Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 319

Episode 53: Mushroom Eating Saint, Meer’s Sharpening

“Because you’re a saint? What the hell…?

Rafina said in a quiet tone to Santelli (… and Meer), who had a face that she could not solve.

“Santelli, do you seriously think Mr. Meer did that for a selfish purpose?

“I don’t, and…, is that what you say, Rafina?

Rafina nodded heavily,

“Of course not. Isn’t it? Mr. Meer.”

Meer, who was told the story, also snorts heavily.

To be honest, I had no idea what Rafina was talking about, Meer, but it… It is a behavior in which the meer appearance shines, not against the waves, but winds up irresistibly on the long ones.

Rafina smiles satisfied when she sees her face disguised as Meer’s wonder.

“Yes. There’s no way Mr. Meer would do something stupid and selfish like that. It’s also different that I did it with a joke or a joke. In the first place, don’t you think that’s strange? That I found a fierce poisonous mushroom ahead of me when I went mushroom hunting, from there, I purposefully brought back the mushroom of the weakly toxic, without anyone knowing it, and after I secretly put it in the pan, the person I put it in…, only the person, eating it? Could there be such a coincidence? It’s not like I acted deliberately trying to eat poison.”

“That’s, well… I don’t think it’s normal behavior…”

Santelli also acknowledges Meer’s unusual behavior.

“Mr. Meer’s actions must have had a solid purpose.”

In a tone full of certainty, Rafina affirms.

“Objective……. That’s…”

Meer waited for Rafina’s words, sipping her hard spit. Now revealed, to know the stunning purpose hidden behind the actions of “myself”!

“Its purpose is…, to improve the security system of the Holy Night Festival…”

“Become!? What does that mean? There’s a flaw in our security?

Santeri with a flashing face. From that attitude, I felt unwavering pride in my work.

“I don’t… can’t you say that? Mr. Meer poisoned a pot made on an island where he” shouldn’t be able to bring in ”poison where he shouldn’t be able to mix it… and ate it?


Santelli shook her head immediately, even as she said for a moment.

“I see. Indeed, it would have been a handful to find that there were poisonous mushrooms growing inside this island. It wasn’t our unexpected thing. But even if you could get a lethal poison mushroom on this island, I don’t think you could have let that in by breaking Holy Night’s Festival security. Isn’t the situation different?

Even with Santelli’s words, Rafina never broke her stern look.

“Yes…… it may indeed be impossible to put it into what the students eat, what is offered at the banquet. A stricter security posture will be laid than today. But… what if it’s against what the squire sends out?

Rafina looks up to Santeri.

“Which of us, what was behaved today by the officers of the Student Council, or what is behaved on Holy Night Festival Day by our servants, could it be made under strict surveillance?

Assassination takes place only on the day of the Holy Night Festival. Security against the usual Rafinas is strict enough.

So security for the servants of Holy Night’s Festival Day, Santeri, which can only be answered as the former if asked which is stricter……,

“Are you a squire…?

With a look of surprise, Santelli said.

“It may be possible, indeed, to mix the poison if it is offered to the servants…, but will the bad guys do something like serve the poisoned dishes to them?

“If the aim is to kill a country’s dignitaries and cause chaos in that country, there would be no point in doing so. But what if it was to scratch the reputation of our St. Noel school?

That’s what Santelli herself said. A scandal like this one would scar the St. Noel School Students Association, its honor to flourish, he said.

“What if now all the followers of the nations were killed in this St. Noel? If the Duchy of Velga, which is in a position to put everyone together in order to fight the serpent of chaos, fails to do so, there will be a crack in solidarity…… Wouldn’t you agree?

Rafina said quietly closing her eyes.

“Mr. Meer proved the crisis. Put your body up.”

“No way…… The princess of the Great Empire should do something like that…”

Santelli looks stunned and stares at Meer. Suddenly, being gazed at, and alarmed, Meer was confused for a moment. I might even wave…, and I just put my hand up…, Rafina’s voice blocked.

“No, Mr. Meer would do it… As long as someone else gets hurt, I choose to get hurt. That’s who Meer is…”

As for Meer, who is not such a person, I didn’t even have to think, “Well, even if he was so lifted…” etc… naturally, he can’t speak.

It is Meer’s basic tactic to get wrapped up in the long ones.

If that’s what Rafina says, it is!

“You’ll know very well too, Santeri. Give up your life for a dear friend. That’s what the Central Orthodox scriptures say there’s no greater love. But how many can practice it without hesitation? Eat your own poisonous mushrooms to reveal security deficiencies, the danger of poisoning…… For someone… for a squire, for civilians…, could anyone do that?

Somehow, it was Meer who didn’t feel her rating for herself rising to dangerous waters…, I don’t argue with her.

If that’s what Rafina says, it is!

– A person named Meer goes on to eat poison mushrooms for someone, a self-sacrificing person… I don’t know where Meer is, but Rafina is absolutely absolutely right!

It is Meer who tells herself that.

“Actually, I was talking to him at the student council. Anxiety about Holy Night Festival security, he said. Then Mr. Meer told me to leave this matter to you, and he advised me to call you to that pot party.”

Put your hands gently on your chest, Rafina said,

“So all this commotion is my fault…… If there’s anyone to blame, it’s me.”

