Technological Empire Starts From Shanzhai System

Chapter 84: Trends of HASHIMA mobile phones! (first update)

  Chapter 84 The movement of wave island mobile phones! (first update)

   Speaking of this, I feel that there is too much bragging in it. This bragging is simply not drafting. That Hantang Company must not be able to fulfill his promise!

  Of course, if Hantang Technology is really determined to do it, it is willing to spend tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars to develop chips.

  With the strength of academician Ni Guangnan, Hantang Technology Company can definitely manufacture mobile phone chips!

   But I'm afraid it will be at least a year later. Can Hantang Technology Company at that time survive until a year later? No way.

  So I am not optimistic about Lin Xuan's method of breaking the current predicament of Hantang Technology through chips!

  I think Lin Xuan made a bad move. I feel that Lin Xuan can't even tell which is more important and which is less!

  It's a pity, a genius who used to develop the system has come to an end!

  It's a pity that he is blindly arrogant and overjoyed. He can't distinguish the priority of things. He actually wants to build a factory with an annual output of 12 million mobile phones.

   I'm afraid that Hantang Technology will close down due to the huge losses in the construction of the new factory. Unfortunately, Hantang Technology Company is estimated to be bankrupted by Lin Xuan. "

  5th Floor-Plausible 9527: "I found a master of technology."

  6th Floor - The old man didn't say: "I feel that the situation may not be so serious, Hantang Technology should not be able to close down.

   After all, he developed the Hantang mobile phone system, and at the worst, he will sell the system to Sanxing Mobile. Wouldn’t this reverse the crisis of Hantang Company? "

  7th Floor - Li Zheng "It is completely unacceptable that Hantang Company will sell the system to Sanxing. If that is the case, then I will hate Lin Xuan for the rest of my life, and I will never buy Hantang Company's products again!"

  8th Floor - Lianhuawu "I agree, I also can't accept Lin Xuan's behavior of selling the system. If you really don't have the money, you can tell us that we can raise funds together to keep this mobile phone system.

  If Lin Xuan sells this mobile phone system to Sanxing Mobile, then he is a sinner, a sinner of Daxia, even though he developed this mobile phone system. "

  At this time, there is a lot of heated discussions on the Internet. Some people are lamenting that Hantang Technology Company may go bankrupt, and some people are mocking Lin Xuan for his ignorance and ignorance.

  Someone is eager to win everyone over, asking everyone to pay for the Hantang mobile phone system, absolutely not letting the Hantang mobile phone system fall into the hands of Sanxing, etc.

  There are all kinds of people on the Internet, so in less than ten hours, the number of replies to this post has reached a terrifying 1.2 million replies!

  At this time, this post is the absolute center of the "Diya Forum", overwhelming other posts, so many netizens who don't know about this matter, also know about it because of people's discussions.

  At this time, nouns such as "Lin Xuan", "Hantang Technology", "Mobile Operating System", "Mobile Phone Chip" and "Boshima Company" have become the most popular nouns in the Diya Forum.

  Under such circumstances, many Internet journalists became excited.

  Because they once again feel that the hot news status of the mobile phone industry is not over. People are full of curiosity about the mobile phone industry, and this curiosity naturally represents news enthusiasm!

  So the reporters who had just stopped for a long time rushed to Hantang Technology and other companies in the mobile phone industry.

  Attempt to interview them about "Lin Xuan's research and development of mobile phone chips to obtain a 110 million loan".

  Under such circumstances, not to mention, on June 15th, that is, the fifth day after Lin Xuan announced the development of mobile phone chips, they really managed to block Xu Hua, the president of Bodao Mobile Phone Company!

   "Mr. Xu, what is your opinion on the matter of "Lin Xuan's research and development of mobile phone chips to obtain 110 million funds, and to solve the crisis that the new factory cannot be implemented"?"

  At this time, four or five reporters surrounded Xu Hua, making him unable to move an inch. It was as if if you didn't break some news today, everyone would never let you go!

   At this time, surrounded by several reporters, looking at the cameras or cameras of those reporters, Xu Hua laughed loudly and said:

   "You are really haunted, but since you want to ask so much, I will tell you!

  I think Lin Xuan's act of developing a mobile phone chip in order to obtain a 110 million loan to dismantle the owner and subsidize the west, I feel very stupid! "

   "Kacha Kacha Kacha Kacha Kacha Kacha..."

   Seeing Xu Hua open his mouth, he made a violent comment, and the eyes of the reporters on the scene lit up.

  What they want is this kind of violent theory!

   Xu Hua said the more viciously the better, only in this way can he have a reason to write enough eye-catching manuscripts.

   "May I ask why you called Lin Xuan's behavior insane?"

  Reporters never take things too seriously, so looking at Xu Hua with disdain at this time, they continued to provoke Xu Hua's emotions.

   Obviously the reporters’ instigation was very successful. After Xu Hua heard what the reporters said, he immediately said with contempt:

   "I'm afraid that Lin Xuan didn't graduate from high school, so that guy doesn't know how difficult it is to develop mobile phone chips.

   Dare to try to develop a finished chip within a month, and then get a loan of 110 million funds!

   This kind of behavior of not seeing how difficult it is to realize it without thinking about it, is it not brain damage?

