Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 568

Episode 186 Vortex Meer, Coming

“At the outset, I would like to thank you for this opportunity.My name is Fire Wolf Flower, the elder of the Fire clan.And this daughter is Huima, sister of the Fire Patriarch. ”

A wolf blossom rises slowly and opens its mouth.After staring sharply at the chiefs, he lowered his head quietly.

The power was enough to draw the attention of the chiefs… but more importantly, it was the Horse introduced with the chief’s sister who gathered the same gaze.

After all, she was riding that stunning horse when she entered the castle.

Like a warrior in battle, his tight expression and his gentle standing behavior leak a sigh of admiration.

This must be an uninterrupted opponent, an unparalleled handsome person… and it makes each face nervous.

The horseback riding kingdom’s pathology can be said to be a hidden aspect, with the horse holding being the biggest criterion.

Later, after introducing herself, Raffina quietly opened her mouth.

“My name is Raffina Orca Verga, daughter of the Duke of Verga.I wonder if I’ve met some chiefs before…. ”

Tilt your neck small and smile coolly.

Then silently close her eyes and Raffina chants the divine scripture.

“God, when you descend into the earth, the shepherds will receive it courageously.”

“It is an unexpected joy to be able to attend the meeting of shepherds and descendants who have welcomed our God first and received great blessings.May God’s blessings and great guidance be in this meeting. ”

The harsh prayers gave a clear wind to the hearts of those who were there.

So the council of chiefs began quietly.

It was the light horse that opened his mouth as a partitioner.

“Well, was it Lord Ma Yu, the leader of the Lin clan, who convened this meeting?Let me start by explaining the purpose of this meeting.I wonder why we were gathered here…I’d like you to explain what you’re looking for, Mr. Ma Yu. ”

“Hahaha, it’s not easy to call Hikaru” Your Highness. ”

Ma Yu, who was shook up by the conversation, smiled and then stood up loosely.Then, make a long sleeve sound and fix it, then quietly send a gaze to everyone.

“Now, dear chiefs, thank you for accepting this call.And I can’t stand the joy of being able to spend such a wonderful time together. ”

Speak loudly like a singer and with a stunning voice like a stage actor.

Oh, what a wonderful time, huh?

Ma Yu nodded deeply to the question of the light horse.

“Yes, we have found our lost brothers again.Our fathers will surely be delighted to see another bloodline from the past, now that we cannot see each other again. ”

Several chiefs nodded honestly impressed by the appeal.

Even those whose eyes are moistened with a moving look.The people of the horseback kingdom are basically good and honest people.

“I see. Is that what Ma Yu wanted to share with us, but he called us together to share his emotions?”

“Of course, that’s not all.It seems that the Fire clan is in distress due to impropriety.As a result, some bandits corrupted themselves.It is a shame for my country to leave this behind.You can’t face our father, the Dragon of Light, right? ”

“Hmm. So you want that help to help the needy fire clan?”

The horse clapped his hands and smiled.

“If that’s the case, the story is quick.The blood-sharing clan is in trouble.Let’s support you as much as we can without food.Also, we will need to negotiate with other countries.We must send messengers to the countries affected by the bandits and make sure they are well compensated. ”

Now all the chiefs nodded in the words of the horse of light.

Whatever has happened in the past, it makes sense to help our compatriots.There is nothing to argue about. That is the good sense of the horse riding kingdom.

Basically, they are good people and honest people.

But… so, dare Ma Yu take a step forward.

“No, Mitsuma. That’s not the end of the story.I’m here to discuss the future of the Horseback Kingdom. ”

The light horse narrowed his eyes suddenly at the word.Regardless, Ma Yu continued.

“It is unfortunate that the Fire clan is in distress.At the same time, however, it seemed to me to be a scripture.I want all the chiefs to think about it.Bring to us once again our brethren, who were separated from the family of fire. ”

In one word, the air froze instantly.

“Does that mean you want to welcome a family of fires into the forest?Or would you like to welcome the Fire clan in scattered form among the other twelve clans….. ”

“Don’t you know that’s not true?If you’re old and light….. ”

Then Ma Yu looked around at the chiefs’ faces and said,

“This is what I think.Now is the time for the twelve tribes to return to the thirteen tribes…I’m sure all the other chiefs thought the same thing if they were on the same side as me.If you were the first to find a family of fires like me…. ”

“I wonder.Actually, I don’t know if I’m in that position.Thank you, Ma Yu seems to have made too much compromise on the Fire clan.You must have been a great singer of history.Have you forgotten all of our past breakups? ”

The point was made by the elder chief after the horse.The other chiefs were staring at Yu Ma with some confusion.

It’s only natural to offer help.However, there is no one uneasy as to what the great change will bring… whether we will add the split clan to the country again.

And at that time. The wolf flower raised its hand gently before opening its mouth.

