Tauren Lord

Chapter 459 - travel

“Manpower is needed to take care of Lingmu and Lingtian…” Soul Barr took a step and fell to the north of Lingtian.


Reaching out, a territorial token suddenly appeared in Soul Barr’s hand. As soon as his mind moved, the territorial token in his hand immediately turned into fragments and dissipated, and a bluestone hut appeared next to him.

A flash of light flashed, and ten tauren appeared in front of Soul Baal.

“I have seen your lord.” These tauren saluted respectfully. They were all created directly by the power of the laws of the Rand world through the territorial token, and they were absolutely loyal to Baal.

“Yeah.” Soul Barr nodded.

With a wave of hands, rumbling… Suddenly, countless materials appeared not far from the side, all piled up into hills! The amount of these materials is enough to raise a territory to the city level.

“This kind of method, my lord, I am afraid he is a great person.” The ten tauren in front of them are all bright. Although they are directly created by the power of the law, they are essentially the same as ordinary people, and even possess it. Knowledge is far beyond that of ordinary people. Compared with the weak and precarious little lords, they are naturally more willing to follow the strong.

“Only ten people, too few.”

Soul Barr looked at the ten tauren in front of him, and his thoughts moved.

In the sea blue city, the real body suddenly felt a sense, and even ordered John to gather the little goblins in the sea blue city.

As the realm reached the peak of Tier 4, Barr’s level increased rapidly. Although he has been in retreat for the past 100 years, he has reached level 246. However, the strange thing is that his level has exceeded 200, and he has entered the fourth level, but his occupation has not changed, and he has not received a job transfer task, but his original exclusive ability has been greatly enhanced.

And with the increase in level… the number of summoned characters in Hailan City has exceeded 30,000, of which little goblins account for about one-third, nearly 10,000.

As Baal’s strength grew, so did his understanding of the world.

in the Rand world.

The level represents only the accumulation of energy, while the template represents a person’s understanding of the law, that is, the realm. Empty levels but no corresponding realms, the combat power is naturally extremely low. And once there is a breakthrough in the realm, even without killing and upgrading, relying on the absorption of elemental energy, the level will increase rapidly. This is also the reason why most of the lord-level powerhouses choose to retreat and practice, and rarely fight with others.


After a while, Soul Barr turned his head.

I saw that the void not far from the side fluctuated like a stream of water, swishing… One after another, the little goblins with well-equipped and powerful breath appeared one after another, and the fluctuation of the void stopped between breathing, and there were more than 3,000 little goblins in the open space. .

“This, this is a little goblin?!”

The ten tauren opened their mouths wide, looking at the three thousand goblins that were well-equipped not far away. Although these goblins had restrained their auras, they still couldn’t bear it.

With the increase in Baal’s level, the level of the little goblins has also reached level 246! Although the templates of most of the little goblins have not changed, their lifespan has been greatly extended, and with their super-high level and sophisticated equipment, their strength is comparable to a level 200 elite.

“I’ve seen adults.” The little goblins all saluted.

“Yeah.” Soul Barr nodded.

Immediately after a thought, a burly man with a single horn in black heavy armor stepped out of the void beside him, walked a few steps to Barr, and saluted respectfully, “Chen Wu, I have seen your lord.”

“Chen Wu, you will be responsible for the affairs here for the time being.” Soul Barr’s eyes flashed with golden light, and the information about cultivating spirit wood, spirit rice and territory construction was instantly passed into Chen Wu’s mind.

Chen Wu is the **** general obtained by the clone in Yan Mo Zuofu, and has the fifth-order peak strength.

“Chen Wu understands.” Chen Wu continued.


Soul Barr responded, and then the figure disappeared in a flash.


A few days later, in the main hall of the City Lord’s Mansion.

“The affairs of Hailan City will be handed over to you and Luohou.” Barr looked at the clone in front of him and said that after he came out of Yan Mo Zuofu, his strength increased greatly, not weaker than the ancient king, and the strength of the clone also reached the same level. Invincible demigod level. There are clones and Luohou guarding, plus the immemorial forbidden magic circle that he asked Venerable Mang to arrange before, Hailan City is impregnable.

