Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 184

Lesson 36: Turn to Zhu…

In the fountain of purification, Meer, who had completely diminished her mental strength, appeared before Anne as she fluttered.

“Mia, are you okay?

“Yeah, no problem.”


While I tilt my neck, Anne wipes Meer’s hair tight and then makes me wear the sacred coat.

After all the work, take a step back and look at your whole body, then nod one satisfactorily……

“Good luck, Mia.”

Tell them to cheer up.

But Meer, who hears it, is somewhere above the sky.

Seeing Rafina’s horrible face earlier, she’s completely losing her soul.

“Oh, and Mia, as I said before, be careful when you move because the veil is light and fallible.”

“… huh? Oh, yeah, yeah. I get it. Thanks, Anne.”

So, finally, the soul that was coming out of my mouth came back.

Meer looked at her own outfit and smiled tiredly.

– Oh… it’s a loss, but there’s no way the general won’t go to the battlefield…

Election of student chairman.

It was a school event constituted by voting and rigorous rituals.

The cathedral, which serves as a venue, is arranged with a large communion table in front. A large silver cup is placed on the table, where red wine is poured like blood.

It was a representation of the blood of the saints.

Those elected as student chairmen drink wine from cups and swear before God that by taking the blood of saints into their bodies, they will be clean, white, and open and just chairmen.

Already, the cathedral was full of students.

By the admission of the last candidates, Meer and Rafina, the voting ritual began.

After singing some psalms, it will be time for the candidate’s last speech.

It is Meer who gives the speech first.

Entering in front of the communion table, Meer turns quietly to the students. That was then.

“Good luck, Mia!

Some of those voices came into my ears.

At St. Noel’s School, electing a student chairman is a sacred ritual.

Naturally, there is no blame for this degree, as the God of the Central Orthodox Church is tolerant, although there is more to cheering for the candidate…

“Quiet now.”

As much as the priest who divides the meeting pays a little attention, it does not become an exit disposition, etc.

Meer looked softly at those who heard cheering, a bunch of red cloth wrapped around her arms – her own supporters.

– I thought I’d give up and leave early, folks…

Complete loss. Nonetheless, they have united and have followed Meer without anyone falling off.

Those who ran through the election period together, struggled together, raised their voices, laughed, such memories swept through their brains, and Meer smiled quietly.

– I don’t know, it was kind of fun.

On the previous timeline, I thought, I never enjoyed school events like this.

My sincere thanks to the loyalists who were once unbeaten by the Kingsguard, Meer bows her head deeply.

– Thank you. I will surely reward you for your loyalty…

And that was then.

To the lid, the veil on Meer’s head slipped off.


The veil flushed in the wind, as it were, chapon, and fell into the silver cup.

See, the pure white veil stains red as if it had inhaled blood.

– Oh, it won’t be till the end anymore…

Meer panicked and tried to pick up that veil……,

“… Huh?

Fluffy, a brand new veil is applied to his head. And a hand stretched out from the side of Meer picked up the wet veil as it was.

Meer, who looked at you in awe, solidifies too much of a consternation.

“La, Lafina, ma’am?

Rafina, with her own veil on Meer’s head, gently squeezed Meer’s wet veil as it was and wrapped it around her own arm, not even caring if her holy coat was dirty. Wrap a red-stained veil around your arm, that’s – a sign.

That statement of support for Meer Luna Tiermoon!

“La, Lafina, this is…”

A glimpse of the priest watching beside him, then Rafina advanced a step forward.

“I apologize to all of you who supported me. I, Rafina Orca Verga, hereby withdraw my candidacy for Student Chairman and recommend my friend, Meer Luna Tiamoun, to the Student Chairman.”

Rin’s voice, Rafina declares.

“Ra, Rafina!

In the long history of St. Noel, this has just never happened.

Candidature withdrawn on polling day, in advance of the final speech. Moreover, it was the current student chairman who did it, the Duke and Lady of Velga, etc…

To things too out of common sense, a screaming priest.

noisy students.

In the meantime, Rafina turned to Meer.

As he kept grinning like a prank, he tongued slightly smaller.

– Holy shit, what the hell…? What’s going on?

Meer, while just confused, could only stand on the spot.

At St. Noel’s School, elections are a sacred ritual. It is a harsh thing to offer before God.

But the God of the Central Orthodox Church is known with forgiveness.

If the behavior is analogous to a joke, it may naturally be judged, or the ritual itself may be judged invalid.

If, however, the action is sincere and from sincere thoughts…, how it is acceptable to depart from ritual customs.

Yes, in the proclamation of the opening ceremony, I would even bite the line……

Alternatively, in a voting ritual, even withdrawing a candidate in a way out of common sense….

It took, and a new student chairman was born at St. Noel’s School.

Meer Luna Tiermoon.

The inauguration of the Imperial Empress’s student chairman will in no way have less impact on history, but that is still a story ahead of us.

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