Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 156

Episode Eight: Meer’s New Year’s Eve Monster Night

As soon as she started walking, Meer felt thirsty.

“… there must have been a water drain in the room…”

There must have always been something Anne had prepared for me before I went to bed…… but once I went to bed, it is Meer who never wakes up in the night first.

I have never had the experience of waking up in the middle of the night and drinking water. Therefore, I was not so sure that the contents of the water drain that I had on my desk were prepared during the night or what Anne had drawn for me first thing in the morning.

In fact, it is Anne who draws it before she goes to bed, and when she wakes up in the morning, she draws it back. I am loyal.


“… Oh, if I hadn’t gone back to my room, I’d feel thirsty and unable to sleep…”

Once you are concerned, it is a worrying mea that cannot be stopped. I drank it when I drank it and I think I’m going to want to go to the bathroom again but now I wanted water anyway.

– We’re not that far from here to the dining room. For once, rather than going back to the room……

Spring water is drawn in the dining room so that you can drink it at any time. Overall, the water-related facilities were in place, even if only the Principality of Velga, which is just rich in water, had to be pulled into each room.

Could it have made Meer more distracted to be able to come without anything to the bathroom?

Meer turned her foot straight to the dining room.

…… as if, to someone, to be lured.

When I came to the entrance to the dining room……,

“Oh? I don’t know…”

The sound Meer’s ears caught, it’s, like, sniffing… with sound. To say more, it’s like a girl is crying……

Moments, I hear stories in the daytime back in Meer’s brain come back to life.

There’s a story about the ghost of a female student who lost her life herself…!

“No way, it can’t be, it can’t be…”

I should have turned my heel back and escaped.

But Meer, she stuck with me.

The one with the sound…


Unexpectedly, Meer hardens breathlessly.

It was one girl there. In years, maybe a little younger than Meer or something like that.

Bossy stretched hair, worn out cut clothes and thin dirty skin were outfits like slum-dwellers, unworthy of St. Noel students.

But……, what caught Meer’s eye more than that, it was the red color that dyed up the girl’s body.

The lights that illuminate the dining room are never strong. Nonetheless, the red, burned in Meer’s eyes.

Red liquid dripping from head to upper body……, it’s like…!


Meer was going to scream.

But all that came out of my mouth was a faint, fine scream.

– So, what is it?!? That, uh, bloody schoolgirl ghost!? Oh, no!

Thus, as she rolled out of the dining room, Meer ran out for her own room.

Indoor shoes (slippers) fly somewhere, but there’s no room for that.

Barefoot and hallway floor, trying to run with all his might…… but his body didn’t quite move forward as if he were in a world of nightmares.

And I wanted to think it was my fault…

– Hi-no-no! Something’s chasing us.

The footsteps that I did, I did, followed Meer. That foothold is surely faster than Meer’s.

Meer escaped into her chambers, weeping over the gradual approaching footsteps.

“Anne! Anne!”

Jumps into Anne’s bed as she screams weakly. But for some reason, there was no one in bed.

“Anne, duh, what are you doing! Why aren’t you here?

At that time, there’s too much nasty imagination behind Meer’s brain on the pretend.

It’s like I’m gone in this world except for myself and Nanica who may not be good at it……

It’s like I’ve heard such a story on the previous timeline.

At that time, it was like Dora, who loved stories scary for fun, was talking…

– How can you, how can you, at a time like this, remember such a scary story!? That’s impossible! I’m sure, yes! When I woke up, I was gone, so I just got worried and went looking. Such a scary thing that we are all gone…… Ah.

That’s when Meer noticed a serious mistake.

– Or the key, forget to call me… Hih!

Moments, chatter, and the sound of doors opening.

Meer rushed to wear a blanket and desperately closed her eyes.

– I’m sure it’s Anne. Anne’s back. You must be……! Other than that, it’s impossible. Impossible…… Hin!

of sleigh, sleigh of……, something came up to bed.

– Oh, that’s crazy. If you were Anne, you’d give me a call!

Fear, Meer opens her thin eyelids. And there’s…, the girl’s face stained with something bright red, I can see it right around the corner, peeking into this one!

– Hey, hey, hey! Ah…

Kakun, and Meer lost consciousness.

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