Technology: The naughty kid ruined my college entrance examination, but I turned over to nuclear fusion

Chapter 172

Chapter 173

After leaving Hanning Professor their lab, a relaxed smile appeared at the corner of Lu Yu’s mouth.

“It went so smoothly.”

“Phew, after you’re done, you can go back to the Dragon Kingdom.”

Feeling the fresh air of the Germanic country, Lu Yu slowly took a deep breath, and the whole person’s mood suddenly became happy!

He originally thought that his trip to the Germanic country would encounter a lot of difficulties, and he had even thought of countermeasures in advance on the way here.

However, the development of things was unexpectedly smooth…

Although there was a little trouble halfway, such as Professor Rick plagiarizing his Goldbach conjecture proof, but overall it was definitely very smooth!

In less than a week, not only did it end perfectly at the math summit, but also successfully recruited the top biological neuron team of the Germanic country to join the dragon country, which can be said to be smoother….

“The ticket is at 2:00 pm tomorrow, go back to the hotel to rest for the night, and you can return to the Dragon Kingdom tomorrow.”

Lu Yu glanced at the time of the ticket again, and his heart was more relaxed: “Go, Achu, take you to eat something delicious!”

“You should be here for the first time in Germanic countries, right?”

“Their pig elbows, but they are world-famous, it

would be a pity if they came to taste them…” Ah Chu was slightly stunned: “Mr. Lu, have you been to the Germanic country before?” ”

They… Eat pork knuckles too?

He has the impression that this kind of Western world country does not eat all hamburgers, fried chicken, steak and other foods.

It was the first time he had heard that Germanic people also ate pig’s elbows.

“It’s sort of… Come on for the first time. But before coming, I did a lot of strategies for the Germanic country, after all, I came here, and I can’t come for nothing.

Lu Yu smiled and said, ”

Of course, the Germanic country eats pork knuckle, and even this is their famous dish, just like the fish and chips of the Sun Never Sets Empire, it is not an ordinary famous!”

In a sense, it was indeed his first visit to Germania.

After all, the Germanic country in the previous life is still quite different from the current Germanic country, can it be regarded as a country, is it really not certain?

In the blink of an eye, the time of the day passed quickly.

After lunch, the group of the Dragon Kingdom’s academic team was also ready to go to the airport.

“You’re going to the Dragon Kingdom tomorrow, right?”

“Ok, no problem.”

“I will contact the official to arrange your pick-up, don’t worry about it.”


Yu, this pork elbow you brought with us tastes really good!”

“Yes, this roast pig hand with rosemary flavor, although the taste is not the same as our dragon country’s, but it tastes unexpectedly delicious!”

Wang Lang and Yang Qing nibbled on the roasted pork elbow in their hands and sighed.

It is not the first time they have come to Germany to do academic research, but every time they come and leave, taste local food, and there are indeed not a few times.

If Lu Yu hadn’t thought of bringing them a little pork knuckle last night, they might not have tasted it this time….

“Haha, you can just like it.”

Lu Yu quietly turned off the phone in his hand, and then smiled.

For the sake of confidentiality and security, he did not tell Wang Lang and Yang Qing about the top neuronal academic team in the Germanic country, after all, once he said it, some things could not be explained.

Because of this, he did not let the people of the Germanic country leave with them on one plane,

but two waves of people flew to the dragon country on two different planes at two different points in time….

“Dear ladies and gentlemen. This flight…”

With a sweet female voice, the plane that Lu Yu was on really set off and flew towards the distant Dragon Country.

“It has left the airspace of many European countries and entered the international airspace.”

“There should be about 4 hours before we return to the Dragon Kingdom.”

“It’s been less than a week since I came out, but I still miss it a lot…” Looking

at the blue sea and blue sky outside the window, Lu Yu couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

This may be the hard-to-move homeland complex….

Anyway, there was nothing to do on the plane, so Lu Yu simply took out a book on bionics and flipped through it in detail.

