Technology: The naughty kid ruined my college entrance examination, but I turned over to nuclear fusion

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

After the three voices sounded, the electronic tone of the system stopped moving,

“This… The rewards of both options are quite attractive.

The corner of Lu Yu’s mouth hooked a wry smile.

The ability to stay up late without injury for 10,000 hours is definitely a great attraction for researchers who regard staying up late as the norm!

And another reward is not to mention, intracranial ultra-high-speed computing simulation, isn’t this equivalent to implanting a high-speed computer directly in the brain?

Although I don’t know how efficient this computer is, Lu Yu is based on the principle that the system produces and must be a high-quality product, which must not be worse.

“Forget it, far water can’t solve near fire.”

After a short period of entanglement, Lu Yu quickly made a decision: option two!

The ability to stay up late without injury for 10,000 hours is tempting, but it will be officially ignited in another day.

At this juncture, there is no doubt that the ability to simulate high-speed intracranial calculations is much more useful!

“But… How can I help this?

Lu Yu glanced at Su Xiaoxiao two rows away, and his expression suddenly became strange.

No wonder she looked cold, it turned out that she had encountered some trouble and was in a bad mood.

Wouldn’t it be an emotional problem?

A bad idea suddenly came to Lu Yu’s mind.

The requirements of the system are not only as simple as helping, but also require that the problem must be solved!

If it’s a scientific research problem, then it’s okay, but if it’s really an emotional problem, such as breaking up with your boyfriend and the like, then what to do?

Lu Yu made a bitter face, picked up the dinner plate, and walked towards Su Xiaoxiao’s seat.

It is imperative to first figure out what the problem is, and then we can find a way to solve it.

“Hello, Su…” Lu

Yu held the dinner plate and just wanted to sit opposite Su Xiaoxiao.

I saw Su Xiaoxiao take up his dinner plate with a cold face, move it sideways, and then sit down again.

Although she didn’t say a word, Lu Yu could clearly see the four words “don’t come to the side” on her face.


“Calm down, endure, for the project, for [Red Sun].”

Lu Yu took a deep breath, forced himself to hold back the embarrassment, and followed again cheekily: “Hello, researcher Su Xiaoxiao, get to know each other?”

“Chief Engineer Lu, didn’t we already know each other when we were at the gate of the base?”

Su Xiaoxiao frowned and said coldly.

“Well, too.”

Lu Yu looked helpless, and could only ask tentatively: “Researcher Su, I see that your face is not very good, have you encountered any trouble?”

“Thanks, I’m in some trouble.”

Su Xiaoxiao said lightly.

“By me?”

Hearing Su Xiaoxiao’s words, Lu Yu looked confused: “Researcher Su, we shouldn’t have met before today, right?”

“I haven’t met, but thanks to you, Minister Sun cut the funds of my project team by more than half.”

Su Xiaoxiao raised his head and looked directly at Lu Yu with cold eyes:

“Now, there is only one week before the delivery time of my project, but the funds are no longer enough to support the follow-up research.”

“I hope your [Red Sun] plan is not too outrageous, otherwise the entire scientific research community of the Dragon Kingdom will not let you go.”

When the funds were first allocated, 20 billion of the 27.5 billion funds were printed by the central bank, 5 billion was itself a [red sun], and the remaining 2.5 billion could only be cut from various scientific research projects.

Unfortunately, Su Xiaoxiao’s current main research project is the victim of the big knife.

“So that’s so…” After

hearing this, Lu Yu suddenly realized.

No wonder from the time she first came to the base, Su Xiaoxiao had a cold face that he owed her money.

As a result, is it really because of the money owed?!

“It’s a matter of scientific research, so it’s much easier.”

After reacting, a smile subconsciously appeared at the corner of Lu Yu’s mouth.

Although the other party’s scientific research direction may not be the same as his own, the difficulty of solving the problem is definitely much lower than that of the old month….

However, Lu Yu’s smile fell in Su Xiaoxiao’s eyes, but it became another meaning.

“What are you laughing at? Do you think it’s funny?

Su Xiaoxiao’s voice became a little colder.

If his gaze could kill, I am afraid that Lu Yu at this moment would have been frozen into an ice sculpture.

“Ahem, I didn’t laugh at you anymore, misunderstanding, misunderstanding.”

Lu Yu hurriedly explained: “I think that since it is a scientific research problem, maybe I can help you think of a way to solve the trouble.”

