Technology: The naughty kid ruined my college entrance examination, but I turned over to nuclear fusion

Chapter 575

Chapter 581

“Dean Ma, Doctor Jiang, our neural network reconstruction process is over.”

“The experimental data is very good, completely close to what we expected, even better than what we predicted at the beginning!”

“We really made this result this time!”

About half an hour later, a researcher with a face full of excitement came to the side of Dr. Jiang and Dean Ma, and reported to them the final results of today’s last experiment!

And after listening to the final results of the experiment….

“Good, great!”

“It’s been a hard work for everyone here.”

Whether it was Old Doctor Jiang or Dean Ma, the corners of their mouths slowly evoked a smile!

Although they could have guessed the conclusion of the success of the experiment long ago, it is not the same thing to really know the news and the joy of predicting the news at the beginning, and the former is far more reassuring than the latter.

After all… Before the real result comes out, who can think that there will be any accidents in the middle, only when a certain thing really settles, the stone in the hearts of two people can really be put down.

But well… Happy to be happy.

Today, everyone has also added so long shifts, and the things that should be done are almost dealt with, so there is no need to let the researchers on the site stay for a long time.

At this thought, Old Doctor Jiang and Dean Ma looked at each other.

Dean Ma slowly stood in the center and began to instruct everyone:


“Then let’s end our work for today.”

“I have always believed that as long as we always have the belief of doctors in our hearts and always fulfill the duty of treating patients and saving people, the medical career of our Dragon Kingdom will definitely be better and better.”


he said a long list of very uplifting words.

The doctors below were applauding continuously, and their faces were all showing excited smiles!

“Dean Ma said well.”

“Actually, I also believe that the medical career of our Dragon Kingdom can become better and better, but I didn’t expect that today would come so quickly.”

“Yes, I remember the last time we went to purchase those foreigners’ medical equipment, I was ridiculed by those people openly and secretly, which made me feel unhappy to death.”

“Finally, one day we can use our own domestic NMR equipment to replace the equipment they sold us at a high price!”

“When I think that our domestic equipment will compete with their equipment in the market next, I really have an indescribable excitement in my heart!”

Everyone applauded, and one after another vented their dissatisfaction in their hearts.

Once upon a time, the major hospitals of the Dragon Kingdom, even the most high-level hospitals, needed to rely on people’s noses… Those devices imported overseas.

Spending a high price, it may only be imported to people’s second-tier brands.

Such a thing, do they think?

Of course not!

But there is a saying that the situation is stronger than people, and their own domestic equipment cannot be taken out, what other way is there except to import others?

Even if it is regenerated, it can only be recognized by pinching your nose.

But today is different!

All… It’s going to change!

“Well, it’s not early today, I think everyone is in a hurry to go back to sleep, so I won’t delay your time.”

“That’s it.”

After giving a morale-boosting speech, Dean Ma instructed his subordinates to leave the laboratory for the time being, and then wait until tomorrow to proceed with the next review experiment.

Although there were still some researchers who hoped to finish the load experiment together tonight, under the advice of Dean Ma, everyone left the laboratory first and went home to rest.


There were only two people left, Dean Ma and Old Doctor Jiang.

“Let’s go, we should go back.”

Dean Ma patted Dr. Jiang’s shoulder and said slowly.

“Let’s take a look at the computer before we go back, maybe there’s something new.” Old Doctor Jiang took a deep breath.

He was obviously a little unwilling to go back like this, but planned to see how it turned out before going back.

“Are you really going to check it out?”

“I can tell you.”

“If the top really wants to approve our clinical trial report, it is impossible to get the results so quickly, and if the results are available now, there is only one possibility, that is, the top directly rejected our application.”

“That is to say, if we go to see that the computer has already produced results now, there is a high probability that we have failed.” Dean Ma spread his hands and said helplessly.

Old Doctor Jiang said solemnly: “Even if it fails, we should go over and take a look.”

“So if you fail, you can go back to sleep at night?” Dean Ma asked half-jokingly.

“What can’t sleep!” After glancing at him angrily, Old Doctor Jiang said slowly:

“Although I am a person who is a little more anxious, but my mentality is not as bad as you think, if I fail, I can sleep peacefully, after all, there is no hope and no disappointment, but if I don’t go back to look at him, my heart can’t calm down.”

“Anyway, it won’t take much time to look at it, don’t look at it.”

“Go, follow me back.”

Saying that, Old Doctor Jiang couldn’t help but grab Dean Ma’s arm and directly dragged him all the way to the office.

“You, you.”

He also said that his nature was not so urgent. Look at your monkey anxious look, really! Dean Ma said with a look of displeasure.

However, he said so, but the pace under his feet was not slow at all, and he followed Dr. Jiang all the way to his dean’s office.

Although this guy looked like he had a breezy expression, as if he didn’t care about the outcome at all, in fact, the anxious and nervous mood in his heart was no less than that of Old Doctor Jiang.

The two pushed the door and slowly walked into the dean’s office

, feeling the silent atmosphere around them, as well as the slightly glowing computer screen, and the hearts of both of them couldn’t help but show a touch of nervousness!

“Ahem, are you coming or am I coming?”

Dean Ma asked.

“Here you go!” Dr. Jiang pointed to the computer and motioned for Dean Ma to check the results.

“You coward, I’ll come when I’ll come!” Dean Ma rolled his eyes, and then slowly came to the side of the computer, about to check the results.

But I don’t know why, his heartbeat suddenly began to accelerate again!

Dean Ma subconsciously glanced out the window and stopped for a moment, wanting to relieve the tension in his heart.

