Technological Empire Starts From Shanzhai System

Chapter 143: Lianfuke who vomits blood!

  Chapter 143 The Department of Hematemesis!

   "Already got it."

   Speaking of which, the manager took out another document from his arms, and then took out a mobile phone and put it on Cai Jie's desk.

   Seeing this, Cai Jie picked up the mobile phone that looked like a small mobile phone factory. After all, the plastic "plastic seal" is so conspicuous.

  Normal big-brand mobile phone manufacturers will definitely get rid of the "plastic package", because this thing really affects the appearance and brand image too much.

   After getting the phone, Cai Jie started to play with the phone with a serious face, and he was surprised by the screen that the phone was turned on successfully in less than 5 seconds.

  He wouldn’t be surprised if it was the Hantang Honor mobile phone, after all, the Hantang Honor mobile phone is indeed very smooth, and he has quietly observed this.

   But the problem is that the mobile phone of this small mobile phone factory is so fast, and he was surprised that it turned on in 5 seconds.

   After that, Cai Jie conducted various professional tests, and he was surprised to find that the phone was extremely smooth, without any lag, and it was also very smooth when using it.

   No matter whether it is switching software, opening software, or using other things, there is no lag!

   This fully demonstrates the powerful performance of this system or hardware!

  After Ming realized this, Cai Jie's face was very ugly, and then he picked up the report on the side.

  In this report, the chip data of Tang Feng No. 1 is impressive!

   Looking at this data report, Cai Jie's face became even more difficult to look.

   "Lin Xuan!"

   This Tangfeng platform uses the Tangfeng first-generation chip, and the performance parameters of this Tangfeng first-generation chip have reached 1.5 times that of the MT6219 chip!

  Finally, the Han and Tang mobile phone system is added, which creates a copycat mobile phone using the Tang Feng platform, which has an extremely smooth experience!

  In this case, you need to buffer when opening the software, and you also need to buffer when switching software. After the two are in sharp contrast, the MTK platform is simply rubbish!

  That's why Cai Jie's face was so ugly at this time, because he understood why those mobile phone companies abandoned the MTK platform!

   "How much is the price of their Tang Feng platform?!"

   Cai Jie looked at the manager with an ugly face. At this time, he hoped that the Tang Feng platform would not be too cheap. If it was too cheap, then Lianfuke would be in danger!

   "The cheapest is only 30 yuan, and the most expensive is only 80 yuan!"

  The sales manager said the news with a sad face that made Cai Jie dizzy.


  Hearing the news that made Cai Jie dizzy, Cai Jie could no longer stand on his feet, and slumped on the stool, with infinite fear in his eyes!

   "It's... so cheap! It's going to kill our union!"

  Hearing such an ultra-low price, Cai Jie wanted to vomit blood!

   In his opinion, the price of 30 yuan is simply not worth a penny. Lin Xuan wants to fight Lianfake to the death!

  Because as far as the current situation of Lianfuke is concerned, Lianweike does not have the strength to reduce the MTK platform to 30 yuan!

  But at this time, Lin Xuan lowered the price of the Tang Feng platform to such an extent, isn’t it because he wants to fight Lianfake to the death? !

  Lin Xuan would rather not make money than kill Lian Fa Ke!

  At this moment, Cai Jie felt anxious to vomit blood!

   Not as many functions as others, processor performance is not as strong as others, and now the retail price is not as good as others!

  How should we play next? Cai Jie fell into fear. He felt that the mobile phone chip market had no future at this time!

  The low-end field has the Tangfeng platform, and the mid-to-high-end field has the Hanfeng first-generation chip and other mobile phone chips in the world.

  Under such circumstances, Cai Jie at this time found that the Lianfuke was incompatible!

  Thinking of spending hundreds of millions of Huaxia Yuan to invest in Bodao Mobile Phone, now Cai Jie realizes that this decision is really stupid!

   Now that there is such a terrifying Tangfeng platform, it is conceivable that all major mobile phone manufacturers across the country, no matter how big or small, will definitely switch camps and choose the Tangfeng platform camp!

  Lianfuke, which does not have an advantage in cost, performance, and function, how will it face the changing mobile phone manufacturers all over the country in the future, and how will it face the wolf-like Hantang Technology? !

  And without the chip advantage of the Bodao mobile phone, how should it face Hantang Technology?


  I realized that hundreds of millions of yuan of working capital was used, but in the end, I bought a fake product and came back.

   Moreover, the low-end chip market for mobile phones is about to fall completely. Cai Jie, who was about to vomit blood, could no longer bear the darkness before his eyes and passed out. Obviously he passed out from anger!

   I just don’t know what Xu Hua was thinking at this time, and finally found a backer, but it turned out that the backer was a scam!

  Because Boshima Mobile has formed an alliance with FIC, and FIC also owns 40% of the shares of Boshima.

  At this time, even if Bodao Mobile wants to switch camps and join Lin Xuan's Tang Feng platform camp, it can't do it!

  In such a situation, the cost is not dominant, the functions are not as good as others, and even the processor performance is not as good as others, so how to sell Bodao mobile phones?

  So at this time, Xu Hua probably vomited blood in his heart, after all, he paid a huge price!

  His share dropped from 36% to more than ten percent, and as a result, his N’s backer was unreliable. In the end, he also cheated Bodao Mobile, making the subsequent market competition of Bodao Mobile even more difficult.

