Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 545

Episode 163: Meer, dance with your head!

Now, nothing happened after that (Raffina seemed to have been stuck at a nightly pyjama party in the carriage…), and the party came to the forest where there was a hideout for the fire clan.The lush and leafy trees, the green of which was dark and close to black.

A group stops in front of the forest.

The horse that got off the carriage headed for the woods on a small run.

“This way. It’s hard to understand, but there’s a way here…..”

Afterwards, Meer, who led the escort, followed.

From the standpoint, there was no need for Meer to follow me… but Meer couldn’t stop herself.

Because the woods called.No, because the mushrooms lurking in the woods… called!

–When I come to the new forest, it’s the experts who want to see what kind of mushrooms are growing.It’s only natural that the blood of the mushroom mystery will make a scene…

Mm-hmm, it was Meer who nodded greatly….

“But is it because the horseback riders can’t find us hiding in the woods?

When asked, Huima nodded one.

“Probably at first.But as far as I know, I didn’t hide that well.There are twelve tribes in the Horseback Kingdom.Sneaking out on the meadow, feeding horses grass, or making deals with other countries under the name of a tribe. ”

“I see….”

Well, I’m convinced it will be.

The conflict between your ancestors from a long time ago is no longer a major problem for those who actually live now.So if we found the Fire Clan, we wouldn’t have had a big fight there.

As if to prove the words of Huima, the path she had shown was cleverly hidden, but quite wide.There are roadways so far as to be able to get in as a carriage.

That means there was a lot of stuff going through it.It was proof that they weren’t sneaking behind the woods.

Then, under the guidance of Hui Horse, the carriage proceeded again.It takes about half an hour to go down the twisted, dark road.Suddenly, the road opened up… and I saw a fire clan settlement.

It was a simple village.

A hut made of wood lined up with powder, powder, and horses were also seen in the enclosure.

–Hmm… looks like the Lourou village I saw earlier.The big difference is still horses.

The horses were observing us as to whether they had noticed an unfamiliar carriage.There were a variety of things to stare at with clear eyes, things to be vigilant with your ears twitching, things to twitch your nose and try to sneeze.

… it seems that the relatives of the rough storm are here too.

Well, anyway…

“That’s weird.There’s no sign of anyone. ”

The village was calm and quiet.However, I could only hear the horses breathing, and I could not hear the sounds of life standing.

“Hey! Everybody’s back.Where the hell are you?

With a worried face, Huima shouted.Immediately thereafter!

“Huima!?Are you okay?

A young woman rushed over from the shadow of the building.After that, people began to gush out.

“Oh, we were all worried….”

Huima returns a smile.As she watched the horse surrounded by her eyes, Meer looked impressed.

“Hmm… Huima-san is also quite popular.”

Are you all right, Mr. Huima?

“I was worried you might have been fooled by a bad man.Did they steal anything?

“As I said before, not all people who give us good food are good people.Huima-sama, there’s a place where it’s too much… ”

… it was a conversation in which everyone told me that the Horse of Wisdom was very important.

Most of the young women gathered around Huima, and only the elderly and children could see twinkles.

“… that’s weird.I think there are too few young men compared to the population….. ”

Mia nodded suspiciously to Ludwig.

“Hmm… that’s right.Perhaps the marauders led by Huima are out there?

“… I see, maybe so.”

Although Ludwig nodded, he put his arm together with some thought.

While this was happening, Huima appeared late, rushing towards an old woman who was once too old.And I started talking about what had happened so far without divulging it in detail.

“What… The foresters…..”

“No way….”

“I can’t believe I need their help right now…..”

and so on, together with the noisy ones.On the other hand, the dragons and the foresters were also showing vigilance.That was the cause of the wolf that Huima was carrying.

“That’s the wolf of the Fire Clan….”

A wolf lying down as if it were protecting the families of fire.Earlier, as Huima entered the village, she sneaked out of the bushes.

Though I thought it was coming, when I actually saw it, it seemed overwhelmed even by the horse dragon.

So, the time of the birth of the gaze… while tension reigned over both tribes, Meer…

–Hmm, you’re hungry…It’s time for dinner…

I was hungry alone.

Basically, Meer’s standing is only an ally.They were the only ones who reached out for help, as well as the forest tribes who provided the food.That’s why Meer couldn’t keep her mouth shut about the discussion between the Fire Clan and the Forest Clan…I can’t do anything until the discussion starts….

“Dear Meer, why don’t you go back to the carriage and rest?The story will be lengthy, and loading and unloading supplies will take time.You can’t just eat first….. ”

Meer quietly shook her head to the guard who cared.

“No, I can’t do that.”

Because… that’s a pride hit.

Because even though there were people who were hungry, it was a grudge to buy that they were the only ones who ate first.

Well, indeed, as it stands, the greatest battle force here is the Imperial Guard.If you let the power say something, you will be able to dominate everything on this scene, and you will be allowed to do it on your own.

But… but it is.

–It’s forbidden to be arrogant here.The arrogance of force is covered by force…

Meer was thinking.

If the main unit of the Fire Clan returns here, there is a sufficient risk that the power relationship will flip.

It’s hard to think of anyone stronger than Dion Aria, but the possibilities are still not zero.Therefore, if the power balance changes, there is a very high risk of being rewarded for being arrogant.

So, Meer reads first and second hand.

Be humble and humble in case the power relationship flips over.If the main power of the Fire clan returns, and our power is still above it, is that okay?

–A man must be himself in harvesting the seeds he sowed.If that’s the case, it’s not acceptable to leave the hungry people alone and eat their own meals!Besides, even if it’s like that, it doesn’t look very tasty…


–You should refrain from eating here first.To put it further, it’s important to dress up as a proper working wind!

The food brought in belongs only to the forest people.You can’t naturally skip because you’re going to let me eat it.I needed to earn the qualifications to work and eat properly.

That’s why….

“Hmm, the fire family and the dragons will talk, so why don’t we get the supplies out first?Of course, I’ll help you, too.

This is what I said.

“No, Your Highness, please go back to the carriage and rest.There’s Raffina too….. ”

The nearby guard said in a hurry…

“No, it is unacceptable that I should do nothing.I want you to work for the hungry people. ”

Humans on an empty stomach are generally narrow in mind.I can’t wait to wear Ichamon later.

–humbly, humbly….It’s important to disguise yourself as a working wind!

With enthusiasm, Meer put her hand on the luggage.Put your hands on… it was a little heavy, so I had to replace it with another luggage.

Now… now that Meer’s moving, things are moving at once.

No wonder the Imperial Guard’s front moves when the Lord (or the Lord) is working, but they cannot afford not to.In addition, Raffina, Belle, and Straina followed Abel in Meer.

Then the families of fire, and the families of the forest, shall not speak of the four and five.Seeing adults start working, even children start helping.

Originally it was about their tribe.It is impossible that the princesses of other countries do not work when they are sweating on their foreheads.

A little awkwardness swallowed up, and the two tribesmen who had fallen apart moved.

That’s how… there was an incredible but collaborative atmosphere.

Together, sweat on your forehead towards one goal…And that’s the goal…

“Now, everyone, we’re waiting for a delicious meal.I’m gonna stretch it out!

It is made clear by Empress Meer, who stands at the forefront and speaks.

To be able to eat together, to attend a banquet.

It’s a very, very pleasant time… and yes, it’s the preparation for the festival.

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