Technology: The naughty kid ruined my college entrance examination, but I turned over to nuclear fusion

Chapter 52

Chapter 53

At the Kyoto University Forum

, despite the “Shock! The post of “Solving the Goldbach Conjecture” has only been published for five minutes,

but the comments below have already reached dozens of floors.

But most of them are erupting posters….

Xuelian Gou is rare: “The landlord has water in his head? For the sake of water experience, don’t even want m? ”

Helloworld:”Upstairs +1, the owner Sima.

ZHAO.Mr Hui: “Does the landlord know what the Goldbach conjecture is?” Can’t make up, still fresh? Why don’t you die? ”

Litang Pearl:” At a glance, it is identified as a pure imbecile. ”

Shimokitazawa High Number: “In the mind of the landlord, it is snow strike (sad)

” “…” Although

the people who commented were all college students from various colleges and universities, many of them were college students from top domestic universities such as 985 and 211.

But in the Internet, the quality of most people is inevitably lowered.

Soon, invective filled the comment section of the forum.

Although occasionally one or two are different, such as:

“I am also Longtech University, what the landlord said is true, just at the Longtech University Science Competition just held.”

However, such a comment or two was quickly drowned in a sea of invective, and few people noticed it.

Of course, everything that happened on the forum, the protagonist of the incident, Lu Yu, is not yet aware.

He is currently in the office of the president of Longtech University, facing a group of professors like wolves with a headache…

“Student Lu, we still lack people in the School of Computer Science, I wonder if you are interested?”

“The computer science department of our Longke University has always been a cooperative relationship with Yao Class in Huaqing, and it is definitely one of the best in our dragon country!”

Yao Qing, the dean of the School of Computer Science, took the lead in launching the offensive.

“Go and go, people are engaged in mathematical research, and they have a hairy relationship with your computer?”

Li Fei, the dean of the School of Physics, quickly entered the battle:

“Fellow Lu Yu, if you can join our School of Finance, I promise you that every year the national scholarship will have your share, and in the future, graduate students and doctors, the supervisor will be selected by you.” After graduation, three middle schools and one gold and Goldman Sachs Citi, basically you can choose!

“Lao Li, without diamond diamonds, what porcelain work do you take?”

Qiao Canrong couldn’t help it, and scolded: “Elder Zhong hasn’t arrived yet, who are you robbing blindly?”

“Besides, if Lu Yu is going, he should also go to our Mathematics Institute, and this is the good place for him to shine!”


the professors fight for themselves, they almost started fighting.

Lu Yu’s expression was also a little uncomfortable.

He could only set his eyes on the gate, hoping that Elder Zhong would arrive faster and help him relieve the siege.


, “Da, da

, da…” With the sound of footsteps, Zhong Lao’s figure appeared at the gate:

“Everyone is chatting very lively, what are you talking about?”

Dean Qiao exhaled angrily: “Elder Zhong, you came at the right time, you come to judge and judge.”

“With the mathematical talent shown in Lu Yu, should he come to our mathematics school to study deeply?” With the training of a few of our old guys, he will definitely be able to become one of the top mathematicians in the Dragon Kingdom in the future!

“Old Joe, calm down, don’t worry.”

Zhong Lao smiled and patted him on the shoulder

, “Lu Yu’s talent in mathematics is undoubted, but his situation is relatively special, so he will not study according to the major like ordinary students.”

“This… What does that mean? ”

Several professors, you look at me, I look at you, they all don’t understand what Zhong Lao means.

“Don’t worry, I will teach him personally, and I will definitely train him to become a pillar of my Dragon Kingdom.”

The professors were slightly stunned.

Zhong always wants to take action personally!

“Elder Zhong, since you personally brought someone, then we won’t mix it blindly.”

All the professors can see that Zhong always moved the heart of the apprentice!

At that moment, they all gave up the idea of robbing people again, took their leave, and left the principal’s office….

Soon, in the huge principal’s office, only Lu Yu and Zhong Lao were left.

“How does it feel to be held by the stars?”

Elder Zhong asked with a smile.

The corner of Lu Yu’s mouth hooked a wry smile and said, “Elder Zhong, I was dying of a headache just now, so don’t laugh at me.”

“Haha, good.”

Elder Zhong smiled, and then his expression became serious: “Do you have any plans for the next four years of college?”

“Well, I plan to enrich the knowledge of the basic part, and at the same time, continue to contribute to the scientific research of the Dragon Kingdom while reading.”

Lu Yu nodded solemnly.

Although he came to Longke University, part of it was because of the system, but the bigger reason was actually himself.

As the old saying goes, you can’t be fast.

After four years of precipitation study, Lu Yu believes that it is still extremely necessary, after all, running fast does not necessarily win, and not falling is success.

Elder Zhong also showed a look of praise:

“Not bad, if I had made such great achievements at your age, I am afraid I would not be able to be as calm as you.” However, precipitation is precipitation, but there are some projects, I am afraid that you still need your help. ”

Elder Zhong, you said.”

Lu Yu bowed his head slightly and said, “As long as it is where I can help, I will do my best.”

“Do you know that conflict on the border all those years ago?”

Zhong Lao turned his head and suddenly asked.

“Of course I know.”

Lu Yu nodded and recalled: “Our Dragon Kingdom lost miserably, even my father was so angry that he didn’t eat enough for several days…”

Elder Zhong sighed, and immediately said squarely: “Then do you understand, what was the reason for that defeat?”

“The specifics are not clear, but you can roughly guess.”

Lu Yu said softly.

The events at that time were military secrets, which could only be seen by the military and high-level officials of the Dragon Kingdom, and what ordinary people could know back then was only a result.

“Oh, can you guess?”

Elder Zhong smiled and said, “Tell me about it.”

“Ancient warfare is nothing more than the six characters of the right time and place, and in modern times, it is necessary to add one more technology.”

Lu Yu analyzed: “I believe that in terms of will and character, no one in my Dragon Kingdom soldier can excel.

“And in terms of the right time and place, I also believe in the judgment of the high-level military of the Dragon Kingdom, even if there is a slight gap, it is impossible to cause such a big fiasco.”

“Then, only technology remains…”

Zhong Lao bowed his head slightly and praised: “Not bad, you guessed correctly.”

“The great defeat of the Dragon Kingdom military back then was because of technology!”

“Let’s show you something first, I brought it out of the lab on purpose.”

Zhong Lao took out a device that looked like a robotic arm, pressed it on his hand, and then filled the battery.

“This is … Exoskeleton?

Lu Yu’s eyes showed a touch of shock.

Of course, he knows what exoskeleton equipment is, but even in his previous life, exoskeleton equipment is only in its infancy.

Is exoskeleton technology so developed in this world?

Shocked, Lu Yu held his breath and looked at Zhong Lao intently, waiting for his next move.

“When people get old, the functions of the body naturally decline.”

Zhong Lao moved his arm and said, “If I had put it twenty years ago, I could still do a dozen pull-ups, but now I can’t even lift a fifteen-kilogram dumbbell.”

“But, with it, it’s different.”

He suddenly reached out and grabbed the desk in the principal’s office, and then suddenly lifted up!


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