Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 468

Episode 89 Peroli… Is this… poison?!

Now, Meer notices as she tries to make the main dish fillet steak of the Saint-Claude beef.

I don’t suppose I’m doing anything to get information?


It is an opportunity for Ludwig to gather information. I won’t waste it.

Meer raised her gaze after eating about half of the main dish fillet steak.

While slowly enjoying the rich gravy and rich aroma of the rich sauce spreading through her mouth, Mia transferred about 20% of her consciousness from the meal to the surroundings.

–Hmm, Prince Eshar is keen to gather information from Emeralda. On my side, I think it would be better to extract information from another side.

Without drawing out the necessary information, including the circumstances behind the Theon assassination, Meer decided… to bake the sauce left over from the plate that had eaten up the fillet steak.

It is the sauce that brings together the life of the cook and all his skills. Therefore, Meer will not leave it behind. That is the courtesy of Meer.

Well, aside from that… Meer quickly turned to Zion.

“But Prince Theon is also a bad person. I wish you could tell me about Prince Eshar and Emeralda.”

As Meer pointed out, Theon smiled in trouble.

“No, actually, I’ve been hearing that lately.”

“Hmm! You didn’t know either…?!

We’ve reached critical information! All the same, Meer opened her eyes coolly….!

– Well, that’s true. This is a friendship between me and Theon to counter our cooperative relationship, and it’s only natural that you’re not informed… oh? But are you aware of Uncle Lampron’s intentions on the matter? If you are aware of this, you are about to make an acquaintance with it…

After a long reflection again, Meer thinks. Theon wouldn’t have noticed.

Because ”Prince Eshar’s affair was hidden.”

Is that Theon… is that what the perfect Superman Theon suspects? Have you noticed how overt a political operative is? Is that possible?

–That’s hard to think about. If so, is it an unacceptable or unacceptable situation…? Hmm… what about His Majesty Abram…?

While thinking, Meer turned to Abram.

“Nevertheless, the relationship between the kingdom and the empire will be strengthened by the friendship between Prince Eshar and Emeralda.”

“Oh, my friendship with your country is a pleasure to me, Saint Kland.”

Abram said with a gentle smile.

“Besides, it’s probably good for the continent. If the Holodomor really comes, the nations must join hands, as Princess Meer said. Otherwise, it will not be for the people.”

“Fufu, I’m glad you believed me.”

Meer smiled so much… and was immediately attacked by a strange feeling of discomfort.

– Oh? That’s weird… It’s kind of subtle around my stomach…

Something that suddenly attacked me… that, to put it bluntly, caused abdominal pain… Haha raised her face and licked the sauce on her mouth, and Meea groaned.

–Well, this is… no way… Poison!?

No… it’s just too much to eat.

There is no doubt about it, it is just too much to eat.

It’s nothing, it’s just too much to eat.

Yes, it was just an illusion that Meer was hungry and the vessel was empty.

In the first place, Meer doesn’t have much of a vessel. Psychologically and physically.

I think that if it’s delicious, I won’t be full as much as I eat it, but it’s only subjective. In fact, there is a limit to the capacity of the vessel…

It was Mea, who also ate quite a lot at lunch with Raffina at lunch. Besides, if you eat the dinner meal so much, your stomach will also hurt.

And I realized later, ”Hey, you seem to have eaten too much.” But her shame began to escape reality. In other words,

“I’d rather have my stomach hurt with a little poison, I don’t want to say that it hurt because I ate too much….”

and so on.

Well, but abdominal pain is approaching with a sense of reality that won’t allow you to escape… Whether it’s poison or overeating, it’s not decided what to do…

–Ugu, I’m going to go to the bathroom during a meal… but I can’t help it.

When she decides, Meer stands up slowly.

“Excuse me, I’m going to leave my seat for a moment.”

Gracefully, you leave the venue. And one of the maids who was waiting in the hallway called and asked him to show me where he was going.

Then there was one who finished all the things, and called out to Meer, who came out of the toilet.

“Princess Meer…..”

The young man with black hair who was standing… It was Keithwood, the Servant of Theon.

“Oh…? Mr. Keithwood, is something wrong?

Keithwood said with a serious face to Meer tilting her neck.

“Actually, there’s something I’d like to hear from you… By the way, did you successfully contact Lord Ludwig?

– What are you doing? Contact Ludwig…

It was Meer tilting her neck, but I immediately noticed.

Apparently, Keithwood thinks that Meer left the venue to get in touch with Ludwig in order to flash something and move him right away.

You don’t think it’s a stomach pain after eating too much.

“Fufufu, no way. I can’t do that.”

I felt like I would find out if I lied, so I decided to laugh deeply for the time being, Meer. Hearing that, Keithwood nodded convincingly.

“Ok, let’s do that.”

“Besides, what is it? The information I want to hear is…..”

“Ah… That’s right. I have something to tell you about Lord Theon and Lord Eshar.”

Keithwood kept his voice down.

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