The hospital’s director’s office is located on the rooftop, and from there, the view from the window is peaceful and beautiful.

When night falls, a bright moon hangs high in the sky, sprinkling clear light, and the whole scene is like a dream.

The street outside the window was quiet, as if shrouded in night, only faint street lights dotted the darkness.

Pedestrians hurried by, their figures as faint as candles, appearing small and helpless. The trees beside the road sway slightly under the night breeze, making a rustling sound, like a symphony of nature.

The inpatient department in the distance looms in the moonlight.

The silhouette of the high-rise building is clearly visible, and the warm light shines through the windows, as if it is the expectation and prayer of countless patients.

“Alas.” Dean Ma sighed and said in one breath:

“Our hospital at night is quite peaceful.”

“It’s just that how many people can know how much sorrow and joy are behind this peace?”

“yes.” Old Doctor Jiang nodded, and there was some emotion in his eyes.

Silent night, brightly lit.

The lake in the distance sparkles in the moonlight, like a mirror. There are several lotus flowers floating on the surface of the lake, they are graceful and colorful, like a group of dancers dancing in the moonlight. The willow trees by the lake gently sway, casting dappled reflections that blend with the lake.

“Ahem, who said I was timid? Can you kid move faster!

Looking at Dean Ma, who had been talking about him left and right, Old Doctor Jiang’s face showed a shameful expression, shook his head and said:

“Can’t you move a little sharper?” Haven’t you seen enough of the scenery?

“I… Hehe, wasn’t I a little nervous?

“Look at the scenery and relieve your tension, what’s wrong?” If you’re that good, it’s true of you.

Dean Ma glanced at Dr. Jiang angrily, then took his gaze back from the scenery outside the window, sat alone on the chair in the office, began to manipulate the computer, and opened the submission webpage at the beginning.

Although his movements are not slow, but the web page also takes a certain amount of time to load, watching the loading progress bar appear in the field of vision, the breathing sound of both Dean Ma and Old Doctor Jiang has become a little rapid!

“It’s coming!”

“Snap. Dean

Ma gently tapped the mouse, and the picture on the computer screen suddenly began to change, and a line of loading progress appeared.

“1%… 2%…”Watch

this long loading progress.

Dean Ma’s eyes also showed a nervous look.

Although he and Dr. Jiang both knew that the probability of passing the clinical trial application this time could be said to be minimal.

But the reason why they chose to apply for this clinical trial report when they knew this proved that these two people still had a trace of luck in their hearts.

If you really give up hope completely, what is the point of turning it in? There is always some fantasy.

What if?

If the above really agreed to this clinical trial, wouldn’t their technology soon be able to be promoted to all parts of the country?!

Therefore, at the moment of the final query result, Dean Ma’s heartbeat rate also began to rise rapidly, for fear that he really saw what response.

After all, in such a short time, if there is a response from above, then the answer given must not be allowed.

In other words, if the answer has been given from above now, then this matter can almost be called a certainty, and it is over!

At least in a short period of time, clinical trials cannot be started.

Web pages flashing….

The breathing sounds of Dean Ma and Old Doctor Jiang also became impatient at the same time, staring intently at the changes in the picture on the screen, afraid that something would be missed in the next second.

After waiting for about half a minute, which is 30 seconds.


The screen flashed, and the picture above finally changed!

“This… This is?

After seeing the picture on the screen clearly, whether they saw the doctor or Dean Ma, the eyes of both of them showed disappointment at the same time.

“Alas, the reply has come.”

“It seems that we still failed, and the above has already given a reply.”

“I just don’t know how they’re going to scold us.”

“You and I are almost 150 years old combined, even if we say that our administrative building is above, it should not spray us with dog blood, right?”

The corner of Dean Ma’s mouth hooked a wry smile, and the old doctor Jiang next to him also had a slight disappointment on his face.

Although this was the ending that had been expected for a long time, the moment they really saw the result clearly, both of them still had some unspeakable discomfort in their hearts.


They have already responded to their applications.

Although said to reply, it turns out that they haven’t really clicked to view.

But there was a reply, which was almost the same, so they were sentenced to death.

Almost completely cut off the clinical trial, the possibility of opening up immediately!

“Why don’t you click on it and take a look.”

“Two scoldings at most.”

“If you can contribute to our medical cause, it will be worth being scolded no matter what.”

Old Doctor Jiang said slowly.

“Hmm.” Dean Ma nodded absentmindedly, and then double-clicked the screen with a moving mouse and clicked on the string of text.

However, the next second….

“How is this possible!”

The extremely shocked look appeared on the faces of the two at almost the same moment!

Whether it was Dean Ma or Old Doctor Jiang, the faces of the two people changed drastically at the same time. Especially Dean Ma, he couldn’t help but shout!

“Tong… Passed?!

“Oh my God!”

Dean Ma’s people were directly dumbfounded.

His eyes were wide and staring at the screen, afraid that everything that appeared in front of him was an illusion!

The old doctor Jiang next to him was even more exaggerated, and he jumped up directly, his hands constantly shaking because of excessive excitement!

“Did the top really pass our application?!”

“This… It’s something I never dreamed of! ”


The expressions on the faces of the two people froze at the same time.

After discovering that the above had replied to their clinical application, whether it was Dean Ma or Dr. Jiang, their mood was gray at that time.

They almost thought that this matter was already a certainty.

But who knows, after really opening the approval, everything turned out to be an earth-shattering reversal.

How could they not have imagined that in less than two hours, the people at the top would actually agree to their application for clinical trials, and even praised their efficiency in the approval document?!

That’s incredible!


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