“Don’t worry about the deity.” The clone continued.

“Well, I’m leaving.” Bar nodded, then shuttled through the void, and instantly came to the sea on the west side of the red soil continent, followed by a few flashes, and appeared on an island more than two million miles to the west.

“My accumulation is strong enough. What I need now is just an opportunity to integrate all my perceptions and step into the demigod realm in one fell swoop.” Barr looked at the sea in the distance.

From lord to demigod.

Not only the improvement of strength, but also the leap of life level, representing the leap from a mortal to a god! The lifespan of a demigod is almost endless, and this step is also extremely difficult to take.

“If you want to find opportunities for breakthroughs, it is not enough to just rely on retreats and practice. It is more necessary to experience. One flower and one grass, one thing and one thing, even the simplest things have the power to move people’s hearts.” Barr murmured, The reason why he handed over the affairs of Hailan City to his clone was to take advantage of the time before Yan Mo Zuofu came into existence, to travel to the main world and seek an opportunity to make a breakthrough.

“The body.” Barr whispered softly.

Swish swish… Suddenly more than 700 realms appeared beside him.

Phew, the world domain opens, and the power of the small world comes. The appearance of the surrounding world suddenly changed… Some became human, some became orcs, and some became sea clan or other races.

As Barr’s realm reached the fourth-order peak, the world body also entered the second-order peak, and the battle strength was comparable to the third-order leader. Coupled with many life-saving means, it is enough to walk in the main world.

The world body and Barr’s mind are connected, and the experience and perception of the world body will also be transformed into Barr’s perception.

“Go.” Barr said softly.

More than 700 world bodies nodded, some shuttled away from the shadow world, and some flew directly into the surrounding sea water. Kaishen inherits all of Baal’s abilities, and he can naturally breathe underwater.

“Since you want to travel to the main world, you can’t be recognized by others.” With a flick of Baal’s body, he instantly turned into a thin old man with gray hair, wearing a cloth robe and holding a black cloth banner.

“I heard before that there are adventurers in other realms.”

“And those adventurers didn’t come from the planet where I was in my previous life. Some cultivated martial arts, some cultivated Taoism, and some even studied ancient magic energy technology, and they have some strange abilities, which is a bit interesting.” Baal’s attribute panel changed for a while, very Quickly convert to human adventurer template.

Immediately, he took a step and walked away through the void.

With his current understanding of the laws of space, it is not difficult to travel through the void.

A hundred years have passed, with Baal’s understanding of the main world, it is naturally clear…

Over the past 100 years, adventurers have come to the main world one after another, and the number of people has exceeded one trillion! Even outside the realm, adventurers are rumored to appear. The planet where he lived in his previous life had a total population of only ten billion, which only accounted for a very small part of the adventurers.

Barr is not surprised. After all, the world in which he lived in his previous life is very likely to be a realm equivalent to the Rand world, and it is vast. And the planet where he lived in his previous life was just a drop in the ocean compared to the vast realm.


Time flies, time flies.

In the far west of the main world, in the south of Tianxing, a border city of the orc kingdom.

It was just dawn.

There is a small stall next to the street in the west of the city. Several fixed wooden sticks hold up a tarpaulin. Below is a row of simple stoves. There are some cages neatly placed on it, and the fragrance wafts out. Beside him, a chubby middle-aged tauren was busy.

A closer look reveals that this middle-aged tauren is an adventurer.

Da da da…

At this moment, footsteps came from not far away.

The middle-aged tauren who was busy glanced at the white-haired old man who appeared on the street corner, his eyes suddenly lit up, he even put down the work in his hand, and said with a warm smile on his face: “Yo, Master Yang, you are old today. Come early.”

The owner of this Yang Pavilion is named Yang Lin, but he is a famous person among adventurers.

Since the Yang pavilion owner appeared in Liehu City more than ten years ago, he has wiped out the powerful blood sect organization in the city with one shot, killing thousands of people in a row. Among them, there are fifteen third-order powerhouses. The leader of the blood sect organization has the third-order peak strength!