He said it in a quiet, serene voice.

– Self-sacrifice, or… I miss it, it’s a word.

Listening to Rafina, Santeri Bandler remembered a long time ago.

He was originally a Duchy guard.

Beginning at an early age, he had a firm faith in the Scriptures and was expected to become a priest in the future. But what he chose was a path called the Guard of the Principality Army.

Because it seemed to him that the teachings of Scripture, the “spirit of self-sacrifice”, overlapped with the guards who defended you with their own shields.

Thus, he became a guard and went up to the chief of security on the flourishing island of St. Noel.

I have had the pride of being sincere and moving into my own work over the past few decades. But……, since when? There, the proud heart came in……

– I had intended to serve to protect people according to the teachings of God… but at some point, did I take as God the work that I had accomplished…

I didn’t know it was myself who forced self-sacrifice on a girl who wasn’t even old enough…

Somewhere, with a quiet face, Santelli bowed her head to Meer.

“I can’t apologize for all the stubbornness I’ve caused Her Highness Princess Meer so much pain”

Then Santelli turned to Rafina and still bowed her head deeply.

“Lafina, I’d like you to take me off guard… We are also prepared to take any punishment you need.”

“No, Santeri. Unfortunately, that’s unacceptable.”

Santelli’s words of readiness were, however, lightly rejected by Rafina.

“Why…? I forced Her Royal Highness Princess Meer to eat poisonous mushrooms. If we don’t take responsibility…”

“Certainly pulling yourself back can be described as a clean attitude. If you have become guilty of your own actions, you can also understand the mood to seek punishment. But… Meer doesn’t want that.”

So Rafina turned to Meer.

“Huh? Oh, yeah…… That’s right…”

Meer, who was completely abandoned, panicked slightly when she was suddenly told the story.

Reach for the tea in front of you for a bite to calm you down.

Summarize your thoughts while spilling your breath.

– Well, because I ate poison mushrooms on my own, it seems bad aftertaste to make me quit this one… Later, if you find out you ate poisonous mushrooms with the right idea… that would be a big deal.

Always prepare for the worst. That is the strategy of the cautious.

Rafina must be angry if she finds out she was forced to fire her loyalists for selfish reasons.

That’s scary! I just imagined it, my stomach hurts.

– I’m sure it’s better to create a form here where you can find out later. At the same time, if you put a lid on it so that it doesn’t get dug too hard, it’s better.

If so……

Quickly reckoned, Meer had a calm grin as the Virgin.

“I have asked Lafina to forgive me for the sin of” eating poison mushrooms at will ”

First of all…, it becomes a “default fact” to ignore one’s own discretionary behavior. Besides that,

“I don’t think so, but Lafina, how guilty you are of me. Therefore, I hereby declare, dare I Rafina, forgive me for my sins.”

Rafina is sick of this one and stabs the nail so she doesn’t do anything crazy. This story, now let it stop and don’t steam back! It is a consideration that

To the inconvenient truth, Meer’s power to cover the lid, “It’s over now,” glows.

And as for its finish……

“If I and Lafina are to be forgiven, I don’t think it’s fair to let you bear your sins alone. So you should also be forgiven.”

If we make it through this scene because of Santeri, we will surely leave the cause behind later.

Those who have been taken responsibility will continue to be dissatisfied until later, and may be pushed and moved by it to try to dig up the past with some trigger.

That’s not a good idea. Meer’s ideal is to make all of us aye-free.

Assuming that being dug up doesn’t make it a problem, it doesn’t even make you feel like digging it up.

Double triple lid, then, with a done face, Meer looked at Santelli.

And then I realize.

That Santelli’s stubborn face is only slightly disintegrating. That, if I may say so……, was the impression that the hard snow melted and the soft soil peeked from under it……

Maybe now……

Meer abruptly decides to add here.

“If I may just say one thing…, I respect your work”

First, Yoisho. This is the basics. On top of that,

“And we expect you to continue to work with all your souls.”

Sow seeds.

Santelli’s work is important and directly linked to the lives of the Meers. So if you can encourage me more, enthusiastically, I’ve never gone beyond that.

– Now, it’s an atmosphere where you can honestly listen to me even if I tell you not to get out of hand with security… and maybe because I’m in the mood for Mr. Santelli’s security prevents my assassination…

Strike all the fabric stones you can to prevent your own death at Holy Night’s Festival.

It is the strategy of the cautious.

“Oh…… I see. Indeed…”

After hearing Meer’s words, Santelli, for a moment, gave a frightened face,

“Sure, you deserve the name of a saint. If so, I will carve this Santelli, the words on my chest, and I will meet my duties.”

He knelt before Meer, saying the words of his vows.

Santeri Bandler was to spend that lifetime guarding St. Noel Island.

This old chief of security said he always wanted to hear the views of the young and never took it lightly.

“I know that there are those who are wiser than me. I have had experience and also know that my thoughts tend to be rigid when I get older. That is why we must seriously listen to the thoughts of young people with flexible thinking, even if they lack experience. We must consider everything and keep our horizons wide open so that we can deal with all unforeseen situations.”

The creed of the old man became the cornerstone of St. Noel’s security, and the island’s security became stronger and stronger.

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