Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 49 Successful launch!

In the satellite launch base, a big guy with a diameter of 3.4 meters and a height of 24.6 meters is being slowly moved vertically to the launch tower not far away through the mobile platform.

A group of scientific researchers in the control center are inspecting the rocket item by item in an orderly manner, and among this group of people, there are as many as thirteen special teams who are simulating and testing the latest candy algorithm again and again. .

At the very beginning, everyone called the Candy Algorithm the New Attitude Balance Algorithm, but after getting the second version of the New Attitude Balance Algorithm, the name became more and more awkward. Thinking that the encapsulated algorithm is a candy, I don’t know what it is. Whoever took the lead began to call the second version of the posture balance algorithm the candy algorithm.

"Old Chen, why don't you delay the launch of the satellite and give the test team more time to test the candy algorithm a few more times."

Chen Xihe patted his old buddy Zhang Xianmin on the shoulder, and said, "Old Zhang, are you still worried about my work? Since I got the algorithm, I have organized people to start testing it. So far, there is no problem at all."

"Besides, isn't there still three days before the launch? Three days, if there is a problem with the candy algorithm, it will definitely be exposed. At that time, it will not be too late to postpone the launch time. If it doesn't work, you can continue to use the original posture balance Algorithm, do you think it makes sense, Lao Zhang.”

Looking at the rocket being slowly pushed towards the launch tower on the big screen of the central control, Zhang Xianmin always felt a little uneasy.

In Zhang Xianmin's view, a rocket without a satellite should be used for a practice, and then judge whether the candy algorithm is worth promoting based on the actual data. At that time, it will not be too late to decide to use the candy algorithm to launch satellites.

Although the satellite launched this time is just an ordinary meteorological backup satellite, even if the launch fails, the satellite crashes, or explodes together with the rocket shortly after launch, the cost is within an acceptable range.

The technology of various rockets is indeed very mature, but it is still common for rocket launches to fail every year, and each time it is caused by various unexpected minor problems.

On general equipment, some small problems may not be a big deal, even if some parts are missing, it will not affect the normal operation of the equipment.

But rockets are different. Under high-speed motion, small problems will be quickly magnified without limit, and eventually lead to launch failure.

At this stage, no matter which country is the same.

As long as there is no problem with the launch of the manned spacecraft, everything else is within the acceptable range.

When satellites and other equipment are gone, they can be rebuilt, but astronauts cannot.

Not only does it cost a lot for the country to train an astronaut, but more importantly, astronauts are real people.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

In the launch tower, all the staff are cooperating with the command center to conduct the final inspection before the rocket launch.

After three days of testing, there was no problem with the candy algorithm. The results of each test showed that under the adjustment of the candy algorithm, the attitude of the rocket remained very stable.

In the control center a few kilometers away from the launch tower, Chen Xihe and Zhang Xianmin, several gray-haired old men, sat in the last row and watched the young people quietly.

This stage requires more agile response capabilities to deal with various possible emergencies.

This is one of the reasons why the control center is dominated by young people every time a rocket is launched.

"Attention all staff, start to evacuate the launch tower, the satellite will be ignited and launched in ten minutes."

"Repeat! Attention all staff, start to evacuate the launch tower, the satellite will be ignited and launched in ten minutes."

After hearing the broadcast, all personnel on the tower evacuated to the bus on the ground after completing the last inspection.

As the last bus started to leave, the entire area around the launch tower was empty.

"One minute launch preparation."


"Ignite! Launch!"

On the tall launch pad, as the commander-in-chief pressed the red launch button, all the support arms that were originally on the milky white giant launch vehicle were retracted, and various tracking and measuring equipment on the field were turned on, high-speed cameras, tape recorders, etc. All recording equipment is up and running.

For a moment, there was a continuous and huge roar from the rocket launch site.

This roar, like a landslide, like a tsunami, shook the earth.

A second later, a huge rocket rose from the ground, slowly rising, with brilliant flames spraying from its tail, and went straight to the sky.

In the control center, although Chen Xihe didn't speak, he was wearing reading glasses and kept his eyes on the big screen.

Don't worry it's all fake!

The rocket skyrocketed in the blue sky. A few seconds later, the vertically rising rocket began to turn; tens of seconds later, the gas exhausted by the rocket condensed into smoke in the air, like a white line extending southeast in the sky, and finally, in the vast sky, it gradually turned into a The small bright spot pierced through the atmosphere and disappeared from people's sight.

However, from my country's mainland to the ocean-going survey fleet, hundreds of sets of modern survey and communication equipment designed and manufactured by my country firmly "bite" the small bright spots that are invisible to the naked eye, and accurately measure, record and report the rocket at every moment. Flight speed, altitude and attitude.

Every moment, there is a large amount of measurement data, which is collected from all directions of the country to the measurement and control data exchange center.

The measurement and control center connects all the participating units into a tense combat group through various sophisticated equipment and lines, collects and exchanges data among the participating units in a timely manner, and continuously reports the rocket flight data to each measuring station , guiding them to accurately track the rocket.

And the information measured by each station and the flight status of the rocket are transferred to the measurement and control center and command center in the launch site area in a timely manner.

The good news keeps coming!

"Good tracking!"

"Works fine!"

"The flight is normal!"

When Chen Xihe saw on the big screen, after the last section of the rocket fell off, the heart that had been hanging all along finally fell to the ground.

Like the results of the simulation test, the attitude of the rocket remained quite stable throughout the flight.

Later, when the satellite self-adjusts and enters the predetermined orbit, the attitude balance algorithm also performs very well.

"Haha, let's go, Lao Zhang, I'm treating you."

Mo Jingchun, who was shopping in the supermarket, didn't know about all this. After all, the country launches so many rockets every year, and not every time there is a platform for publicity and live broadcast.

Carrying small candies in the baby carrier, Mo Jingchun happily shuttled back and forth in the large shopping mall on the upper and lower three floors pushing the shopping cart.

"Candy's favorite strawberry! Grab a box!"

"No! Two boxes! I want to eat too!"

ps: Thanks to Black Duke Joke and Xiaorenzhi for their rewards. ()in addition! ! !

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