Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 111

Episode 109: Meer hits! Tongue drum on the fabulous rabbit juice!

Follow Musik and walk in the woods. The narrow road, curved like a beast path, was harsh to the same extent as walking down the river plain.

It was no longer exhausting Meer, but she can’t even be left behind.

The depressed and lush trees are blocking the day when they descend, and the forest is generally dim.

From the shade of the tree, could a little obsessed monster appear? and so on. It is a trembling meer with unnecessary imagination.

Nothing, I don’t believe in haunts, but being scared of everything is the crux of the little one (chicken heart).

It is Meer who can jump up equally, whether it be a ghost or a wolf, who comes out.

Such was Meer, perfectly sorry, tempered and wholeheartedly moving her legs, such as being left in the woods where she didn’t know what was coming out.


– I thought you couldn’t put in a break on the way in, but you’re surprisingly physically fit. He said he was in the equestrian club, but that’s Princess Meer. I can’t lose, either.

Sion was impressed by how Meer was doing.

… was a complete back eye.

Nice to meet you, Hence, keep walking desperately,

“Oh? Is there a tickling light in front of you? It’s so beautiful…”

and so on, and where Meer began to crush things that she didn’t understand why,

“Here we are.”

The trees that covered my eyes opened all at once.

The village of Doni reached was a small village with only around ten private houses.

Every house is a crude house made of wood.

– A settlement where hunters and woodcutters gathered together, something like that…

Looking at the village, Theon judges.

“We’re, you know, here, right? It’s that round roof house.”

What was at the tip of Musik’s fingertips was a house like a digging cabin, which was very different from other houses.

“Even if we’re going to the Wang capital, it won’t be until tomorrow. It’s late today, so you should stay with us.”

Hearing the words, Theon exhaled in a ho and a relief.

– Tonight, you’re going to be able to sleep in a place with a roof.

So I turn my attention to Fumia.

For Scion, who sometimes goes hunting in the woods, this hut of hands is a relatively familiar place. But not for Meer, the princess of the great kingdom.

Perhaps it was Scion who worried that he was fading away after seeing the house built…

“How do you eat rabbits? A whole grill, after all?”

“Oh, is that a lie, too? I was going to make it into a pot today, and I had some vegetables for you.”

“Well! Braised dishes! That’s fantastic! Oh, if I even put mushrooms or something…”

“Uh, lady, mushrooms are hard to spot, so it’s dangerous if you hand them out easily, okay?

“So can you tell me what I can eat? I would love for you to eat your food.”

With sparkling eyes, Meer was obsessed with cooking.

He didn’t look at all concerned about the condition of the house etc.

– That’s a good place to worry too. He didn’t even look like he cared in Nojuku, is he surprisingly tough?

Theon laughed bitterly, but once again he looked at Musik.

“By the way, that sounds like a big deal.”

“Hmm? What is it?

“There’s a civil war going on, isn’t there?

“Hmm? Oh, I know. Anything in some town, then you’re gonna make a fuss about not going down there.”

“… nonsense, is it? Aren’t we making a scene around here?

“Anything? I don’t ask around here. Whatever, look, these countrymen are so stupid, they’re not free enough to do that.”

haha, and a luxurious laugh musik. Seeing that, Theon frowns.

– That’s a lot different from the report… After all, I thought there was a revolution that spanned the entire kingdom of Lemno…

Heavy taxes imposed by the King for arms expansion, inhabitants who couldn’t stand it and exploded their anger.

They were asking me for that information…

– Because this is a remote area along the border…, is that what this is about?

To a subtle discrepancy of information, Theon tilted his neck small.

Meaa, on the other hand, was leaning her neck.

Drinking rabbit juice plenty in the wooden jar……

– Exactly, it was just in the book. Excellent!

Meer thumped her tongue at the soft meat that melted in her mouth, the wild flavor and the rich mountain vegetable flavor, and was delighted at the beginning……

Pocahontas, my body is getting warmer, and I noticed a wig.

“… this is crazy”

Seriously observe the rabbit juice in the bowl.

“Sounds like you usually have something to eat…”

Come to think of it, that’s natural, starvation strikes the continent some years away.

Food is not separately scarce.

So, no wonder. I don’t…

“… Something’s wrong”

It’s like a little discomfort……, no, it’s like a seed of discomfort that can’t even be called discomfort……

But it catches on oddly.

“… oh, I want something sweet”

Snuffing that up, Meer threw pak of rabbit meat into her mouth.

“Delicious, but I want something sweet…”

It was an extremely luxurious mea.

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