Technology: The naughty kid ruined my college entrance examination, but I turned over to nuclear fusion

Chapter 50

Chapter 51

In the stands, there was a dead silence.

“He… Did he really prove it? Brother

Zheng looked at the screen, and the whole person was like a wooden man, and he was stunned in place.

Although he can’t understand the previous series of dazzling proof processes

, but the last “proof, 1+1=2”, he can still understand.

Not only Brother Zheng, but also the students of the mathematics department around him also looked at the screen like a ghost, unable to say a word for a long time.

“No, we have to go and tell the dean about this!”

“Since the emergence of the competition, no one has ever been able to successfully prove the fourth question, miracle, must be a miracle!”

“There are shared bikes over there, you ride to the dean, faster.”


people couldn’t sit still, got up and rode towards the dean’s office.

And the rest of the many people who remained sat in their seats, their eyes firmly fixed on Lu Yu, to see if he could create a miracle again and solve the fifth question?

“There are only ten minutes left, it should be impossible.”

“Yes, don’t say ten minutes, if the fifth question can be solved within ten years, it will be amazing.”


the nervous gaze, Lu Yu finally did not pick up the pen again and did the next question.

And in the eyes of all the students, they naturally mistook it for giving up:

“Sure enough, even if you are a genius, it is impossible to solve this problem.”

“This is a big problem facing the whole world, and it is normal if it cannot be solved.”

“Yes, being able to make the first four questions is already very powerful.”


the other side, the School of Mathematics of Longtech University, the dean’s office

, “Elder Zhong, you’re not kidding me, are you?”

The gray-haired old man rubbed his hands and said embarrassedly: “Let graduate students and doctoral students go and give a hand to a newly enrolled undergraduate, this is too much…”

He is the dean of the School of Mathematics of Longtech University, Qiao Canrong.

Today, Zhong Lao suddenly found him and made such a request to him.

Originally, as a scientist at the level of the Dragon Kingdom National Treasure, the school should try to meet all of Zhong Lao’s requirements, but this requirement was too strange.

Let the undergraduate go to the graduate student, he feels that it is rare, let alone the other way around!

“Old Qiao, what I want is not an ordinary graduate student, I have to pick a few good enough graduate students under you.”

Elder Zhong said meaningfully, “This is also an opportunity for your students, after all, this may be the closest contact they have come into contact with the peak of science in their lives.” ”

Science … The pinnacle of science?

The corners of Dean Qiao’s mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn’t help but say, “Elder Zhong, you are also exaggerating.”

“Even if your student is a genius, he is only an undergraduate, and he is still extremely far from scientific research, let alone the peak.”

“The graduate students under me are all proud masters, this… How do you convince me? ”

In fact, because of the high secrecy of the [Red Sun] program, very few people really know Lu Yu’s identity.

Most people can understand that he is just a talented college entrance examination student, at best, a little bit of his own small invention.

If he really knew Lu Yu’s promotion of controllable nuclear fusion, I am afraid that Dean Qiao would not have the slightest hesitation, and would nod and agree to the request of the elder!

“Old Joe, why don’t you understand any flexibility?”

Zhong Lao’s face was also a helpless expression: “He was personally invited to Longke University, can he be an ordinary undergraduate?”

“Why can’t you figure it out about something so simple?”

Limited by the confidentiality clause, Elder Zhong couldn’t directly tell Dean Qiao everything about Lu Yu, so he felt uncomfortable.


Dean Qiao was about to say something, but at this moment, a chaotic knock sounded outside the door.

“Knock knock, knock knock.”

“Please come in.”

Dean Qiao bowed slightly.

With a “creak”, the door of the dean’s office was slowly pushed open, and a breathless college student walked in.

“Elder Zhong, you are also there, huhu.”

The student did not expect that Zhong Lao was also here, and in surprise, he gasped and said hello to Zhong Lao.

“What happened? Running so fast?

Dean Qiao stroked the white beard and said angrily: “I told you a long time ago that you need to be calm in case of trouble, and you must remain calm at all times!”

“Not Dean, huhu.”

The student took a deep breath and gasped, “I… I came by bike and I couldn’t breathe, that… The competition of our Longke University is…” Under

the excitement, his brain was somewhat captivated, and his language organization ability also dropped sharply.

“You see… Urgent! Seeing

his students looking anxious, especially in front of Elder Zhong, Dean Qiao felt a pang of unhappiness.

Isn’t this a disgrace to him?

“Organize your own language, and then speak slowly, do you understand?”

“Got it, Dean Qiao.”

The student took a deep breath and pondered his sentence, “Just now… A science competition that has just been held in the central square. ”

Someone… Someone solved the fourth question you assigned!


Dean Qiao, who was originally as stable as Mount Tai, his beard turned up: “You… You repeat?

“Someone solved the fourth question you assigned, really!”

“Who? Which academy is it? Whoever is the last name!

Dean Qiao hurriedly stood up: “Take me to meet him, is it perjury, or is it true proof?” ”

Dean Qiao, cough.”

At this moment, Zhong Lao next to him coughed lightly twice.

“Haha, Zhong Lao, I’m sorry to make you laugh.”

Dean Qiao then remembered that Zhong Lao was still in his office, and hurriedly said with an apologetic face: “You know, we have to hold a competition every year when school starts.”

“There are five questions in total, and in the fourth question this year, I used the Goldbach conjecture, originally to let the students understand the truth that there is no end to learning.”

“But… But today it seems that someone really solved it! ”

Goldbach conjecture?

Zhong Lao’s eyes froze, although his field mainly focused on physics, he also had extremely deep knowledge in mathematics.

Goldbach guessed that he still understood something.

Although in essence, it is a problem of proving 1+1=2, but the difficulty of expanding in detail is far beyond imagination!

Such a mathematical problem that caused headaches in the world’s mathematical community was actually proved in their University of Science and Technology?

“I… I don’t know who he is?

The classmate who came to report scratched his head and hesitated: “But I heard that he is a freshman, called… It’s called Lu…”

Zhong Lao next to him took the stubble and asked in a condensed voice: “Lu Yu?

“Yes, Lu Yu!”

The classmate said abruptly.

“Lu Yu… This name, a little familiar? And how could Zhong Lao know this name?

Dean Qiao rubbed his temples, and Yu Guang glanced at Zhong Lao, and suddenly recalled: “Isn’t this the undergraduate student that Zhong Lao just mentioned?”

After reacting, Dean Qiao’s expression became extremely excited:

“Take me to meet him, quickly!”

“Old Qiao, don’t worry, there is one thing I need to confirm with you.”

At this moment, Zhong Lao interrupted the eager Dean Qiao with great composure.

“Elder Zhong, what’s wrong?”

Dean Qiao was slightly stunned and wondered, “What do you want to ask, but it’s okay to say.”

“The last finale question of this year, are you still using the same question from previous years?”

Elder Zhong’s gaze was solemn.

“yes, what’s wrong?”

Dean Qiao scratched his head, even more puzzled: “That question, or you personally came up with Elder Zhong.” Yes…… What’s the problem? ”

In the science competition of Longke University, the first four questions are changing every year, and the topics are getting more and more difficult year by year.

Only the fifth question, which has always been the same question, has never changed, and no one has ever answered.

This year, naturally, it is the same.

This…… Any questions?

“Big problem!”

Elder Zhong frowned and took a deep breath.

He secretly prayed in his heart: “I hope that kid, don’t be so stunned.” If this is really leaked, it will be a big trouble. ”

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