“No, I’m sorry about Ma Yu, but in fact, the Lin tribe is not the first.You already have a chief with whom you’re dating.I’ve always looked after the rich horses of the mountain tribe. ”

Suddenly, the rich horse shook his shoulders.

“Oh, my God, is that so?”

Ma Yu said with a little surprise.Then, unfortunately, I shake my head.

“What, Mr. Rich Horse, I wish you had told me.”

After looking at the rich horse with a slightly blue face, Ma Yu asked the wolf flower.

“So, the Fire Clan was dating the Mountain Clan….?”

“Oh, no, that’s…”

And the wolf flower said to block the rich horse that said something.

“Yes. When we were in distress, Mr. Tomoma offered.Trying to buy our livestock.First the sheep, then the goats, and finally the horses…. ”

So the first big flow happened.

“… what do you mean, Mr. Tomima…?”

A huge chief said in a loud voice.

Incidentally, he was a man who was touched by the horse Yu’s mouth earlier and had his eyes woollen.He is known as a simple, passionate, very affectionate man.

“Ah, no, that’s…”

It is a rich horse that has white eyes from other chiefs and mouthfuls.

Those of the long separated Fire clan did not know, but it was a certain code shared by the twelve tribes in ancient times to help the blood clan’s misery free of charge.

The act should not pursue its own interests.It’s not a deal, it’s not a business.

It is an act of outreach, a complete charity, to help the opponent recover.

Nevertheless, Rich Horse said he bought livestock from a poor family of fires.

Livestock is an indispensable asset, or more so, a necessity for life.If you lose it, even if you get a lump sum of money, it is certain that there will be more hardship after that.

Knowing that, buying livestock… is an unacceptable violation of the code.

The air of the field was suddenly turned into blame for the rich horses and sympathy for the fire clan.

It was as Ma Yu had calculated.

Horse Yu does not want to welcome them in such a way as to give a one-sided warmth to the Fire clan and seek subjugation.It was a measure to strike that balance.

However, it sounds like a heavy word that cancels out the flow.

“But… what about the wolf?”

The Lord of Voices, the horse of light, looked at the wolf flower with a quiet gaze, and the horse of wisdom next to it.

“If you want to abandon the wolf, you’ll see.That’s why we broke up.If you’re going to throw it away, we’ll be happy to welcome the family of fire. But…. ”

Silent as thoughtful, the Horse of Light continued.

“If you want to absorb it into the forest family, you need to follow the forest family code.Likewise, the wind is the wind, and the mountain is the mountain code.Every wolf will be abandoned.However, accepting the family of fire as a family of fire means that we must accept the code of fire.If so, we must also accept the temptation to use wolves.Isn’t that right? ”

“Oh, yeah. Exactly. No, that’s the Hall of Lights.I didn’t think the Fire Clan would be recognized as one of us, so I just bought a sheep… what? ”

Like that, the rich horse said something… but I didn’t ask.

A glue created by the staring light horse and horse Yu.Everyone was convinced that it was one of them.The chiefs who swallow and watch the situation.

However, the next stream was about to be born entirely elsewhere.Extremely powerful, it has a vortex-like flow that swallows everything.I was about to be born with a calm voice…

Now, Meer, who was listening to the chiefs, was relieved for a moment.

–Hmm, that’s my family.Looks like we can work this out.

In Meer’s eyes, what they are trying to do is figure out how to save the family of fire.As Ma Yu claimed, it would be best to return to the horse riding kingdom, but at the very least, food support is likely to be installed.

It is really good not to tell anyone to abandon them.

–I ‘m sure we’re the only ones who can find out where to drop it, and at this rate, there’s no need for me to talk anywhere. All right…

With that, Meer closed her eyes quietly as she put her arms together.

I don’t count anything and imitate it today.It is a waste of time.

Today’s mea is a serious mode.

I’m going to face it seriously… with my own FNY.

–After this meeting, you must finally confront your sister-in-law….Time is not better than expected.What would be more effective…?I have to take it seriously…

The question is how to exercise efficiently.

Meer knew she never disliked exercise, but it was still hard to move the amount she ate.

–You have to think about how to do it for a long time.If so…

Meer nodded quietly and gently opened her eyes.

That’s right. It might be better to ride a horse….. ”

After all, this is Horseback Kingdom.

Then riding a horse was taken for granted.

–If you ride carefully every day, it will be a good exercise, and if you ride with Abel, it will be fun.It will last a long time, and it will be okay if you eat a little too much?

Meea, who was smiling at her own thought, noticed immediately afterwards.

In the sight of the chiefs who stab themselves.

“What does that mean…? Princess Meer.”

Even the Horse of Light broke down his slender normal attitude and asked with a trembling voice.

“… hah?”

Meer was sensitive as she was poking.

The flow is changing again.

That I’ve changed the course…

However, there were some things that Meer didn’t realize.That’s because the flow that I created was a huge vortex that swallowed up all the chiefs…

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