Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 622

Episode 3: When you promised Is it Strina’s scream that resonated…?

Now, Belle, who was taken away by Strina, was being taken into Strina’s room.

Sitting the bell on the bed, Straina brings a chair and sits in front of it.With her knees facing each other… after staring at Belle’s eyes, Straina sighed.

“It’s really Belle….”

“Yes… I’m sorry for worrying you, Lina.”

Deeply lowered his head, Bell said.

“Yeah, it’s Lena. I’m sorry about that. And….”

Stryna grabbed Bell’s hand and said.

“Thank you. You helped me with Lena…I’ve always wanted to thank you…But I can’t tell you… it’s so painful… ”

Once again, a tear floats in Shtrina’s eyes.

Belle waited quietly until Straina, who was twitching and shaking her shoulders, calmed down.

“Now is the time to keep your promise, Leena.”

Bell stared firmly into Strina’s eyes and said.

“My name is Meer Bell… Meer Bell Luna Tier Moon.”

“Luna… Tier Moon? That’s…”

Bell shakes his head with a serious face to Straina, who looks suspicious.

“No, I’m not Meer’s sister.I’m Meer’s sister’s, no, Meer’s granddaughter.I’m from the future. ”

“Grandson… the future…?”

Bell took it out of his dress’s chest again.

It’s old, but definitely with that “little horse amulet”….

Stryna opened her eyes with a little surprise… and then she got up and opened the desk drawer.There are two small horse amulets in there…

“I heard that Lena kept it for a long time.Take care, take care, I was going to give it to you when I was born…. ”

That said, Bell looked at Straina worried.

“Can you believe it?”

In contrast, Stryna… strangely leaned her neck.

“Why? Of course I do. If Belle says so, there’s no reason to doubt it.I wouldn’t be surprised if Belle said she was an angel, and I believe her. ”

Yeah, yeah, nod, and then Straina goes on.

“Instead, I was convinced that I didn’t understand everything.I see… Belle is your grandson…So, is it possible that in the future, Lina and Belle will have a relationship like grandma and granddaughter? ”

In a joking tone, Bell shook his head with a troubled face.

“No… that’s not it.Actually, Lina…. ”

Quiet, Bell spoke.After I woke up in Meer’s bed that day…

“Let’s talk slowly. What happened after that?From now on… I have a lot to tell you. ”

With a gentle smile on his face, Bell asked what he was most concerned about.

“Um, Meer, where’s onee-sama, Leena…?”

About my best friend… I wonder what’s happening to Strana right now…

Then Meer stared at Bell in surprise….

“Ah… that’s right.You haven’t been able to organize your memories yet…. ”

Then, take your gaze off the bell…


As if you were trying to say something difficult.

After seeing this, Bell… had a terrible bad feeling about it.

Maybe… Sturina is already…

It was then.

“Excuse me.”

The door of the room opened and a “girl” appeared.

“Your Majesty, are you there, Belle?I have a tea appointment today….. ”

It was the poor girl who showed up.

A girl with gorgeous hair like a flower blooming in the field, walking around fluffy and fluffy, is… a dear friend of Belle’s…

“Lena… honey?”

Tweet, deny immediately.

No, it’s not… it can’t be.

Because Stryna is a year younger than Meer…

On the other hand, the girl who came here looks, in any case, mid-degree.The hair had a glossy light, and the skin had a youthful tension.That’s why it can’t be Sturina.

So… what if it’s not Sturina?Who is this girl who looks like Sturina…?

“Lena’s daughter, no, grandson…?”

Behind Belle’s head, I have a bad feeling again.

Why are you making friendships with your grandchildren, not with Straina herself?

Why don’t you make a tea promise… to your best friend, Strana herself?

And the expression of my grandmother Meer just now, I can’t say anything…

“Maybe… Lina-chan… Lina-chan… already…”

Slowly, Belle’s vision seeps.Unexpectedly, Meer sniffed at the bell…

“Ah, bell… You should try to remember.Maybe there’s an answer in your memory.I wonder what happened to Lena… ”

I knew it, I couldn’t say anything, I said it with a complicated face.

