
Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Sky Chains

“How dare you be so presumptuous in my territory?”

Ye Qianghan sneered.

Originally, it was not his intention to have such a thing happen, but since he saw it, he felt that if the woman scolded him, he could still accept it, but he didn’t think that the other party had directly attacked the killer, and he was also angry immediately.

“Sky Chains, out”

Ye Qianghan shouted in his heart, only to see a loud noise, four flashing lights, thick if the arm chain shot out of the void, sending out the incomparable power, the moment will be entangled in the woman’s hands and feet.

I saw a surge of chain lines, immediately blocking the aura in the woman’s body. Then, with a “brush” and a tight chain, I pulled the woman into a “big” word and marched her to Ye Qianghan.

This chain is the Sky Chains Tartarus used to arrest criminals. It is made up of a mixture of over 18,000 arrays. Once the chain is released, it can be used to capture the sun and the soul in hell. It is powerful.

If it is outside, this woman may have scampered a few more times under Sky Chains, but this is Tartarus, the home of Sky Chains. Don’t say anything about the Supreme Female Emperor, the Supreme Male Imperial City can’t do it.

Before Sky Chains, there was the only repression.

“How can you summon Sky Chains? Who are you? …”

“Ah …”

The woman asked in surprise. Before Ye Qianghan could answer, the woman cried out again, her face flushed with shame and anger.

It turned out that her mana was sealed by Sky Chains, and the clothes she had just conjured up with the aura disappeared immediately without the support of the aura, which meant that she was now without a trace. even though she had experienced countless storms, she also turned pale at this time.

Ye Qianghan has just seen her body in the hot spring. She can comfort herself that she is far away from the man. Maybe he did not see himself clearly, but now they are so close that even the blind can see everything.

Moreover, she even let Sky Chains pose in such a lewd manner for this lothario to appreciate. she almost fainted.

“Uh …”

Ye Qianghan was a little dumbfounded and had a conscience. He really didn’t mean it.

“ah, you bastard, don’t look … don’t let me go.”

The woman cried out in shame and anger, looking at Ye Qianghan’s eyes would burst into flames. If her eyes could kill people, Ye Qianghan would have been stripped of 800 yuan by her.

“What a wonderful circle.”

Ye Qianghan didn’t intend to go to see it, but when he heard the woman’s words, his temper also came up. He is not a gentleman or a see no evil. You won’t let me see it. I will see it. How can you drop it?

“I am Nishang Emperor, and I am a friend of TaBaYu. You can’t be so shameless.”

The woman almost cried when she saw Ye Qianghan being so obscene and shameless.


Ye Qianghan frowned. TaBaYu was none other than the owner of Tartarus of the previous generation. If this Emperor Nishang said someone else’s name, he could ignore it, but he would still give TaBaYu’s face.

But to let her go like this, Ye Qianghan felt a little unreliable.

TaBaYu ah, detained in Tartarus prisoners, but there are several is he caught in, if the Emperor Nishang is TaBaYu caught back, bully yourself new here, this is not impossible.

Ye Qianghan began to stretch out his hand to take off his coat.

“Hey, what do you want to do? You stop. ”

“If you dare to behave in such a way, I will not let you go as a ghost.”

When Emperor Nishang saw Ye Qianghan actually take off his clothes and think about his current situation, he immediately turned pale with fright and shouted in a trembling voice.

The body struggled desperately, trying to get rid of Sky Chains.

But how powerful is Sky Chains, and does she say she can break free?

She didn’t earn much. Sky Chains tightened again immediately. imperial Nishang felt that her limbs were going to be torn off. she was scared to stop moving.

Eyes glowed with shame and anger at Ye Qianghan, and a trace of reluctance poured out of her heart. She wondered what a heroic figure she was. Unexpectedly, today she ended up being played with and dying.

At the thought of the desolate place, Emperor Nishang, a peerless strong man who has always been famous for his aloofness, was like a little woman, with tears streaming down her face.

“What do you think?”

Ye Qianghan took off his coat and saw that Emperor Nishang was crying like a Xiaohua Mall. He couldn’t help but feel funny. In his heart, she was biased and thought she was going to do something to her.

“I’m not interested in old women.”

Ye Qianghan put his coat on Emperor Nishang’s body to cover her bare spring scenery and said jokingly in his mouth.


When Emperor Nishang saw Ye Qianghan covering clothes on her, he still did not understand that he was thinking wrongly. In shame, she could not help but breathe a sigh of relief in her heart. She had a lot of good feelings towards Ye Qianghan. It seems that this shameless person still has a little conscience and bottom line.

But before long she was happy, Ye Qianghan’s words stimulated her again.

“The old woman? You are an old woman, your family is all old women. ”

Emperor Nishang was so angry that she couldn’t wait to devour Ye Qianghan alive.

Friar and day for life, armored vehicles often tens of thousands, millions of years of Shou Yuan, she lived to now also only more than thirty thousand years, how to become an old woman?

