Technology: The naughty kid ruined my college entrance examination, but I turned over to nuclear fusion

Chapter 37

Chapter 38

“Drip, drip, drip…” Listening

to the sound of the instrument, Lu Yu’s consciousness gradually returned to clarity, and slowly opened his eyes: “I… Where am I?

The moment he opened his eyes, Elder Wang’s concerned face appeared in front of Lu Yu’s eyes.

“Little monster, you’re finally awake, phew.”

The exhausted Wang Lao saw Lu Yu’s awake moment, and his expression instantly relaxed.

He fixed his mind and said, ”

You are in the advanced ward of Kyoto Ruijin Hospital.”

“Kyoto Ruijin Hospital?”

Lu Yu was slightly stunned, he had heard of this name, it could be said to be one of the best hospitals in the Dragon Kingdom.

And the senior ward of Kyoto Ruijin Hospital has gathered the most precious medical resources in the entire Dragon Country, even if it is not much inferior to the Mason Clinic in the Eagle Country.

“Elder Wang, how is controlled nuclear fusion maintained? Reach…… How many seconds has it been?

After his consciousness was restored, the second question Lu Yu asked was not about his body, but about the [Red Sun] plan.

He remembered that in the last second of his coma, the Tokmak device was maintained at about 98 seconds, only three seconds away from the internationally divided 101-second cut-off line!

Whether there is a breakthrough of 101 seconds in the end is the most concerned issue for Lu Yu now.

Hearing Lu Yu’s question, Elder Wang’s face was also stunned, and he immediately shook his head with a complicated expression:

“Little monster… Your scientific research spirit, even I am a little ashamed of myself…”

He fixed his mind and said solemnly:

“[Red Sun] went very successfully, perfectly exceeded the requirements of the chiefs above, and lasted for another two seconds after you fell into a coma, and the maintenance time reached 100 seconds.”

“Although the final distance of 101 seconds is still one second, this is far beyond the old man’s expectations.”

Lu Yu bowed his head slightly, and said with some regret:

“Is there still a second left?” It’s only one step away.

“Everything must be done steadily, step by step, scientific research is the same, don’t keep thinking about stepping on the right foot to the sky.”

“You’re right.”

Lu Yu nodded and asked the third question: “Elder Wang, how long have I been in a coma, the situation… What do you think? ”

He was really worried that there would be any big problems with his body.

“Don’t worry, Ruijin Hospital opened an expert consultation for you, and the result was not a big deal.”

Wang Qishan patted Lu Yu’s shoulder and continued, “You have been in a coma for most of the day, you should be overtired and overused with your brain.

“Now you don’t care about work, rest well, and when the afternoon clock comes, we will talk about the next step of the [Red Sun] plan.”

“I… In a coma for most of the day?

Looking at the tired demeanor of the old man in front of him, Lu Yu’s heart welled up with warmth.


He bowed his head slightly, but then he thought of something, and said with a bitter smile: “Elder Wang, Elder Zhong’s side… What project are you leading and can you reveal a little? ”

Lu Yu knows that the controllable nuclear fusion project has always been Zhong Lao’s heart, but at such a monumental moment as the official ignition of [Red Sun], Zhong Lao was not able to attend in person, it seems that the project led by his old man is not generally important.

“I can’t reveal it yet, but you’ll definitely find out later.”

A meaningful smile appeared at the corner of Elder Wang’s mouth, “You young people will definitely fall in love with this project.” ”

In love?”

Lu Yu was a little puzzled.

“Yes, haha, don’t say you young people, even an old man like me, the moment he saw it with his own eyes, his blood was a little boiling.”

Elder Wang’s smile became more and more mysterious.

Kyoto Institute of Exoskeleton Experiment

“Serial number of experimental machine: dragon elephant, ready!”

With an emotionless electronic sound, a swarthy man with eyes as sharp as an eagle slowly came to the center of the experimental site.

In the center, a new exoskeleton shining with metallic light is placed, about two meters high, extremely wide and thick, domineering side leakage!

“The training process, you should be clear, I don’t need to say more.”

“Be careful.”

In the main control room, Zhong Lao held an electronic microphone and talked to the elite soldiers in the research field.

The swarthy man in military uniform bowed his head slightly, his eyes resolute: “Understood, Elder Zhong!”

He took a deep breath, came to the exoskeleton, and then put his hands and feet into the embedding.

“Shh…” A

burst of electricity sounded in the exoskeleton, and then the nesting places slowly merged, slowly wrapping the resolute soldier in it!

“Zheng, Zheng, Zheng, Zheng…”

With a sound of metal clashing, the exoskeleton armor was like a giant beast awakened, revealing a fierce face!

