
Chapter 94 - Pills For Keeping Young

Chapter 94: Pills For Keeping Young

After breakfast, Ye Qianghan left the Ye Family with Ouyang Mingyue and walked towards Fang City. The two talked and laughed all the way. Men were like jade and women were like flowers. I don’t know how many passers-by I envied.

The Ye Family has its own shop, which is located on the bustling Central Street.

However, Ye Qianghan did not intend to go, but took Ouyang Mingyue directly around the Ye Family store and headed for the alchemist’s union.

This time he planned to refine Pills for Keeping Young. He planned to remove scars from Ouyang Mingyue. Last night, Ouyang Mingyue’s panic and fear made him feel the same way.

Ouyang Mingyue knows how proud he is.

The Empire of the Black Dragon knows it.

But such a proud woman can be as helpless as a child.

He felt his heart was broken.

Therefore, the first thing to do together today is to refine Pills for Keeping Young for Ouyang Mingyue.

Pills for Keeping Young.

It is the beauty pill that women all over the world dream of to be able to remove all defects in the user’s body and keep their appearance unchanged.

Compared with Pills for Keeping Young, in Tartarus’s Inheritance of Alchemy, there is also Da Dao Dan.

Da Dao Dan can make users approach perfection, flawlessness, dirt-free and ice muscle, and jade bones under the subtle influence of heaven’s rules, regardless of their body shape or appearance.

However, there are too many and scarce panaceas for refining pellets. According to Tartarus Dan Dao, only one person has refined a Da Dao Dan.

With Ye Qianghan’s current strength and financial resources, it is naturally impossible to refine pellets. Therefore, Pills for Keeping Young is his first choice.

Moreover, he is also worried about whether Pills for Keeping Young’s panacea can be collected.

After walking for about half an hour, the two men finally saw a huge tall building standing beside the street. The building was nine stories high and imposing. On top of the building was a huge sign.

This is where the alchemists’ union is located.

At this time, in the huge square in front of the alchemist’s union, there was already a lot of traffic, and people entering and leaving like crucian carp crossing the river came in an endless stream.

“Come on, let’s get in.”

Ye Qianghan told Ouyang Mingyue.


Ouyang Mingyue nodded and followed Ye Qianghan into the alchemist’s union.

“Welcome, young lady. May I help you?”

As soon as they stepped into the alchemist’s union hall, a beautiful young maid came up and asked respectfully.

“I would like to buy some medicinal materials.”

Ye Qianghan replied, taking a piece of paper from the storage ring and handing it to the maid.

The paper records all the panaceas needed to refine Pills for Keeping Young. Of course, the names of these panaceas have been revised according to the current name. If they are recorded according to the pellets inherited by Tartarus, I am afraid that more than half of the medicinal materials are unknown to the entire Empire of Black Dragon.

“Yes, son, this is the Alchemist’s Union, and it is the place with the most complete variety of the Empire of Black Dragon. It will definitely satisfy you to buy the medicine here.”

The maid said with a charming smile on her face, but when she took the paper from Ye Qianghan’s hand and looked at it roughly, her smile froze and she was shocked by the value of the panacea on the paper.

This is an insane effect of Pills for Keeping Young doomed the panacea it needs to be extremely rare and expensive, and more than 80% of them belong to the priceless ones. Moreover, the main drugs needed by Pills for Keeping Young, such as fruit for keeping youth, rootless flowers, ghost rattan, etc., are rare panaceas that cannot be found.

According to the maid’s eyes, if these panaceas are completed, they will need at least tens of millions of silver coins.

“Childe, follow me please”

The maid recovered after a short absence and said to Ye Qianghan with a charming smile on her face. If she was only perfunctory to Ye Qianghan professionally just now, but now it is different. Ye Qianghan has become a big gold owner in her heart.

This is definitely a big customer, and her salary can be matched by her achievements alone for several years.

Immediately, the maid did not dare to neglect Ye Qianghan and Ouyang Mingyue to a room and sat down. She poured tea for them attentively and said, “Sir, miss, please wait a moment, I will go to the warehouse to prepare the medicine for you now.”

“Well, go back quickly, this childe’s time is very precious.”

Ye Qianghan nodded.

“Yes, sir”

The maid hurriedly replied, and then hurried out.

“Qinghan, what did you buy the medicine for?”

After the maid left, Ouyang Mingyue asked curiously.


Ye Qianghan smiled and planned to hide from Ouyang Mingyue before Pills for Keeping Young refined it to give her a surprise.

“Hum, craps”

Ouyang Mingyue hum hum, white Ye Qianghan one eye, did not ask further but took a side of the cup gently suck drink up.

After about half an hour, the maid came in and said apologetically to Ye Qianghan, “Childe, our trade union has roughly all the good medicines you need, but…”

“But what?”

Ye Qianghan asked, frowning.

“It’s Fruit for Keeping Young and Ghost Rattan that you need. We don’t have them here at present.”

The maid looked at Ye Qianghan and answered carefully.


Ye Qianghan couldn’t help frowning. He was really worried about what would come from. He had been worried about whether the Alchemist Union has the main medicine refining Pills for Keeping Young. He didn’t think he was right.

It is an unlucky day.

If there were no other panacea, he could think of some alternatives, but Fruit for Keeping Young and Ghost Rattan were really irreplaceable.

“Childe, do you need any other good medicine?”

The maid saw Ye Qianghan’s unhappy face and was not worried. Although Ye Qianghan did not have enough panaceas, other panaceas were expensive. If Ye Qianghan did not buy them in anger, her commission would fall through.

“Yes, prepare three copies for me.”

Ye Qianghan replied, then paused again and said, “How can you find Fruit for Keeping Young and Ghost Rattan?”

“If you are not in a hurry, he can offer a reward for these two panaceas in our trade union. We will seek them from the Federation of Trade Unions and other branches.”

“However, because these two panaceas are extremely rare, we are not sure when they will appear.”

“However, to put it bluntly, if our alchemists’ union does not have Fruit for Keeping Young and Ghost Rattan, you will not have much chance to buy them anywhere else.”

The maid said that she did not exaggerate what she said. The Alchemists’ Union includes all the Alchemists of The Empire of Black Dragon and has a collection of at least 80% of the panaceas of The Empire of Black Dragon. If the Alchemists’ Union does not have these two panaceas, the chances of his Ye Qianghan trying to make Pills for Keeping Young are almost slim.

Unless there can be an accident.

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