But right at this time.

“Dingding, dingding…” A

chaotic phone ringing suddenly interrupted Lu Yu’s attention!

“Eh, this is?”

Lu Yu’s brows couldn’t help but frown slightly.

Today’s flight technology has been greatly improved compared to before, although it is still necessary to turn on the airplane mode or turn off the mobile phone during takeoff and landing, but the halfway time of the flight can be freely used mobile phone and Internet….

So Lu Yu was still able to receive this call.

But the strange thing is that this phone call does not indicate who the caller is, and even the phone number is a bunch of chaotic garbled characters: “…”People

can’t understand who the caller is.

“Pick up… Still not answering ??

After a short hesitation, Lu Yu still picked up the phone and slowly pressed the answer button.

“Hey, are you?”


voice that seemed to have been blurred with a special voice changer suddenly sounded in the microphone of Lu Yu.

Before Lu Yu could react, what was going on?

The voice suddenly changed a little:

“Let’s use the Chinese to introduce yourself first, after all, you are familiar with this language, right, Mr. Lu?”

“What are you?”

Lu Yu’s eyes were slightly cold!

A sense of foreboding suddenly rose in his heart!

“Mr. Lu, you don’t need to be nervous.”

“Let me introduce myself first, I am a CIA special agent from the Eagle Country, you don’t need to know who I am, you just need to know my identity!”

The Chinese across the microphone is extremely fluent.

However, from some details, Lu Yu can still hear that the other party is not a native speaker.

Not necessarily from the Eagle Country, but certainly not from the Dragon Country.


Lu Yu took a deep breath, and his heart suddenly felt a little nervous.

I thought that after boarding the plane, this trip to the Germanic country was completed smoothly.

And yet….

Whether it is a blessing or a curse or a curse, the thing that worries him the most still happened!


Eagle Country has two major intelligence agencies, which have become extremely famous thanks to the publicity of some blockbuster movies.

One is the FBI.

And the other one, naturally, is the CIA!

Many viewers often confuse the relationship between the FBI and the CIA, and many even directly confuse or confuse the two government agencies.

However, the functions of the two institutions are, in a sense, very different!

The FBI, whose main area of responsibility is in the homeland of the Eagle Country, rarely extends its hand to other countries….

The CIA, on the other hand, is the complete opposite of the FBI!

Their main responsibility is to collect overseas intelligence, or to put it more ugly, to disrupt the order of other countries, subvert the regimes of other countries, assassinate, monitor… and a series of other unsightly things!

They are like the most disgusting rats in the cold and damp sewers!

As long as you are targeted by him, you can’t help but shiver!

“Are you looking for me for something?”

Lu Yu asked calmly.

The most important thing now is to find out whether your identity has been exposed, or to what extent.

Only by understanding the intelligence first can we make corresponding countermeasures!

If the other party only knows the identity of his “mathematical genius”, then everything can be said to be within his control.

At most, they are also on behalf of the Eagle Country to dig up people, raise some high salaries and high treatment conditions to tempt him or something, and will not really do anything crazy.

However, if they have learned that they are the main person in charge of the [Red Sun] project.

Today, I’m afraid it’s less fierce Dorji….

“Mr. Lu, based on the information we have, it seems that you participated in a top-secret nuclear project of the Dragon Kingdom?”

The voice coming from the microphone was a little cold and emotionless:

“You don’t need to rush to deny it, this is the information we already have for sure, it is useless for you to deny it, it will only delay our time with each other in vain.”


Lu Yu grasped a key point in the opposite discourse.

The emotions in my heart suddenly became a little complicated, happy and sad….

Sadly, it is naturally part of his identity that is leaked.

And the joy is that the eagle country does not know that he is actually the direct main person in charge!

That is to say, everything still has room for manipulation, and there is room for redemption!

“How do you know?”

“Informant? Traitor? ”

Lu Yu is not only trying to be anti-customer-oriented, but also delaying time, making the brain think about countermeasures….