Many people suspect that this is the strength of the lord of the Yang Pavilion.

Even among the aborigines, the strong lords are big figures, and among the adventurers, those with the strength of lords are even rarer. After that, the owner of the Yang pavilion settled in the city and opened a pavilion to receive apprentices. In the first few years, there was an endless stream of people who came to apprentice, including aboriginals and adventurers. However, the standard for the master Yang’s apprentices is too high. Over the past ten years, he has only accepted three apprentices, and there are fewer people who come to the door to apprentice.

Soon Barr walked to the stall

He chose a wooden table next to him, sat down immediately, turned his head and said with a smile, “Wang Er, it’s the same.”

“Okay, a basket of steamed buns, and half a bowl of fried liver with Star Firebird.” Wang Er replied with a smile, and soon came forward with a basket of steamed buns and half a bowl of fried liver, and placed it on the table in front of Baer with a respectful expression on his face. Said, “You always use it slowly.”

“The steamed buns are fragrant but not greasy, and the fried liver is tender on the outside and tender on the inside, and the heat is just right. This Wang Er’s craftsmanship can be called perfect.” Barr ate the steamed buns and fried liver, and nodded with a smile. Since he came to Rand World, he has rarely had time to spare, and has not eaten the delicacies of his previous life for some days.

“It has been more than 20 years since I left Hailan City. I can feel that the demigod realm is within reach for me.” While Barr was eating, the world realm also opened, covering the surrounding area for more than 5,000 miles. .

Infiltrated by the power of his domain, everything that happened in it could not escape his eyes.

And with his current strength, the exploration of the world domain is even more secretive. Not to mention ordinary people, even the emperor of the empire he belongs to, the fifth-order peak powerhouse, Martin, is not aware of it at all.

“Huh? The news of Yan Mo’s inheritance spread so quickly that even Martin knew about it.” Bal’s expression changed, and he thought to himself, “Besides me, Sarant and the others are the only ones who know the news. Rand and Augusta are the most powerful among the people, and they have a better chance to obtain the inheritance of Yan Mo Maharaja, so they should not be them. Among the remaining people, the most likely one is Yan Yue.”

More than twenty years have passed.

Although Yan Mo Zuofu has not yet appeared, the news about the inheritance of Yan Mo Dajun has spread more and more widely, and now it has spread to this extreme western land. It can be seen that this news is well known among the demigods.

“There’s not much time left for me.” Baer secretly said ~www.mtlnovel.com~ When Yan Mo Zuofu appears in the world, the trial ground left by Yan Mo Dajun will be opened. Once confirmed, the news will soon be spread outside the domain, and when the powerful outside the time domain arrives, he can no longer stay here, and must rush back to Hailan City.

Barr finished eating soon.

Clang, clang.

He casually placed two top-quality primeval stones on the table, turned his head and said with a smile: “Wang Er, today you made a good bun, and fried liver is also good, these two top-quality primeval stones will reward you.” Then he got up and walked along the street. go west

“Many thanks to the master Yang, many thanks to the master Yang.” Wang Er looked at Barr who was leaving, and even thanked him.

He quickly put away the top-grade primeval stone left by Barr, feeling very happy.

Before he came to this world, he was a descendant of a martial arts family, and this primeval stone was extremely useful to him. He has worked tirelessly for more than ten years, selling buns here every morning, not just to get some rewards from the owner of the Yang Pavilion.

Such a big man.

A little bit in the gap between his fingers can make him exhausted.

“The first shot is the top-quality primordial stone, and the owner of Yangguan is very generous.” Wang Er smiled, “With these two top-quality primordial stones, my jade quenching art can go further, maybe it can be done in one fell swoop. Break through the second-order peak.”

“Master Yang left, I should go too.”

Wang Er quickly put away the stall and turned to leave. With his strength, if it weren’t for the fact that he could win the favor of the patriarch Yang with this skill and get some rewards, he would not have set up a stall here to sell buns.

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