Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 194

Episode 45: The Imperial Curse

“Princess Meer, it’s been a long time.”

In response to reports of Meer’s return, Ludwig visited the White Moon Palace. The expression is dark in addition to thoughts.

It should be, too, that as far as he is concerned, it is extremely unintentional that Meer’s hands should be bothered in this way.

– But I can’t help it. This problem gets pretty big when you do poorly. You can’t spread the wound if I can’t handle it.

As such, Meer, facing each other between her glances… looked a little tired.

Probably because it was a forcible army.

When he yawns in his sleep and sees Meer rubbing his smudges and eyeballs, a jitter of sorrow springs up in Ludwig’s chest.

– At St. Noel, I meant a lot of work…

Running for an unusual student chairman.

When I heard the news, it was liver-cooled, but the subsequent development was something he never imagined.

Just a reversal play, from a support rate disadvantage. It has not been revealed what was behind it. Was there some kind of deal, what do you think?

From what Rafina has been doing since then, it is possible that it was not a noisy thing such as blackmail, but only on the convincing of both.

I hear a lot of people leak their grievances at this election.

I am unhappy that we let the victory be confirmed without a vote.

Without crossing swords, what is victory? There are those who raise their voices that such things cannot be called victories, cowardice, etc.

But Ludwig doesn’t think so.

If you have a good tactician, some strategists will withdraw your opponent during the prep phase before the war begins. Some politicians win favourable conditions at the diplomatic stage even further before that.

Meer beat Rafina in the stage before the battle of voting began, the stage of strategy…… That’s what Ludwig understands.

And the reason Meer ran for student chairman…… now I know so I can take it.

– You mean they’re trying to learn how to run a school by being student chairman in St. Noel…

Use the knowledge gained there also for Tiermoon’s first school city.

Well, there’s nothing else about continental expansions, school cities, etc., except St. Noel. If we were to set an example, it could be anywhere but there.

Meer’s thoughts were extremely sensible.

Nevertheless, what a shame to Ludwig for getting in the way of her actions. It is Ludwig who wants to curse our impudence.

“I’m sorry, Your Highness. You’re in the shape of a call…… you’re still tired”

“No, it’s no problem. Huh. Last night, your father didn’t put me to much sleep wanting to hear about the accumulation…”

Probably cared for me. After making such a joke, Meer, again, bit the yawn to death……, pointed a slightly nagging eye at Ludwig.

“You came all the way here. We were gonna go this way later, weren’t we? ‘Cause you’ll be busy too.”

“No. Until I interrupted my studies at St. Noel, I called you in. I can’t ask you to visit me on that.”

On his knees and thanking his subordinates, Ludwig turns a serious gaze towards Meer.

“You look well, more importantly.”

“You don’t seem to be the same, more importantly. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you face to face like this.”

Meer did so and narrowed her eyes to nostalgia.

“So what do you want to talk to me about?

To Meer, who turns quietly, Ludwig shuts up for a moment and thinks,

“No, there are a few things I’d like to report to you before we get to the point”

This is how they got us back to Empire City. I wanted to report on the current state of the empire and ask for instructions.

Anyway, the opponent is the wisdom of the Empire. Because he is the one who sees beyond his own intelligence.

“First of all, Meer, it’s the food reserves you’re doing on your orders, but things are going well. As things stand, even if there hasn’t been any harvest at all for a year, I’m guessing there’s just a minimum of storage that won’t starve the whole population”

This leaves only the realm of conjecture. Because it is unclear to what extent the nobles everywhere have stockpiles. Reports come up, but I don’t know how far it’s true.

“Furthermore, if we calculate the amount of buyout from the Forklord Chamber of Commerce, we will likely be able to cope with a considerable scale of famine”

“Hmm…… That went well.”

Looking at the parchment that was given to her, Meer nodded small.

“And it’s wheat coming up for harvest soon…… but the harvest is going to drop a little this year”

“When it comes to decreasing… how much?

“Yes, more or less expected, but reports are coming up that it will be about 10% less than it was last year”

“10%… Hmm…”

Meer put her hand on her cheek and tilted her neck small.

That value might not have been another value to be in question. To that extent, because it can be adequately compensated for in the harvest the following year.

It was also common in the Tiermoon Empire in the first place, when the yield declined in itself.

There are many imperial aristocrats who despise peasants.

Originally, the land was suitable for agriculture, called the fertile Three Sun Moon Zone.

Land that seeds, waters and even mows weeds, and then yields fruit even if appropriate. As they say, it was a rich land that could be harvested without any ingenuity.

And there lived the simple indigenous people.

They didn’t know to starve and didn’t have to contend. They were running a peaceful farming life.

There, a powerful invader, a nearby hunting tribe, attacked.

Those of the ancestral hunting tribes of Tiermoon despised the indigenous peoples as serfs by force, and made the fruits of the land their own.

That was the beginning of the Tiermoon Empire.

The chiefs of the first emperor’s hunting tribes made those who excelled in martial arts like themselves noble, noble, and despised the indigenous people who farm as slaves to cowards. By doing so, we justified our control.

With its remnants, Tiermoon is deeply and deeply rooted in bad ideas, which can also be called lesions.

That is, there is an unfounded disdain that ‘those who farm in this land are incompetent people who cannot eat in other jobs’ ….

The system of serfs has been obsolete for a long time.

Farmers are no longer systematically and unjustly treated.

It is a decent one profession and will not be abused on the grounds of it.

Therefore……, the problem was serious on the contrary.

If there’s a problem with the system, you can change the system.

If the status is unjustly low, if it improves and is subject to violence, then we can work to eliminate violence.

But…… it’s hard to correct emotional assumptions with little or no real harm.

“Somehow, I don’t want to do it,” “I don’t like it,” “No reason, but that’s not a good thing”

Such unconscious assumptions are still rooted in people’s minds and affect a variety of behaviors without them realizing it.

Self-sufficiency in the Tiermoon Empire tends to be difficult to rise for no reasonable reason, just because of historically cultivated irrational prejudices.

And Ludwig… there, he even felt something malicious.

It’s as if… this empire is going to die for itself…

It is as if the curse of the murdered indigenous peoples of this land is about to kill all the Empire… I even remember such illusions.

Imagine without benefit, why not, Ludwig could not laugh at that imagination.

Now the distribution of food within the Empire was quite a crossroads until Meer laid her hands on it.

“… finally, you’re here”

Meer’s crush brought Ludwig back to reality.

“Coming, what…, what does that mean?

Carefully ask while gently fixing the glasses.

“The reason for the decline seems to be poor weather……”

Since we cannot just lose all agricultural land naturally, each nobleman is given a circular to preserve more than a certain amount of agricultural land in the territory.

The nobles themselves remember the crisis, so they will, by and large, be following its circular.

“If it’s just due to poor weather, the harvest could be recovering in a year’s time…”

“No, unfortunately it won’t. Perhaps this is just the beginning. There should be more next year.”

Meer quietly affirms. Then, sooo quiet gaze at Ludwig,

“If you feel you need it, take down your stockpile and distribute the wheat. I’ll leave the decision to you.”

Ludwig recognises himself as a rationalist. Therefore, I also wondered if I should allay my unfounded concerns about Meer…

Meer looked so full of certainty that she wouldn’t let it.

So Ludwig nodded back silently.

“That’s what I wanted to report. And here’s the point…”

Ludwig said without breaking his serious expression.

“Her Royal Highness Princess Meer, it’s a hectic school plan…… but you may not be able to open it like this”

“… huh?

Meer blinked her eyes.

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