   It is estimated that Xu Hua even wants to kill Cai Jie at this time!

   It's a pity that Lin Xuan doesn't know the mood of these two people at this time. If he knows, then he might laugh like a pig!


   Time passed slowly like this.

  When Cai Jie from the Lianfa Branch and Xu Hua from Bodao Cell Phone became more and more crazy as time went by, and they wanted to vomit blood more and more.

   November 10, 2004.

  On this day, a reporter finally discovered the recent changes in the mobile phone market, because he found that there have been a lot fewer complaints in the mobile phone market recently.

  After his investigation, he found that everyone's mobile phones have changed a lot.

   It was a local media in Shenhai City who first reported this incident. Following their report, this incident soon attracted the attention of major reporters across the country.

   Not long after, following the investigation of reporters from all over the country, newspapers all over the country also started their investigations.

  The changes in the mobile phone chip market in the past half month have also been officially exposed to the people of the whole country along with the news of major newspapers.

  Hantang Technology has launched the Tangfeng platform quietly, and this Tangfeng platform has quietly landed on the production lines of major mobile phone manufacturers across the country.

   As soon as the news came out that it successfully replaced the MTK chip platform of Lianfa, it immediately caused a sensation in the whole country!

  Lin Xuan actually killed Lianfuke quietly? !

  In less than half a month, they actually seized all the low-end mobile phone market of Lianfuke, and kicked them out of the chip field of low-end mobile phones? !

  All the people who read the news in the newspapers were horrified beyond belief!

  What's going on here?

  How did Lin Xuan achieve such an achievement?

  Lin Xuan actually killed Lianfuke quietly? !

   Soon as people's curiosity, as reporters dig deeper, soon the next morning.

  People learned why Lin Xuan was able to achieve such an achievement through newspapers.

   Also learned the truth about why Lin Xuan helped Zhongxin International to improve the yield rate before, and it was officially exposed to the eyes of the whole country!

  After reading the truth about why Lin Xuan was able to kill Lianfake quietly from the newspapers, they all marveled at Lin Xuan's foresight!

   It turned out that Lin Xuan went to help Zhongxin International to improve the yield rate of 90nm chips, but it was not just doing nothing to be a good person.

   Instead, he wanted to let Zhongxin International manufacture Tang Feng's first-generation chips for him, and then get the chips at a low price through the previous gambling contract.

  In the end, Lin Xuan produced the Tangfeng platform with more functions, stronger performance and lower price through the electronic foundry acquired some time ago.

  Successfully made mobile phone manufacturers of all sizes in the country unable to reject the Tangfeng platform, and finally the Tangfeng platform successfully replaced the MTK platform of Lianfuke!

  All the people who saw this were horrified, and they felt that Lin Xuan was really far-sighted!

   People only saw him doing the first floor, but they didn't expect that Lin Xuan was already preparing for the second and third floors!

   At this moment, the truth was finally revealed. Everyone looked at the incident in the newspaper in shock and horror, and the shock in their eyes could no longer be concealed!


  Boning City, Headquarters of Bodao Mobile.

  At this time, when Xu Hua saw that the market value after the plunge during this period was only 1.2 billion, he couldn't help it anymore...


  Xu Hua fainted from the current market value of Bodao mobile phone!

  N, this backer really screwed up Boshima's mobile phone!

  The scene of vomiting blood did not only appear in the headquarters of Bodao Mobile Phone. At this time, Cai Jie from the Bay Island United also fainted from anger.

  Because the current market value of Lianfuke is only more than 3 billion yuan, compared with the market value of more than 10 billion yuan after the purchase of Bodao mobile phone some time ago, the stock price of Lianfuke has evaporated by 7 billion yuan!

  So 70% of Cai Jie’s wealth has evaporated out of thin air, leaving only a mere 30% of his wealth, so it doesn’t make people vomit blood? !

   Soon, ambulances from the hospital rushed to their company headquarters, and took their boss to the hospital for first aid...

   As soon as the news came out, it naturally made headlines in major newspapers that night!

  The news that Lin Xuan's opponents, Cai Jie of Lianfuke and Xu Hua of Bodao Cell Phone, were fainted, naturally became an anecdote and appeared in the newspaper.

  People all over the country who saw this news smiled knowingly, feeling extremely happy in their hearts.


   November 11, 2004, 8:00 am.

  Yesterday, the news reports made Hantang Technology the darling of the news. At this time, hundreds of reporters surrounded the gate of Hantang Technology.

   "Mr. Lin Xuan!"

  The reporters who had been waiting for a long time saw Lin Xuan come to work in the company, they became excited instantly, and finally they didn't have to wait any longer.

   "No Advance!"

  When the reporters wanted to surround Lin Xuan for an interview, five bodyguards in black and sunglasses beside Lin Xuan rushed out to stop him.

  This time, Lin Xuan directly hired more than 20 bodyguards, and these bodyguards respectively guarded him and his mansion, as well as his sister and his mother.

   Judging from the current results, he spends hundreds of thousands of security funds every month, and the effect is not bad.

  Although there were only five bodyguards at this time, they blocked the reporters with their fierce military aura, making them unable to advance or retreat like ducks with their throats choked!

  (end of this chapter)

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