Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 71

Lesson 69: Princess Meer, Crossing 3

Ludwig appeared under Meer five days after she returned to the Empire.

“… I’m tired.”

Greetings to the Emperor, the Father, around the Greater Nobility, and the Return Party. The princess of the Great Empire is not free either.

“I miss my easy school life.”

As soon as possible, it is Meer who wants to go back to school.

It was such a fold that Loyalty Ludwig came to visit.

“Long time no see, Your Highness Princess Meer. We are delighted to have you back safely.”

Same unfathomable.

I somehow miss that muffled face.

“You look better than anything, Ludwig.”

Greetings are there too, Ludwig begins reporting on imperial home affairs while Meer is away.

“That’s not enough…”

After a single report, Meer sighed.

“Indeed, food reserves cannot be said to be sufficient. But Dear Meer, I think it’s very likely that it will be useless to keep the grain in the warehouse any longer.”

As Ludwig, I almost had to lean my neck towards Meer’s concerns.

I can only assume that the amount she designates assumes a massive famine (kiki) that never existed before.

For several years, even if it was as if the crop could not be taken, the amount that could feed the people……

Whatever it is, this worries me too much.

Rather, the crisis of financial collapse was felt by him, as if it were a more realistic issue.

Stockpiling is, in other words, keeping crops asleep in a warehouse.

If nothing happens, the money spent there will remain wasted. Even the money you keep will be needed. I can’t figure that out. It shouldn’t be Meer.

Despite this, Meer has a face that doesn’t float.

“Dear Meer, I believe in you. So, I’m not convinced, but if you’re talking about increasing your stockpile, let’s increase it. But it will need to be explained to the other nobles.”

“What do you mean?

“Even though, to refrain from wasting it, I’m giving out a circular. If you do poorly, the princess herself is wasting time wondering if she will take her fried legs off.”

“That’s true. Those are the ones who are good at finding their failures.”

From Meer’s point of view, it was natural to increase stockpiles.

Anyway, I know that in a few years, a massive famine will strike.

Even though we know that current stockpiles are not enough, there were many things that could not be explained.

“You’re going to need to change your mind.”

Meer exhales small and switches her head.

“Ludwig, if you believe in me, please assume that in a few years there will be a great famine.”

Listen to that, Ludwig’s eyes get thinner.

“Think of it as something you’ll definitely need, not in case you’re ready, and that’s what you mean?

“That’s right. On top of that, I’d like to ask, if you can’t keep the food, what are you going to do when the famine strikes?

“Normally, you’ll have to use a merchant to bring it in”

Yeah, Meer would know about that, too. But…,

“Then your finances will still collapse. There’s nothing more expensive than food in times of famine, is there?

“I have no choice. If demand exceeds supply, prices will be higher. Because it’s only natural that the more people you want, the higher the price of things.”

“That depends.”

A bag of wheat can buy a castle. So much hell strikes the empire.

– To keep the merchants from seeing their feet, there is nothing but more reserves……

I can’t do that. It is also hopeless to increase the supply.

Neighborhood crops are almost wiped out.

For example, multiplying the fields within an empire tenfold is not enough, and that is not very efficient.

– In the first place, it’s an irrational story! Everything from all over the world, even though we don’t run out of food!

Meer didn’t want to play at school.

Somewhat, I lost my depression in love, but I was also studying properly.

At one point, Meer, who was looking into famine, found out she was making a mistake.

Hunger is not caused by an absolute lack of food. It happens because the flow of things is delayed.

Food is not “gone”. It won’t arrive.

So the business of taking that food to an area of famine and saying sell it for an expensive price will be formed……

“Oh, yeah, wow!

That’s when Meer flickered. I flickered! Good idea.

In the first place, if you can buy cheap food from merchants even in times of famine, then that solves the problem….

– It’s your friend’s price. Friend Price!

What Meer came up with was really cheap and self-righteous……

“I see…”

Having heard that, Ludwig, after a few minutes of silence,

“That’s…, that’s a great idea”

For some reason, he raised his voice of admiration.

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