She is still a little girl if the life span of the ordinary human race is to be counted as hundreds of years.

This is the most vicious remark she has ever heard.

“Who are you? Why are you here? ”

Ye Qianghan, with a cold face, did not quarrel with Emperor Nishang.

“Why should I tell you?”

Nishang Emperor looked at Ye Qianghan coldly. His chin was lifted and he said proudly. Looking at her ups and downs of crisp breasts, it was obvious that she was still in Yu Nu.

I have to say that the age of a woman is still beyond the reach of a tiger’s ass, and even the emperor cannot avoid customs.

“You have another chance.”

Ye Qianghan sneered, stretching out his hand to hold the clothes on Nishang Emperor. The meaning is obvious. If you don’t say it again, Lao Zi will take the clothes back and see what kind of shameless Nishang Emperor you are. Do you know about shame?

If he doesn’t say it after taking off his clothes, he has many ways to make her “happy” and tell herself everything she wants to know.

The god of open killers, and is it with kid gloves?

It’s just a confession. It’s not funny.

“Ok, fine, I’ll tell you.”

Nishang Emperor’s face changed and he said hastily that she didn’t want to be seen by Ye Qianghan any more.

“Say, say the point.”

Ye Qianghan took back his palm and looked at her with a sneer, muttering in his heart what’s wrong with her. She is really a wired woman.

If Emperor Nishang knew what Ye Qianghan was thinking at this time, he would probably explode again.


Emperor Nishang was almost choked by Ye Qianghan’s ignoring attitude, thinking that she was actually like a prisoner at this time. She was heckled by people. If she had put it aside in the past, she would have slapped the other person to death. However, the thought of Ye Qianghan’s shameless character makes her think it would be better to leave her alone.

“I fought with TaBaYu and other strong men in the alien race. Although I won in the end, I was seriously injured and dying. It was TaBaYu who brought me to this snowy peak to recover from my injuries. However, he soon fell due to his serious injuries.”

Emperor Nishang succinctly answered Ye Qianghan’s question, but instead of calling herself “emperor”, she called herself “me”, hoping to show off her strength and find some sense of presence so as to strike Ye Qianghan.

However, she was obviously disappointed. Ye Qianghan didn’t care at all. If he really knew what Emperor Nishang was thinking, he would scoff at it. What great emperor she is? she is not well behaved in front of him.

“Do you mean the previous Tartarus Lord saved you?”


“That is to say, if there is no Mr.Tuoba to save you, you will die, right?”


Emperor Nishang nodded and felt a little sad at the thought of TaBaYu. he is her most respected predecessor.

“In this case, well, how are you going to repay Tartarus for saving your life?”

Ye Qianghan raised his eyebrows and looked at Emperor Nishang as if a profiteer had seen a customer.

“ah, he is dead, still talk about how to repay to him?”

The face of Emperor Nishang, which was truly beautiful, gave him a wry smile.

She thinks that she has grown from a low-level fighter to a great emperor step by step, and she has paid off all the debts and compensations she owes, but only this saving grace is a pity that her heart cannot let go.

“No, look at this …”

Ye Qianghan pointed to himself and said, “Isn’t this ready-made Tartarus Lord right in front of you? You can repay me. ”


Emperor Nishang almost spits out one mouthful of old blood. He has seen shameless, but he has never seen such shameless.

What I owe is the kindness of Tartarus, the Lord of the previous generation, and it has nothing to do with you.

Where’s the face? Do you want it?

“You see, is not all Tartarus Lord, who is not also? Is it? ”

“In this way, you promised to protect me for a period of time, even thanked Rio colophon predecessors for saving his life.”

“how? This is a good deal. ”

Ye Qianghan persuaded the Emperor Nishang without any moral integrity. Although Ye Qianghan did not know how strong the Emperor Nishang was, he was still a great emperor. If he had a great emperor to guard him, the Ouyang family would want to kill himself, and they would definitely have no way to go.


Emperor Nishang did not speak but looked at Ye Qianghan with disdain. Even if he wanted to repay, he would repay TaBaYu’s successors. You are a color embryo. Where is it cool to stay?

Also, she wants to be his bodyguard?

“Can we still have fun?”

Ye Qianghan saw this and collapsed.

“you can beg me, maybe I will protect you.”

Nishang the Great sneered. Within a few minutes from the meeting, his generation of Great Emperor was playing with this color embryo in his hands, but he still had nothing to do with each other. Now looking at Ye Qianghan’s sad expression, he felt a little pleased.

Even when she killed her old enemy for many years, she was not so happy now.

“beg you? You think too much. ”

Ye Qianghan scoffed, raised his hand with a ring, withdrew Sky Chains, who had bound Nishang Emperor’s body, and turned to leave.

beg her?

In his previous life, he grew up from an unknown gangster to a generation of murderers. He ate all kinds of hardships but never asked anyone.

Not in a previous life, and certainly not in this life.

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