
Chapter 32

Chapter 32: Perfection

“What a pervert.”

Emperor Nishang was speechless. At the same time, the jade face of Lengrebing Snow rose up a little smile. Although the smile flashed, there is no denying that her heart is extremely happy now, and her eyes looking at Ye Qianghan also looked softer.

Since she was seriously injured, she has lost all her cultivation. She began to cultivate Nine Turning Laws created by TaBaYu from the lowest level of a martial artist.

However, she can only practice Nine Turning Laws to the eighth turn.

However, Ye Qianghan was very surprised to learn so easily to the ninth turn.

You should know that she is a great emperor. Even though she suffered cultivations degradation, her eyesight and abundant experience are still there. For a long time, she has been gloating because she can reach the eighth turn of Nine Turning Laws. Unexpectedly, a Ye Qianghan has emerged, giving her the feeling of being beaten in the face.

Now, she thought if she should practice it again to reach nine turns, otherwise, how can she get along with him in the future?

As a great emperor at martial art ranking, unexpectedly she is inferior to a rookie. When she thinks about it, she felt ashamed.


Ye Qianghan vomited out one mouthful turbid air lightly, and his eyes opened and closed, with fine awns everywhere.

At this time, he looked at Qi internally and was surprised to find that Qi at this time was more than nine times larger than before.

In other words, if he fights with people now, the amount of vigorous qi stored by QI alone can completely kill nine rivals of the same grade.

This is going against the weather.

“99 to 1”

“What if there is another perfection?”

Ye Qianghan thought to himself,

Although the ordeal of practicing Nine Turning Laws is no less than walking through 18 layers of hell once. even if he is killed, he doesn’t want to suffer it again.

However, helpless, the huge harvest made him really want to walk several times.

Nine Turning Laws did not have the 10th turn. he wanted to do it again because he saw the similarities between the three turning methods and the Nine Turning Laws. in his thinking, the three turning methods are to shatter the body to achieve a powerful purpose. Nine Turning Laws goes deeper and break bones and meridians into pieces, allowing each part of the body to reach the ultimate refinement.

However, he believed that there must be flaws in refinement because there is a gap between each time and each time. Although it can be ignored, the flaws are flaws after all.

And he just doesn’t like flawed people.

Therefore, he plans to play the second biggest game, which is to crush the bones and meridians of the whole body at one time to see if there is any surprise.

This is what he called perfection.

As soon as this idea came into being, it was like a cup of poison corroding his heart and making him unable to stop.

“You can now go through with ease.”

Emperor Nishang saw Ye Qianghan recover and said coldly again as if Ye Qianghan owed her something.

“Don’t worry, Emperor, thank you for protecting the law for me. I want to have a rest now. Please go home first.”

Ye Qianghan opened his mouth and smiled. This thank you is his heartfelt thanks.

He knew that Emperor Nishang must be worried that he came out especially to protect the law for himself. Otherwise, with her charming and indifferent temper, it would be impossible to leave Tartarus. What’s more, the relationship between them is not harmonious, which is even rarer.

After that, Ye Qianghan took out several Spirit Stone again to supplement Qi in his body.


Emperor Nishang snorted coldly, looked up at Ye Qianghan, and found that he had nothing left. He moved and entered Tartarus.

Ye Qianghan saw that Emperor Nishang entered Tartarus and immediately used his authority to completely close the entire Tartarus. He didn’t want to be directly suppressed by Emperor Nishang when he was practicing the 10th turn of Nine Turning Laws.

This is called learning from experience.

People who fall twice in the same place are not stupid, they are stupid.

“the 10th turns, one last turn, come on.”

About ten minutes later, Ye Qianghan roared in his heart, and Nine Turning Laws began to operate again, with crazy fighting spirit flashing in his eyes.

“No, when did this guy become so polite?”

Returning to Tartarus, Emperor Nishang felt something was wrong and immediately let go of his mind. He found Ye Qianghan had actually started practicing Nine Turning Laws for the tenth time. Rao was that she had seen numerous strong winds and waves, and after wandering between life and death, she was still scared to change her face.

“Nonsense, it is nonsense.”

After Emperor Nishang was appalled, he immediately became angry and extremely angry.

White white wrist poked out, and a grand aura burst forth and descended towards Ye Qianghan.

She decided that this time she must crack down on this reckless thing and let him know what is light and heavy and what is the wrath of the great.


However, when the vast aura was about to run away from Tartarus, it seemed to encounter an invisible barrier. Only after a loud noise was heard, the aura disappeared immediately.

“This damn thing has closed Tartarus space, Ye Qianghan, you bastard.”

Emperor Nishang immediately understood what was going on and was extremely angry, making it difficult for her to maintain her frosty, high-cold appearance any more, she snapped.

This also does not blame her gaffe, only experienced the cruelty of the war with an alien, will understand the importance of a peerless strong.

Because often, as long as more than one peerless strong, can change the direction of the whole war.

Ye Qianghan is the hope in her heart that she will have the chance to become a peerless strength. Now, seeing him play with his life so foolishly makes her not mad or angry.

This is not irresponsible for one’s own life, but for the entire human race.

creak …

Ye Qianghan’s internal meridians were like firecrackers again, burst by the powerful vigorous qi, giving off a series of crunchy sounds, followed by a sharp pain that tore the heart and split lung.

However, Ye Qianghan is still as firm as a rock and still endures this inhuman torture.

If you untie his clothes, you will see every inch of his skin trembling frantically due to severe pain, and a little blood oozes from his skin from time to time, which is extremely shocking.


When his breath dropped to its lowest point, the rampaging vigorous qi should have calmed down. However, he did not expect to stop at this time. Instead, like a volcanic generate, he rushed into Ye Qianghan’s mind with thunderous momentum.


The mind is the weakest part of the human body, which can withstand the impact of vigorous qi. In an instant, Ye Qianghan felt that his mind was going to explode. The pain was splitting. Blood kept gushing out from his nose and mouth. In a twinkling of an eye, he became a bloody person.

The awakening spirit was torn to pieces in a split second and was devoured by vigorous qi. At this speed, it won’t take long for his soul to be devoured. At that time, even if the gods and Buddhas make moves at the same time, it won’t change the ending of his death and loss all his cultivation.

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