Yufeng is holding in his hand is the second-level Vajra Rune. As long as he inspires the energy within the Vajra Rune, even a second-level warrior at class-9 ‘s Martial Artist needs 15 minutes to break through with all his strength.

Fifteen minutes, for a martial artist, can do a lot of things.

For example, Tang Yufeng, as long as he can ignore Ye Qianghan’s sword moves, he can capture Ye Qianghan alive with a few breaths at most. Even if he can’t help Ye Qianghan’s body refining skills, he can still be cut under the sword.

After all, Ye Qianghan and God-King Motionless Body have only reached the second level and are far from invulnerable.

If a sword goes down, it will still cause bleed and die.

“I must cut you to pieces, and you, the Ye Family, will also be angry with the Alchemists’ Union for your stupidity, so the whole family will be completely punished.”

Tang Yufeng roared, with a ferocious smile on his face. He took great pains to get this Vajra Rune. He wanted to use it as a closet in his life crisis.

You know, there are very few alchemists in The Empire of Black Dragon, much fewer than alchemists. This shows how precious and hard to find a rune paper teacher.

Now, because of his temporary carelessness, he has to take it out. Why doesn’t he blow his chest with anger?

At the moment, he is full of endless anger and resentment towards Ye Qianghan.

“No, Vajra Rune II”

Ouyang Mingyue saw this and couldn’t help changing her face. She lived in the battlefield for a long time and was naturally familiar with rune paper. Now she saw that Tang Yufeng was able to take out rune paper and immediately knew that she would suffer. As long as Tang Yufeng freed up her hands and relied on the strength of his third-level master, she was afraid that her Qinghan would definitely suffer a big loss.

As a result, Ouyang Mingyue quickly withdrew and wanted to rescue Ye Qianghan. However, how could the elders from the alchemists’ union who fought with her let her leave? All of them pin-down Ouyang Mingyue.

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