“The torso part is loaded, the lower body part is loaded, and the head armor is loaded!”

The head armor of the exoskeleton slowly moved down, completely covering the dark man’s face, making him look like a predator who came out of a science fiction movie!

“Elder Zhong, after loading, you can start the first experiment.”

“Okay, the experiment has officially begun!”

Zhong Lao waved his sleeve, and his assistant hurriedly pressed a button.


A huge rock with a diameter of about 5 or 6 meters fell from the sky and fell into the test site!

Just listening to the sound, the weight of this boulder must be at least 6 or 7 tons!


The swarthy man wearing the “dragon elephant” walked to the boulder step by step, took a deep breath, and immediately held the bottom of the boulder with both hands and suddenly lifted: ”

Give it to me!”


An even louder sound of electricity erupted from the exoskeleton armor, and under the shocked gazes of the scholars, a boulder weighing six or seven tons was lifted abruptly overhead!

Immediately afterwards, his arms suddenly burst out again: “Oh!


An important boulder with a small truck was actually thrown up by him, flew for several meters and fell to the ground, erupting into a deafening roar!

“No matter how many times I saw it, I felt very shocked…” Looking

at the dust flying in front of him, even Zhong Lao, the general leader of the project, couldn’t help but secretly sigh.

Even the world’s champions of the Hercules competition can only achieve an extreme deadlift of 500 kg with the help of equipment.

And after wearing this exoskeleton, he can easily lift a boulder of six or seven tons!

It is no wonder that fifteen years ago, the Eagle Country was able to rely on this technology that seemed to come from an alien to completely humiliate the Dragon Kingdom in the World Military Competition!

“Phew, phew…” The

elite man who had completed the feat only took a few breaths before moving on to the content of the next experiment.

His knees bent slightly, and then he jumped suddenly, jumped directly over the 6-meter-high obstacle in front of him, and after a small tumble and unloading, he regained his footing and came to the back of the obstacle.

Immediately afterward, he reached behind and grabbed the heavy machine gun for testing.

“Aiming … Aim for success success. ”

Under the face armor, the moment the electronic sound sounded, the front sight of the machine gun was instantly aimed at the humanoid target head in front of him with the help of the auxiliary sighting equipment in his hand!


The thunderous sound echoed through the test site.

This heavy machine gun, which usually requires several people to fix it to barely control, is like a child’s toy in the hands of a man wearing an exoskeleton, without recoil!

Moreover, the gun headshot, straight to the center of the bullseye!

“It’s terrifying…”

Even the elite man who controlled the “dragon elephant” couldn’t help but feel a chill in his heart.

He was one of the most elite special operators in their barracks, but from this distance, it was difficult to achieve this accuracy even if he set up a gun and shoot!

However, with the help of this exoskeleton armor, it can press the gun with one hand and shoot the headshot!

After the chill, it’s excitement!

Perhaps on the frontal battlefield, one two exoskeleton warriors can play little role, but if it is used for assassination and decapitation, espionage, and apex destruction.

This group of them, who are already extremely elite, will definitely be able to become the most feared sharp knife for the enemy!


“Warning, less than 30 percent surplus energy!”

A sharp electronic sound broke the beautiful illusion of the swarthy man….

“The experiment is complete” in the main control room


Although the experiment was a complete success, looking at the parameters, his face was still sad.

“It’s still the same old problem, and if the energy problem can’t be solved, it’s almost impossible to put it into formal use.”

Looking at the parameters of exoskeleton energy, Zhong Lao sighed helplessly: “Alas, there is a long way to go.” ”

Just one test has consumed 70% of the energy of the exoskeleton! With such a serious energy consumption, the pressure on logistics supply is too great!

“Elder Zhong, shall we try to reduce efficiency? Maybe…… Can it solve the trouble temporarily?

The assistant pondered.

Elder Zhong shook his head decisively: “No, it must not work!” ”

If you reduce the power and efficiency, although you can solve the energy problem in a short time, how can you compete with the latest model of exoskeleton armor in the Eagle Country?

If you want to avenge the blood feud fifteen years ago, the efficiency must be high enough!

“To cure the disease, you still have to cure the root cause.”

Zhong Lao suddenly thought of the [Red Sun] plan, if the technology of controlled nuclear fusion can make a breakthrough, it will definitely be able to greatly help the exoskeleton armor supply!

However, it is only two months before the project began.

“Forget it, let’s think about something else first…”

Zhong Lao shook his head and was about to return to the laboratory to think of some solutions

, but at this moment, a guard with a red phone rushed over:

“Zhong Lao, Yanshan urgent report!”

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