Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 451

Episode 73: May Detective Meer, canning the killer

Meer finally had time to be alone about Uncle Lampron’s residence. So, full, Meer opened the royal legend.

“When I was with Mr. Emeralda, I couldn’t really, really read it slowly…”

of the problem, I follow with my eyes the article on Zion’s death. All the while, the description was changing as Meer expected.

“Hmm……, well, you are, aren’t you? That’s true… how things have changed.”

Theon could have been avoided in the fight against the bandits.

So the problem is solved……, again. Is another death imminent in Zion……

Confirming the continuation, Meer sighs deeply.

Because the Imperial Herald indicated a new statement that Zion would be assassinated by poison.

“That means, after all, the first bandits should also be seen as a lot of assassinations of Scion… No, I wonder if I can still throw away the line of coincidence…?

While the bump snapped, I proceeded to read, and…, oh, my God, now it even said the name of the killer!

“Ha-ha-ha, we did it! This will solve it all at once!

It was also a while ago that I shouted delightfully……, Meer thought about it again. Because the name of the killer that was written there is…, Eshar Saul Sankland. That is, it is……,

“Prince Eshar, Second Prince of Sankland…… You’re Theon’s brother, right? Why would someone like that…?

Meer holds her head in unexpected appearances.

Essentially, the name of the royal nobility that matters to Tiermoon is Meer, whom I try to remember, but I only knew about Eshar about his name.

Naturally, you can’t even tell what he thought and assassinated or anything.

“And I’m in so much trouble… If they’re nobles there, it seems like they can handle it… but I can’t believe His Royal Highness the Second Prince is the killer…”

This also prevents us from going out to the violent means of worst and last resort, pointing at Dion… etc.

“Well, I wasn’t motivated… Fortunately, the day of the assassination is the day of the Royal Palace dance party, to which Mr. Emeralda is invited. It’s not impossible to prevent it on the water… However, even in that case, we have to do something about the killer… hmmm…”

Suddenly, the smoke rises from Meer’s head, thinking in arms.

It is the so-called wisdom fever.

Meer fell on the bed with her arms around her.

“So, no! I can’t think of anything! I don’t know what to do… Oh, I want something sweet! Again, when you think, you need something sweet!

That’s how Meer found herself walking down the hallway, trying to leave the room!

“Oh, I did! I brought Ludwig here for a time like this!

It’s a Meer stunt, a round throw.

Anyway, this time, Meer is putting in place a complete system.

Ludwig for thoughts. In terms of force, Dion. In terms of poison, Strina.

This is all we have. It is a foolish thing, such as not using it and thinking for yourself.

So…, Meer quickly brought Ludwig into the room.

“Prince Eshar, is…?

Ludwig, who visited Meer’s room, leaned his neck towards the question of entering the room or denying it.

“Yes, Prince Eshar. I’m Theon’s younger brother, but have you heard any rumors?

The questioned Ludwig, arm in arm, silenced.

“I’m sorry. To be honest, I don’t have any information I’m particularly curious to say about this. If I had to, I’d do a little research…”

“Well… I guess I’ll ask…”

But I was unfortunately not given the time to do it. Because at the next moment,

“Lady Meer! Meer!

Because Emeralda, who opened the door and changed his blood phase, came in.

“Well! What’s wrong, Mr. Emeralda? As such, make a blue face…”

“Ki, ki, listen to me! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa…”

Meer sighed furiously into Awa Awa and Emeralda, who shook her mouth.

“You know who they are, don’t you? So, who was it?

“What, what…”

“Please calm down. There’s no such thing as a lady having to panic like that in this world…”

“Wow, my engagement partner is Prince Eshar!

“…………………… huh?

Kirin, and meer that blinks my eyes. My mouth is pouting – I’m opening it up and exposing myself to a slightly dumb surface, but now Ludwig couldn’t afford to care less about it.

Because he was struck by a shock.

At this time, he slowly felt like he was finally able to understand what his own Lord was thinking…

Marriage of Emeralda of the Greenmoon family, corner of the Imperial Four Grand Dukes family, and Eshar Saul Sankland, second prince of the Kingdom of Sankland. And if whoever holds it becomes Uncle Lampron, the holder of traditional conservative thought in Sunkland……

If the power chart that you can do when it’s done…

– As an axis against the connection between Her Royal Highness Princess Meer and His Highness Zion, a force will be created: the Duke of Greenmoon and His Highness Eshar.

Pull through the Greenmoon family from the four Grand Dukes that Meer should have mastered, and with it, engage the anti-empress. In addition, there are boys in the Greenmoon family. He is also a candidate for emperor if Meer did not succeed to the throne.

Moreover, within the Kingdom of Sankland, against the careful Scion for territorial expansion, under Prince Eshar, it is also the schematic of entangling the nobles of the conservative layers.

– I see. So, did Master Meer tell you to find out about His Highness Eshar!

Noticed late, Ludwig bites his teeth.

– If you think about it a little bit, it’s something you might understand. If we had grasped the domestic situation and the force map of Sankland……, if the marginal discourse between the Starred Duke’s Lady and the Sankland nobility had been lifted at this time, there would have been no creation such as inferring the aim behind it.

Ludwig bowed his head with his thoughts in his chest.

“I’m sorry. Her Royal Highness Princess Meer, my thoughts do not extend, and such a lapse…”

“Ha…? I don’t know what a letdown is…”

Meer tilts her neck properly. Make a strange face from the bottom of your heart, as if there really was no such thing as a lethargy.

Ludwig feels that compassion.

– Without blaming my genius, are you putting me away so that I don’t get sick…

“I expect more from working, Ludwig.”

So, to Meer with a gentle grin, Ludwig just lowered his head.

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