Being guided by that voice, Bell tries to remember… by flipping the little box of memory…

“… ah, that?”

Again, I was attacked by discomfort.

For some reason, the milestone of my memory always had the appearance of Straina in front of me.

At the 5th birthday party, tea party, social debut, Meer grandmother’s birthday festival, etc…For memorable events, Straina was always together….

I was watching Bell in a completely unchanged appearance.

“Eh… what do you mean?Um, Lena, is that you…? ”

To the confused bell, Straina leaned her neck.

“Um, Meer, Belle, what’s wrong?”

“Yes, actually, it looks like my memory is finally back.Look, from when I was at the Snake Castle…. ”


While holding her mouth with both hands… she whispered a small voice.

Then he walked up to Belle and gently held his head in his chest.

“Welcome back, Belle… Lina, have you been waiting all this time?”

“Lina-chan… it’s Lina-chan after all…”

So, at last, Bell was convinced.The girl in front of me is Straina herself.

If so, the question is naturally…

“But why aren’t you getting old, Leena?”

This is it.

As far as Bel can see, Stryna is in her midteens.Obviously, I don’t think it suits my age…

Stryna laughed strangely at Bell’s reaction….

“Ufufu, thank you, Belle. But, Lena, you’re totally a grandmother.You have the same grandson as Mr. Meer.Here, look. Such wrinkles….. ”

He’ll show me the back of his hand… but even on the bell, there’s about that amount of wrinkles…Stryna’s condition was obviously strange.

Turn to Meer for help.Meer shook her head in a stupid way.

“We’re talking about the Yellow Moon family doing their best.You’re making full use of the Yellow Moon family’s knowledge of medicinal herbs to keep you young…I don’t believe in magic or witchcraft, but Leena thinks secretly that she might be a witch. ”

Straina smiled pitifully at Meer, who looked stunned.

“Oh? Your Majesty, it’s no big deal.Leena has been working hard to be a good friend to Belle. ”

Then she turned to Belle.

“Bell-chan, Lena, I’ve worked hard to keep you young because you’re Bell-chan’s friend.There were many busy times, but the children were already adults and the governor gave up.That’s why from now on, I can be with Belle without thinking about it. ”


What a strange form of friendship, Belle seems to be moved…

“What? But is it better for Lina to get married?”

“Fufufu, it’s okay. She’s the only one interested in swords.They’ll let Lena go.Maybe you’ll follow me as an escort when I go out with Belle. ”

I wonder why… the moment I talked about my partner, I felt like Belle had seen something incredible in Strana.

Just a few moments ago, I was worried about Straina’s marriage partner… and I just remembered.Who was Stryna’s partner…

–Oh, that guy might have to worry about it.

Anyway, he’s the best he knows…

“That’s why, Belle.You can live long enough to be a hundred years old.In general, Belle and Lena are about 40 years apart, so Lena will live to be 140 years old and be Belle’s friend forever. ”

That’s how Stryna smiled like a prank.

“If you’re a 100-year-old grandmother and a 140-year-old grandmother, you can say you’re a good friend regardless of your age, right?”

That’s what I said.

“… so I’m going out with you as a normal friend rather than grandma and grandchild.”

“I see. That’s what happened.”

Stryna nodded with a strange face.

“Yeah… Sure, if I knew Belle was from the future… I’d think so, Lina.It’s about me, but I’m really convinced… ”

After nodding deeply, Strina said.

“… by the way, Bell-chan, Lina, I’m wondering if you could tell me that, too?”

“Yes, what is it?”

Straina said to Belle, who smiled at Nickonico.

“Who is Lena’s partner?I have a bad feeling that I’m really curious about Belle’s story…. ”

“Hmm, I can’t say that….”

Bell, just tilt his neck.

“Ah, but don’t worry.Rena-chan, I’m so in love with you, and the other day… ”

Shortly afterwards, the voiceless screams echoed through the room.

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