Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 586

Episode 204 The audience was enthusiastic about the shouting of the brave princess

Zaka, kick the earth hard…

Pupupu, breaking the wind wall…

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Mindful of the intensity of the blowing wind pressure, Meer looks forward diligently.

The stargrass rock at the goal point, and the ramp leading to it, is a rounded and harsh road.

The east wind is heading towards the harsh slope that visited the final stage of the horse journey without getting lost.

Gunn, gunn. With the acceleration on my body, my hand off the cord was raised high to grab the sky.


The audience was packed on both sides of the ramp, like a loud shout from Meer!Send a cheer like a horn and a roar.

… shouting, actually, it was just a scream that almost fell…

Anyway, people’s excitement rose as Meer rushed up the ramp courageously and courageously.

Anyway, this is gonna drive you crazy.

Whoever thought it would have been strange if it hadn’t come first…When I opened the lid, it was the exotic princess who came.Moreover, in the rough weather, he ran through the rough road and arrived at the goal point at an unexpected speed.

Such a princess shouted aloud to match the last spur.

There’s no way it won’t cheer you up!

Besides, it is.

Suddenly, a rival horse is chasing us from behind.

It’s not exciting!

In such intense solidarity, the east wind runs through the heart.

Due to the fact that you can see the goal point and the fact that the weight on your back has become slightly lighter, it’s as if it’s freed up, and gradually accelerating.

The sound of kicking the earth gradually accelerated, and Mea was diligently adjusting to the movement.

“Kuh, the east wind is suddenly motivating you.”

The acceleration was astonishing for Suruga and Meer, who knew about the storm.

After all, it is a ramp. Nevertheless, the speed has barely dropped.

When I looked at my powerful jumping legs and my dynamic and supple neck, I even remembered my strength.

“Well, that’s fine. I’m getting used to your speed, and I’ll keep going! East Wind.”

The easterly wind hissed again in that voice.

However, from behind such a mea, the footsteps are slowly approaching.

Rainy muddy mud and mud are rising and falling dew is coming.

The difference at the entrance to the slope is about five horses.

“I finally caught up.”

A muddy little pigeon smiled at Meer.

Before the departure, the beautiful tailored riding suit and the slightly polished face of the young lady now lurked, and there was one horse-loving child.

I just rode on a horse, ran fast, and fought… and it was fun, and I couldn’t help but see a pure horse fool there.

“Come on, it’s a match!”

Soaked the mud on her cheeks and said.

With that innocent, pleasant smile, Meer is confident of victory.

Victory – Yes, that is, losing on the best terms.That’s Meer’s original plan.

And now that it has been achieved, Meer is at ease.

Now you can easily challenge the match.

“I won’t lose! Xiaoqi-san”

Unlike Meer, I don’t like to lose.

Sometimes, it’s not bad to try a pure match.

“Come on, let’s win, eat a delicious mushroom pan, and celebrate with sweet milk meal liquor!”

Incidentally, another important goal was Meer, who was throwing herself to the other side of her memory when it came to exercising and shuddering.

We can’t get away from FNY easily.

Well, anyway…

You detected the approaching dew, and the east wind’s ears twitched.

However, his eyes were just looking forward.

It is a slope that is wet with rain.It is out of the question to look at strangers. Only aim for a steady, steady goal.That is the running of the east wind.

Thus the two horses entered the ramp.

Uphill, the legs of the east wind did not lose strength.That’s right, the east wind barely slows down against the slowing dew.You don’t feel anything, such as the weight on your body, and you climb the slope as if you were flying.

As a result, the difference between Suruga and Tatsumi drops only narrowed slightly.The difference is roughly four horses.

This is the power of the tail lutuer species.

Rainy mud, big stone rolling mountain roads, climbing and descending, no matter what wasteland….!

A tough leg that runs over and through.

Toughness that does not even swallow the teeth of a predicament and answers with the same running as usual.

It was an easterly wind that exuded the name of the empire’s proud workhorse.

Never being pulled out of the dew, Meer finally reaches the last straight line.

Looking up at the goal at the top of the steep slope that stretches into the sky.

The sky was covered with a large rainbow, as if to celebrate the winner of the horse race.

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