Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 394

Episode XVII: Bread and Cake Declaration

Well, the day of the induction ceremony is here.

The St. Noel School’s entrance ceremony, like any other event, has a ritual dimension.

A cathedral filled with students. Meer sits in that front row and gently closes her eyes.

Eventually, the ceremony began.

It was called the “Rite of Incense” that followed the psalm offered to God.

The ritual of incense is an important ritual in welcoming freshmen as students of this school. Meer hears that it is a ritual to represent the noble fragrance of fragrance oil offered to God and worthy of St. Noel’s students.

Rafina, dressed in a pure white costume, came into the diocese. The costume, made of fine cloth, emitted a glossy glow and coloured Rafina’s clear skin. To that angelic costume……, Meer felt a little complicated remembering the statue she saw the other day at St. Meer’s School.

When Rafina receives the lamp from the priest, she walks straight ahead.

Across the street was a giant silver cup placed on the ritual table. The cup contains the finest fragrance oil. Rafina slowly drew the flame closer.

I make a sound that I can play, and the flames are lit. At the same time, the aroma of sweet fragrance oil spread around.

– Hmm… I don’t care, but the precious scent is the sweet scent… I see, I’m convinced.

Half the time, Meer, who is on the verge of stepping into Sweetness, is unwittingly convinced. In the future, I am worried that Rafina will not be interrogated for heresy.

Well, that doesn’t matter…

Eventually, after a series of rituals, Meer’s turn finally came.

“I now invite you to greet the student chairman, Meer,”

Meer, called to Rafina, exhaled small, then raised her face.

In front of the cathedral, carrying a quietly burning scented oil, Meer turned her gaze to everyone. I looked over at the one packed into the cathedral and took another deep breath.

Inhale the sweet air thoroughly, then…, quietly open your mouth.

“Good mood, gentlemen. I am Mia Luna Tiermoon, the student chairman.”

My mind, besides my thoughts, was calm.

Until this day, think, think… Meer had come to one conclusion.

– It is not possible to spend any of the empire’s reserves for other countries… perhaps not.

Though I tried to think of a lot of excuses, I gave up immediately.

Even if you can successfully deceive Scion or Rafina for misleading the amount of reserves, it is almost impossible to deceive the eyes of the divine serpent.


– The aftertaste, it’s bad…

As for Meer, who felt sorry for herself many times on the previous timeline, she would think about the feelings of the person she refused. I’m sure, on the day you say no, you’ll have bad dreams and a stomachache.

– If so, I’d rather… think on the assumption of giving help.

So…, Meer changed her policy. i.e.…….

“What I want to say to you. It’s… it’s a spirit of help!

Be aggressive, get your surroundings involved!

“When we’re in trouble, we’re with each other. We, who stand above the people, must help each other, regardless of the country, when the people are in distress.”

If we have to give supplies, we have no choice. Then you won’t be alone in your own country. When some country asks for help, you guys get out something decent too! and stab the nail.

Plus, there was another aim. That’s…, not to lose money.

“Help me, help me… coalition between those countries is important!

Meer theorizes forcefully. If you translate it, that is to say, assuming the empire, for the sake of famine, has offered its reserves…, this time to help properly when the empire is in trouble.

We’ll help each other when you’re in trouble… i.e. we’ll help you when you’re in trouble, so be sure to help us when you’re in trouble instead! That is.

Meer, who felt compelled to put it out, decided to take it from others. The one with the extra power, don’t hide it and let it out properly,…

And proclaim it magnificently in front of Rafina and in front of the children of the royal nobility of the nations. That’s what matters.

Once, Meer made a lot of messes without knowing. Therefore, let me be perfectly clear in order not to make you say you didn’t know.

“For all of us, I’d love for that to happen. Yes…”

Once, cut the words, Meer looks around everyone’s face……

“If anyone is hungry today because they don’t have bread to eat……, serve the cake you were going to have for fun tomorrow and eat with us. Don’t spare the cake and leave the needy alone.”

Tomorrow, give him all the cakes he was going to eat, not to say, Meer.

‘Cause I want cake…

Reducing the cake you eat and eating it with you…… That’s Meer’s critical compromise. It was a critical line that I could take the initiative and do. By the way, if strawberries were on board, it would naturally be Meer who would put them on his own. I can’t give in there.

Then, Meer exhaled small.

“Going forward……, a lot will happen on the continent. Different countries may experience difficult times as well. But we are the learners together in St. Noel. Bring this elegant fragrance together, buddy. with each other who live on this continent. Please don’t forget, even if you’re back in the country.”

Thus, Meer closed her eyes, as if to pray.

No……, Meer was actually praying.

– Oh, please… Cyril and Asha…, don’t succeed in making cold resistant wheat… Ugh, if you don’t, you’re sure to run out of stockpiles……


The words of Meer, spoken on this day, were called the “Declaration of Pancakes” and became the words to be recorded in future generations.

It was a rare word.

The moment spoken was an unmistakable and mediocre word.

It was stale, smelly, dusty and beautiful.

When we’re in trouble, do we have each other? Let’s help each other, shall we? Who the hell would truly take such a used beauty?

Everyone laughed at those who were listening on the spot. I scoffed that it was a cliché.

But……, the words began to shine little by little over time.

Because whoever spoke of it, Meer Luna Tiermoon, took the initiative to embody the word.

Because by food aid from the Tia Moon Empire, there were not many saved.

Meer never waved away the hands of those in need. As one, he sent supplies to countries in need, without forsaking them. And… there were those who followed Meer like that.

Beginning with the country to which Meer’s friends belonged, the flow eventually became so great that it covered the entire continent.

And that becomes the basis for a certain mechanism.

Meer’s friend, Chloe Forklord, built it around a mechanism called “Meeannette” in the afterlife – a gigantic connection of food mutual assistance across countries, said to have swept away starvation and death from the continent.

As the basic philosophy underpinning it…, the “Pancake Manifesto” was to be spoken of as the golden rule that never wavered.

… By the way, I ended up talking about sweet stuff at the admissions ceremony, Meer, but no one put a scratch on that.


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