“Although only half of the funds remain, although it is difficult to achieve anything, maybe half of the scientific research funds are enough to get it?”

Su Xiaoxiao glanced at him inexplicably: “You’re not sick, right?” My project involves polymer food, which has nothing to do with your controlled fusion technology. How can you help me? ”

There are successives in hearing the Tao, and there are specializations in the art industry.

Su Xiaoxiao didn’t think that Lu Yu could help anything.

However, ”

Polymer food? Coincidentally, I really do. Hearing

Su Xiaoxiao’s words, Lu Yu’s eyes really lit up.

Don’t say, although this direction system can’t help, one of the projects he was responsible for in his previous life was related to polymer food!

“You can talk specifically about your project goals, half of the scientific research funds may be tight, but if you make fewer mistakes, you can still do it.”

Lu Yu asked.

Su Xiaoxiao looked at him suspiciously: “You really will?”

“Of course, polymer cuisine is complicated to say, but it is actually about recombining and plasticizing the original appearance of the ingredients through physical and chemical means, and I have been exposed to similar projects before.”

“Like marshmallows, pudding… In a sense, it is the simplest polymer food.

Lu Yu said confidently.

Su Xiaoxiao’s eyes showed a hint of surprise, and he hesitated:

“You really understand a little… The project I am responsible for is to convert beef from solid to liquid and milk through siphon bottles and a series of chemical means, while maintaining the original taste of the beef and making it taste undistorted.

“Originally, we had reached a cooperation with a Japanese cooking company, and after the technology was mature, it could be officially put into use after passing the test, but…”

Her cold expression showed a hint of ending:

“With the funds currently on hand, there is no room for trial and error, and we can only convert beef into a taste similar to beef sauce, which is too far from real snowflake beef.”

“In two days, the Japanese restaurant company will send two gourmets to test the results. I’m thinking about whether to take the initiative to give up, so as not to embarrass our Dragon Kingdom…” Looking

at Su Xiaoxiao’s lonely expression, Lu Yu also felt a touch of sympathy in his heart.

As a scientific researcher in his previous life, he deeply understood this feeling, and he was sure to complete the experiment, but because of insufficient funds, he could only give up unbearably….

However, with yourself here today, everything is still possible!

Lu Yu asked bluntly:

“Can you tell me more about the technology you are currently using?”

“I’m going to stop the project anyway, so it’s okay to talk to you.”

Su Xiaoxiaoxiu glanced at her eyebrows slightly, and said lightly: “The main technology used in our laboratory is polymer siphon, which disperses the original connective tissue in beef to the maximum center…” ”

The current problem is that if the degree of dispersion is too low, it cannot be completely converted into milk.”

“And if the degree of dispersion is too high, the beef will lose its unique meat texture and become no different from ordinary meat sauce…” Su

Xiaoxiao simply told Lu Yu about the current technology and the problems encountered.

In the end, the look of loss on her pretty white cheeks became even heavier.

“Polymer siphons… Have you ever tried molecular center dispersion?

Lu Yu pondered for a while, raised his head and asked.

In his previous life, polymer siphon technology was eliminated about five years ago.

Instead, there is a more mature and stable molecular center diffusion technology, which has a smaller risk factor and far less difficulty than the former.

Most importantly, because it is from the center, high-density dispersion is carried out, so the time and cost of trial and error are greatly reduced!

“Molecular centers away from diffusion? What do you mean? A

trace of doubt appeared in Su Xiaoxiao’s eyes.

“You haven’t heard of it?”

Lu Yu was slightly stunned, and quickly reacted: “You wait, I’ll explain it to you briefly.” ”

It seems that this technology has not yet appeared on Blue Star, at least not yet popularized.

He got closer, picked up a chopstick casually, modeled the food on her plate, and explained: “The molecular center diffuses, in short, it is through…”

At the entrance of the restaurant

, the white-haired Wang Qishan prepared the meal, and was about to sit down with the plate.

But he looked around and suddenly saw Su Xiaoxiao and Lu Yu sitting together.

Looking closely, Lu Yu was holding chopsticks, pounding left in Su Xiaoxiao’s dinner plate, and tinkering again, chanting words in his mouth.

“This kid, the woman’s relationship is not bad.”

Wang Lao smiled, and an idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

Lu Yu and Su Xiaoxiao, who are similar in age, are also the pillars of the future scientific research community of the Dragon Kingdom, which seems to be really matched!

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