  I really don't understand why Ni Guangnan, a dignified academician of the Xia Academy of Sciences, would mess around with that idiot, and even say "I believe in Lin Xuan", it's really ridiculous!

  To be honest, the behavior of Ni Guangnan, an academician of the Xia Ke Academy, made me realize that the academicians of the Xia Ke Academy may not necessarily have the smartest brains.


  Ni Guangnan appeared in Xia Ke Academy, and he successfully reduced my overall impression of Xia Ke Academy.

  From then on, Xia Ke Academy is no longer a sacred and solemn place in my impression, but just an ordinary research institute! "

   "Kacha Kacha Kacha Kacha Kacha Kacha Kacha..."

  As Xu Hua's words fell to the ground, Xu Hua was shrouded in the flickering lights of the camera.

   Regarding this, Xu Hua didn't seem to care about it. It seemed that when he said that sentence, he had already thought about what he would face in the future and made a choice...

   And those reporters just got a bigger explosion, and they were much more excited at this time.

  In addition to bombarding Lin Xuan and Hantang Technology, Xu Hua also bombarded Tangtang Xiake Academy just now, which really made all the reporters on the scene excited.

   After all, what Xu Hua bombarded was the majestic Xia Science Academy. The Xia Science Academy is the center of Daxia’s scientific research. At this time, Xu Hua bombarded the Xia Science Academy. Isn’t this big news?

  So the reporters showed ecstatic expressions one after another. They had already predicted in advance that they would become famous because of this, and even get a generous share of the royalties!

   You must know that for their reporters, the bigger the news event they take and the more people see it, the more bonuses they will get!

  That's why reporters like news that explodes and causes people to discuss it, because only news that explodes and causes people to discuss it can make them make a lot of money!

  At this time, Xu Hua bombarded Hantang Technology and Lin Xuan, but they were opponents after all, and everyone took it for granted.

  But now that Xu Hua is bombarding Xia Ke Academy and Academician Ni Guangnan, it must be a hot news!

   At this time, it seems that there are still reporters who refuse to let Xu Hua go, even though they got two big news.

  But the reporter who seems to be good at thinking still has doubts in his heart. The reporter raised the microphone curiously and asked:

   "Mr. Xu, are you worried about Lin Xuan's successful design of the chip, obtaining 110 million funds to land a new factory with an annual output of 12 million mobile phones, and finally giving Bodao Mobile a powerful opponent?"

  Hearing the reporter ask something that made him laugh, Xu Hua shook his head and said with a smile:

   "I'm not worried about this at all! Because our Boshima mobile phone has also tried to set up a project to develop our own mobile phone chip.

  But when we conducted market research to assess how much money it would cost to develop chips, and then how much time we would need to spend, our Poshima company gave up chip research and development!

  Because it takes one to two years to develop a new mobile phone chip if it is based on the arn instruction set.

  If it is a brand new chip with independent intellectual property rights, it will take four to five or six years, and the investment will be at least hundreds of millions of dollars!

  In addition, according to the news I have learned, if the most advanced 65nm process technology is used to tape out the designed chip, it will cost at least millions of dollars at a time!

  Even if three-flow 90nm or four-flow 120nm process tapes are used, it will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, but such chips must be the lowest-end chips!

   And the scariest thing is that it doesn't just need to be put in once!

  According to the relevant information we have learned from Bodao Mobile, a brand-new mobile phone chip needs a total of more than a dozen times from research and development to investment to succeed!

  In other words, the cost of chip tape-out alone will cost hundreds of millions of yuan. If you add EDA software costs, high-tech personnel's super-high salary support, office equipment...

  After all these are superimposed, the total investment has reached a starting point of hundreds of millions of yuan, and it takes hundreds of millions of yuan to produce results. Finally, after a company meeting, we decided to suspend the research and development of the chip...

  So I think Lin Xuan wants to develop a mobile phone chip within a week.

  He never thought about whether it can be done, whether they have the money to support more than a dozen tape-outs after the chip design is successful...

  So Lin Xuan and Ni Guangnan's actions are very brain-dead, they can't tell what is reality and what is illusion.

  So I really regret that the Xia Academy of Sciences produced a Ni Guangnan, which is a shame for the Xia Academy of Sciences and even the entire Chinese scientific research community!

  So I advise that academician Ni Guangnan of the Xia Ke Academy, I advise him not to mess around with his disciples.

   Otherwise, if you live for decades, your old face will be lost, which is really ridiculous! "

   As he spoke, Xu Hua waved his hands and walked away gracefully.

  The reporters didn't stop them this time, and they got another breaking news at this time, and they all showed very satisfied expressions.

   Thank you for the reward of 100 starting coins from my fat tiger brother yesterday.

   I also want to thank 0 Da Ming Guo surname 0

   Descendants of the Dragon 1218

   Li Zheng


   Jin Yiwei ノ Tongzhi

   Book Friends 20190203142727638

   Yan Hao

   Eternal Wisdom

   Wild Wind の Floating Cloud

   Supported by the monthly ticket of the nine brothers.

   Finally, thanks to the brothers who are voting for recommendation and silently subscribing to support this book, thank you for your support (bow)!



  (end of this chapter)

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