Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 597

Episode 215 Princess Meer, skillfully shake the hammer

Now, on the way to the enemy’s stronghold, under the guidance of Huima, Meer and the others stopped at the fire clan hideout.According to Huima, the abandoned castle currently used by the witch princess as a base is located in a deep forest lying between Verga and Lemno, further south than the village.

The fire hideout was just halfway along the way, and it was a good place to take a break…More than that, there was a great deal of advice from Ludwig.

“I hope you will help the Fire Clan.”

Meer solemnly obeys Ludwig’s words.

I don’t doubt his words for a second.

I’m worried about Straina and want to get to her as soon as possible!I realize that it is my job to calm the bell and stop the imperial escort.

“There’s no doubt about what Ludwig said.I believe in him. ”

I’m just saying it with a disguised face.Meer is a smart Jesus man who knows exactly who to say yes to.

As soon as I went home, the villagers greeted me with a bright smile.

I had already been informed that my discussions with the horse riding kingdom were going well.Assistance from the forest tribes had already been forthcoming, and the village had been liberated from tension and a temporary peace had been visited.

Hmm, that’s great.

It was Meer who watched the villagers from inside the carriage and relieved their expressions slightly.

“Dear Meer, may I ask you a few questions about the future?”

Ludwig talked to such a meer with a difficult face.

“Yeah, I don’t mind. You have to plan your countermeasures early.”

As for Meer, knowing what to do from now on would be more reassuring, so I was very much in favour of this offer.

Currently, the solution to how to rescue Straina is uncertain.For the time being, I thought I had to do what the other person said…

Ludwig quietly told such a meer.

“Miss Huima, and the women of the Fire clan, may we call upon the warriors of the Fire clan to submit to this reconciliation with the Horseback Kingdom as a souvenir.”

Ludwig continued as he repositioned his glasses.

“As originally planned, I shredded the enemy’s power.I think that’s the best thing to do. ”


Meer groaned… and turned to Dion, the man sitting next to Ludwig.

Fortunately, should I say?As long as Ludwig and Dion were here, it was Mia’s common sense that she should refrain from interfering with her mouth.

–I can’t tell you anything bad.We should listen to them for the time being.

The wise man who knew his part, Meer, nodded in silence without saying a word.Ludwig nodded back.

“As you may know, the witch princess cannot help prevent it.”

“I see, definitely. For the warriors of the Fire clan, we are enemies against the witch princess.But the women of the Fire clan, are they not? ”

Ludwig nods quietly to Dion’s question.

“No matter how many witch princesses you are, you cannot tell the warriors of the Fire Family to ‘kill the women of the Fire Family’.And if they make peace with the kingdom of horseback riding, they won’t listen to the men of the Fire clan. ”

If we can then separate the warriors of the Fire clan from the Witch Princess… there will be few signs around the Witch Princess.

“As I knew before, snake gestures aren’t that many.Rather, I think not having more gestures is a snake’s strength. ”

A conspiracy attack on order is the way the snake does it.It is rare to have a direct army, and now it is the warriors with a common interest who are consolidating around the witch princess.Even for the warriors, it was Ludwig’s idea that the status quo was only following the chief and that loyalty to the witch princess was not so great.

“When I asked Miss Huima, I heard that all those who agreed with the Snake philosophy had left the village.He went out into the world to spread the teachings of snakes…Probably approached His Highness Eshar in Sankland….. ”

A serpent guide who preaches the teachings of snakes.That is who endorses the snake philosophy, unlike the witch princess’s escort.The passion for snakes should be used to spread the teachings of snakes, not to protect the witch princess.

“Hmm… hmm”

Meer nods to Ludwig’s words and encourages her to continue.I put my hand on my jaw, and I’m still thinking about something, so I can’t miss the appeal.

In order for people to feel comfortable talking, it is important to have the right gavel of listeners.

Now Meer was a first-class hammer.

“Anyway, I think it would be a good idea to separate people other than ‘Whatever follows the witch princess’.We should keep the number of enemies as low as possible. ”

After hearing that, Meer looked at Dion in silence.

“I agree with you.Well, I can keep the women of the fire hostage….. ”


As it turned out, Meer… shushed back into Ludwig.How’s it going over there?Put the question in your eyes.

“It is true that there is a hostage aspect…I think it’s probably okay. ”

I assure you, Ludwig, Meer returns a nod.

“Now, let’s ask the Fire Clan to help us.Shall I have Huima-san gather it? ”

That’s what Ludwig said, that’s right.

Meer’s trust in his loyalists is strong.

Then Ludwig explains the situation to the gathered villagers… and asks them to do the same.

“I want you to convince the Fire Clan to come back.”

Huima replies to those words… before the village women answer.

“Of course, I will cooperate. To bring the men back from the witch princess.”

The women of the Fire clan did not object at all.

Originally, I wanted the warriors back because they asked me to.

If you put the situation in place and ask for help, then naturally you won’t say no.

Whether there is a hostage aspect or not, whether it is used or not, it does not matter.

What was there was a beautiful match of interests.

– I see. The best way to cooperate is not to monopolize your interests.Making mutually beneficial forms.I’ve had a lot of trouble making those fucking glasses.

At the end of the Empire, Ludwig was struggling to get food.It was already difficult in the Empire to present the other party’s interests.

After all, only empty bills were cut, and few people accepted it properly.

–This request for cooperation is consistent with their interests.So, if you can accept it quickly, that’s what I’m saying.

Perhaps the effort to bring back the men who left has been done before.But it didn’t bear fruit.What happens when you go back to the village?Because the situation that I wanted to say covered the entire family of fires.

But the situation has changed.

If you walk with the horse riding kingdom again, going back to the village will be an attractive option.

Some may not be emotionally convinced, but the role of persuasion will be played by women.

“Hmm… for now, we can drastically reduce the enemy’s combat power.”

“Yes, I was wondering what would happen to Meer when she suggested horse matching…That’s right, Miss Meer. I think we can avoid a massive armed conflict. ”

It was an honest compliment… but I had a bad feeling about Meer.

“I hope you can sever it as it is…No, that might be creepy. ”

The opponent is the Snake Witch.

Without being alarmed, if we don’t move forward, while switching feelings…, Meer threw the cookie in front of her.

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