Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 504

Episode 125 I’m sure you deserve it….


Theon walked here after a spectacular match.

Meer could only stare at it with a daze.

What the hell did I say… should I be comforted, or should I be angry? Or…

Meer grumbles her head in confusion. Theon lowered his head quietly when he came to see it.

“I’m sorry. Meer, I’ve been using you.”

“Yes… use…?

Theon whispered.

“Ah, thank you, Eschar, because I think I was wrong about you. For the 36112; to Eshar… I had to lose. But if I hadn’t dressed myself up like I was wearing something important, I would have thought I was loose.”

Then Theon smiled like a prank.

“That was a pretty good act, wasn’t it?


Theon shrugs his shoulders to Meer, who leans his neck.

“If even you could deceive me, you’d be good. Looks like it worked. Yeah, thanks.”

Then Sion tries to turn his heel back.

Looking at her, Meer… felt it. Theon can’t do it, it’s getting stronger.

Meer roared unexpectedly, gum…

After coming here, Meer finally realized what she had to do.

–What I have to do… is teach Theon…!

Meer thinks.

Theon likes himself… apparently true. So, what happens?

–I ‘m sure you’ve always appealed subtly. Do you mind if I ask you out on a date? It’s like…

Meer deduces that. At the same time, I think. That way… it won’t work.

After all, Meer is experiencing it.

Appeal to the previous timeline, the unstoppable Theon… the experience of being completely thrown through…

–As Anne, the love warrior, said, it’s not going to work that way. You need to appeal more directly, humbly, and easily!

Nevertheless, Theon is apparently trying to end his love in the form of “giving up his love for his brother.”

That’s no good. It’s not because Theon’s love didn’t come true! It’s because you didn’t approach it properly!

–Well, I have Abel, so I may not have been able to do it in the first place, but if I do it again, I won’t be able to make a real love.

From now on, the word that must be thrown at Theon, that Meer herself, once pointing to a failure, has faced.

After Anne pointed out the mistake, Meer was now well aware of it.

At that time, Theon took a cold attitude because of his own actions….

Then Meer has to say.

They won’t turn around just waiting like that. If that’s the wrong way to do it, you have to take a confession and hook it up.

Otherwise, Theon will be mistaken again. If Sion is distorted while repeating the flickering like that… then the snake must leap into the heartbreak.

I want to avoid it anyway!

–Then I’ll have to tell you… As a leader in love!

Yes, you may have forgotten, but Meer is an adult sister. We must teach the young boy who is lost in love a proper path.


Theon, wait.

Meer summons Zion to leave.

“Your Highness Theon Saul Sankland… that’s no excuse.”

Theon looks back at the words with a happiness and surprise.

“Say exactly what you want to say. I’ll take it and give you a proper reply!

“This… is crazy…”

In Meer’s words, Theon opened his eyes for a moment.

“But that’s right….”

Gently kneel down. Then Theon looked up at Meer….

“So, Princess Meer, may I help you?

I said it in an elegant tone.

Invited by the words, Meer gently reached out. Gently wrap your hands around them and hold them with both hands…., Theon,

“Princess, I beg your pardon for your disrespect.”

Gently and delicately touching the precious jewels, she put her lips on the back of Meer’s hand.

“Princess Meer, I admire you. I’m attracted to you. Will you respond to my feelings?


A clumsy, clumsy Confession of Theon. As a result, Meer blew away her adult sister’s leeway… leeway!

“Keh, khufu…”

Peel small.

An unfamiliar confession from an exquisite beautiful boy strikes and crushes Meer’s heart!

–Whoa, we have to calm down. All I have to do is refuse. All you have to do is say no!

Then Meer turned her eyes towards Ginn and Zion…

Theon’s serious face…

In a moment, the earlier battle comes back to life behind Meer’s head.

Considering that battle with the whole body and spirit, their swords were swinging for themselves…., Meer could not reply with a light feeling, such as “You can refuse.”

To be honest with him, if I don’t return it… I’m sure he won’t wake up well… the instinct of the cautious (chickenheart) told me.

Phew… exhale a little, and Meer sorts out her mind.

Then I started talking carefully.

“Theon, you fought Abel… well done. Really….”

It was a compliment to the duel that spilled over naturally.

“… I didn’t mean to lose.”

With a bitter smile on his face, Mia shakes her head.

“It was a great fight. Theon, you are… so… beautiful.”

It was the heart of Meer.

… I meant it.

Yes, at this time – until the time of this decision…, it was the first time that Meer thought.

Theon was a fascinating boy… and I really knew it.

I could honestly admit it.

Fighting Abel from the front, when he helped himself fall into the river, confronting the werewolf, making mistakes, hurting and trying to move forward….

In the previous timeline, his charming figure, hidden by the splendour of its upper part, passed through Meer’s brain.

That’s what I thought.

If… if something were different… could I fall in love with him?

What if the previous timeline… if Meer was taking a step forward…?

If I had grown a more honest relationship without acting arrogantly as the empress of a great power… would such a future have been possible?

–Even if you think about it, it’s not that bad. Now we need to respond to Theon’s feelings.

Meea sighs a little. Then calm down… and stare at Theon again.

“You’re a lovely person. So, I’m sure… there’s someone who deserves you.”

It was the same word I used at a dance party one day. But….

“I’m sure there’s a better woman than me…”

Unlike that time, Meer was able to say it from the bottom of her heart.

I could say that if there was always someone worthy of Theon, there would always be an encounter… with Theon in mind…

It was the word of 36112; from Meer to Theon.

“I see…..”

In Meer’s words, Theon… smiled slightly.

“Yeah… It’s your word. I’ll try to believe it.”

So he left quietly.

“Prince Theon….”

There was someone chasing Theon with a worried face.


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