However, his trick, in front of the CIA special agent, is suddenly as ridiculous as a child’s trick!

“Mr. Lu, I may need to emphasize again, it is useless to delay time.”

“On the contrary, it will put you and your companions in more dangerous situations, such as air disasters…”

Lu Yu’s eyes changed: “What do you mean?”

“You make it clear!”

A sneer appeared in the microphone: “What I mean is very simple, as long as you obediently cooperate with us, I can guarantee that your personal safety will not be threatened.”

“But if you insist on resisting.”

“We’re going to start the bomb on the plane and turn the whole plane to pieces! This is international airspace, and even if something really happens, no one knows that we did it.

“Whether you live or die, the choice is yours, Mr. Lu!”

Bomb ….

Lu Yu’s face changed suddenly: “You guys are crazy!”

“There are more than 200 passengers on this plane besides me, and you are a terrorist attack!”

“More than 200 passengers … Is it a lot? The

CIA agent smiled coldly: “Compared with more advanced nuclear application technology, even if it is a big price, it is not a pity!”

“By the way, in case you think we’re bluffing, you can touch the timer in the left-hand box under your seat, and the time shown on it is the time remaining from the explosion.”

“Also, don’t think about finding the bomb and defusing it.”

“If we find out that you are acting similarly, we will directly detonate the bomb in advance and destroy the entire aircraft!” You don’t want that to happen, do you? ”

Mr. Lu?”

In the end, his tone was already playful, as if he had completely controlled the entire situation!

Lu Yu slowly reached out and touched his position.

Sure enough, there really was a box there! When you open it, it is a timer with a wireless device connected to a remote core, which is probably a bomb on the plane!

Left… Two and a half hours!

“So what do you want me to do?”

Lu Yu frowned and said Zhou Xuan.

“What we want is simple, technology!”

“You just need to send all the core technology of your project to one of our designated websites, and then call this number again.”

“Once we make sure your technology is accurate. We will immediately pause the countdown to the bomb.

“At that time, you and your companions will be able to leave the plane smoothly.”

“Don’t think of sending a little technology to fool us, this time our Eagle Country official attaches great importance to you, not only the political bigwigs are staring at this task, but also invited a group of academic bigwigs to specialize in analyzing technology.”

“Don’t take the slightest chance, understand?”

The CIA agent smiled coldly and said sarcastically:

“Or, you can choose not to cooperate with us.”

“Then, together with himself and the more than two hundred people on the plane, they turned into fragments in the air and scattered in the Pacific Ocean.”

“How to choose… The choice is yours.


saying this, the CIA agent hung up the phone directly, and the entire cabin suddenly became quiet.


Lu Yu’s heart gushed with anger, and he couldn’t help but hammer the table hard.


The other passengers in the first class were startled by his actions, looked at him inexplicably, and then turned back one after another, reading the newspaper or looking at their mobile phones….

They do not understand that a crisis has quietly descended on them.

“Mr. Lu, what’s wrong?”

Achu, who was in a seat away from him, noticed something strange and hurriedly asked.


Lu Yu forced a smile and diverted the topic: “I just thought of an academic matter, and I didn’t figure it out for a while, so I was a little annoyed, and I was embarrassed to disturb your rest.”

“It’s okay, Mr. Lu, you continue to think, haha!”

Achu smiled.

It was the first time he saw Mr. Lu, and he was angry like this.

It seems that this academic problem that troubles Mr. Lu must not be ordinarily difficult!

“No, you have to find a way!”

Lu Yu took a deep breath and forced his brain to calm down as soon as possible!

The reason why he didn’t tell Ah Chu was because it was useless to tell Ah Chu about this matter, it would only suddenly increase anxiety and trouble…

Just like this CIA agent said!

What can be done now, really only Lu Yu himself!

“Do I really want to give him that technology?”

“Nope… Absolutely not! ”


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