Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 216

Episode 67: Princess Meer, Making a Death Presentation

– How could this happen?!?

In the reality in front of me, Meer falls into despair.

What swallows Meer, it was an extremely huge, brutal reality.

– So, why, why!?

Meer tries to open things up as she feels it stain dark in front of her.

Time goes back a while.

Meer, who joined Bell and Linsha, left the latter to Ludwig and others to make his return to St. Noel’s School.

“Now you can finally relax!

Meer, who was nicoting with others, had not made a face in the Student Council Room in a long time.

“It’s been a long time, gentlemen. I’m totally away… sorry for the inconvenience.”

After bowing her head to the facades that were gathering in the student club room, Meer goes to clean up the work she had accumulated.

– Even so, it’s mostly paperwork. Rafina, I don’t need to say anything about what you’ve put up so far…

And so on… was it bad that I was caught off guard?

When she saw the material handed to her by Rafina, Meer looked away unexpectedly.

Newly arrived problems, which, for Meer, were more serious than building a school city! Namely!

“Huh? Huh? Hey, why, why? How come there are fewer menus in the canteen sweets?

The material Rafina gave me contained a proposed renovation that reduced the menu of the cafeteria sweets.

By the way, Meer’s favorite fruit tart is gone too…,

– So, why are you doing this? What do you mean?!?

Meer is totally in tears.

“Heh heh, while Mr. Meer was gone, the three of us did a good job of looking into it. Nutrition is fun.”

Rafina and Tiona, and even Chloe, smile and laugh.

– What, uh, let’s go, what?!?

Meanwhile, Meer is just confused.

Yep, I don’t know what it is to be, and I have no idea why that reduces the number of menus for sweet things.

Still, Meer regained her mind in order to manage to regain her attitude.

“I see… hey, dude…”

“Yeah, I was a blind spot, too. The relationship between food and health……, I can’t believe there was such a discipline… So, as Meer suggested, given the health of the students and the nutritional balance, I thought we should reduce the sweets and increase the menu with more vegetables instead.”

– Damn, I’m not suggesting that at all. I didn’t say a word of that!

Swallow the words of protest, Meer diligently thinks of a way to open them.

Empire wisdom increases to protect sweet things!

“However, just because of how good it is for you, when it comes to reducing sweets and adding more vegetable dishes……, you still get complaints. That’s the problem.”

To the troubled words of Rafina, Meer found a way to live.

– Shit, that! That’s it! If you push it with that line!

Meer makes a stubborn face and nods thoughtfully.

“Yes, that’s a very serious problem. So maintaining the status quo without being forced here… Let it be a continuing issue in the future, for now…”

“No, it’s the policy that Meer launched. I want to make it happen.”

Rafina said with a face full of enthusiasm. To go with that, Chloe and Tiona snort too.

– Why are we so consigned!?

A friendship between two friends, against Meer, chases Meer down a gorilla.

“I see. Sure, it’s important to stay healthy as someone who stands above the people… I never heard of nutrition either… So you were so focused on mushrooms? That’s great, Meer.”

Theon is also a rare impression.

Both Abel and Saphias were nodding, and there seemed to be no particular disagreement.

The absence of a sweet boy is regrettable at this time.

– Ugh, uhh…, we have to do something…

In a situation where a large crowd almost decides, Meer works diligently to work out a plan.

Even isolated and helpless, there was a battle there that could not escape.

– To survive my sweets, no proposal…, no proposal? Something… Ha!

In a moment, behind Meer’s brain, a chef’s face like a bear came to mind.

“For Her Highness the Princess, I have devised a plan. It’s a vegetable cake ‘

“That’s right! Or vegetable cake!

A plan for the rebirth of death, coming!

Instantly, Meer assembles her own thoughts.

Meer’s thought of eating sweets crosses to protect sweets.

Born there is a beautiful circulation, just the spirit of help.

… Wouldn’t you?

Eventually, Meer talks quietly.

“Both keeping your vegetables well fed and not reducing the menu of sweets…… Lafina, I suggest you. Adding a good cake to your menu.”

“Good cake for your body? You have something like that?

He looks surprised, and Rafina listens back. Besides, he nodded back plenty of room, Meer said.

“We have a collection of technical skills of the Empire… vegetable cake!

“Ya vegetable cake!?

Meer enthusiastically preaches its advantages.

“First of all, the menu is refreshed, but you can keep the sweet ones. Instead, cut this less popular vegetable salad and rich green soup. I’m going to add an alternative vegetable cake to that.”

“So, but, Mia! If we don’t reduce the number of sweet menus, we won’t solve the problem of eating too much sweets…”

To Chloe, who questioned her, Meer shook her head with a quiet face.

“Don’t worry about it. Chloe. The vegetable cake was so delicious that I accidentally reached out…”

To the words, Rafina gives a convincing nod.

“I see. I mean, here’s Mr. Meer’s suggestion. Instead of eliminating delicious food from the menu and feeding it good for less delicious health, he said, adding delicious food good for health to the menu. And there’s that.”

“Exactly. Lafina.”

Rafina nodded back quietly to Meer, who nodded confidently.

“That’s right, Mr. Meer…… I didn’t have the perspective to associate the dining room menu with student health. Besides, I can’t believe we even have a menu for that…”

“Me too, I’ve been to Imperial Capital and I didn’t know there was such a cake”

“I’ve never even read a book…… Mia, that’s amazing.”

After the respectful gaze of the three girls, Meer nodded to Eagle Deep.

“If you could adopt my proposal, I would write to the Imperial City immediately, but what would you do?

He was a mia who would arm himself greatly.

Immediately after the meeting, Meer wrote to the Imperial Capital.

It was to teach the chef, a loyal chef in a distant land, how to make vegetable cakes.

The Healthy Vegetable Cake, conceived by Meer, will be a specialty menu for the canteen at St. Noel’s School…… After graduating from school, Meer highly appreciates the achievements of his chef. I’m going to be awarding the Free Meer Medal…… well, that doesn’t matter.

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