Technology: The naughty kid ruined my college entrance examination, but I turned over to nuclear fusion

Chapter 577

Chapter 583

“Hahaha, don’t worry about this.”

“Some clinical trial problems in other hospitals do have the concerns you mentioned, but in our hospital, this concern is absolutely not valid.”

“Many rich people are not stupid.”

“They can tell what is good and what is bad. Even if they don’t know the specific effect of the relevant data technology, there are experts like us to explain it. ”

It’s like two cameras, one pixel high and one low pixel, even if the camera with high pixels is a new product, it may be prohibitive for some people.”

“But… There will also be people who are attracted by its performance and take the initiative to become buyers.

“Of course it’s a camera deal, but it’s the same on our side.”

“In any case, the performance of this prototype is here, praise or denigration, it will not change the fact that it is powerful, and that is enough.”

The smile on Dr. Jiang’s face became more and more intense, and he shook his head and said:

“In the final analysis, we are not directly starting mass production, but only conducting part of the clinical trials, and the number of volunteers required is not so exaggerated.”

“So as long as someone can be attracted to our technology, they can take the initiative to volunteer at the relevant level.”

“Then we can perfect the next technology.”

“If there are too many people and the experimental data is too mixed, it may become a burden for the next research task, you should be able to understand what I mean when I say this, Mr. Lu Yu.”

“However, Elder Jiang, I have another question.” Lu Yu frowned, as if he had thought of something worried.

“Oh? What other questions does Mr. Yu have? Doctor Jiang asked.

“Regarding the safety of this prototype, you just said that you have done some experiments, but I am inevitably a little worried.” Lu Yu said, “After all, this is related to the life safety of patients.

“Hahaha, you can still rest assured of this.”

With a smile on his face, Dr. Jiang seemed to have prepared for Lu Yu’s question

, “Before we conduct the experiment, we will definitely conduct a full range of safety tests.” During the experiment, we will strictly control every detail to ensure the accuracy and safety of the experiment. ”

At the same time, our hospital’s safety requirements for medical devices are also very strict, although it is only a prototype, but it meets relevant national regulations and standards.”

“So, don’t worry too much, the clinical trial will definitely be carried out smoothly.”

“So what if something goes wrong during the experiment?” Lu Yu took a deep breath and continued to ask.

Although he definitely trusts Dr. Jiang, when it comes to the technology of medical equipment, human life is greater than heaven.

It still has to be treated with caution!

Lu Yu is only worried about whether there will be any safety problems if the prototype is put into clinical trials in just one day?

“If any problems arise during the experiment, we will have a professional team to deal with and solve it in a timely manner to ensure the smooth progress of the experiment and the safety of patients.”

“At the same time, we will also monitor and record the experimental data in real time to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the experimental results.” Old Doctor Jiang answered patiently.

“So if something goes wrong, what kind of impact does it have on patients?” Lu Yu asked again.

“Moreover, our experiments are subject to strict risk control measures and will be carried out under the premise of ensuring patient safety.”

“If anything unexpected happens, we will immediately stop the experiment and provide timely treatment and care to patients to ensure their safety.”

“At the same time, we will also conduct a comprehensive investigation and analysis of the experimental process to avoid similar situations from happening again, isn’t this the purpose of our clinical trials?” So you can relax. Just wait for the good news!

Doctor Jiang replied seriously.

Hearing this, the worry in Lu Yu’s heart decreased a lot, and the frown that had just been furrowed was instantly relieved.

A smile appeared on his face.

“In that case, then you should complete the relevant procedures as soon as possible and start clinical trials.” Lu Yu said with a smile.

“Okay, I’ll let people arrange it.” Old Doctor Jiang nodded and agreed.

After the conversation between the two people, Lu Yu did not continue to exchange pleasantries with Old Doctor Jiang.

Both men understand that time is too precious for them to waste.

So Lu Yu directly hung up his phone, and Mr. Jiang also went to Dean Ma to discuss the next clinical trial.

Walking in the corridor of the hospital, the night grew darker, and the moonlight outside the window spilled in, illuminating the entire corridor.

Old Doctor Jiang looked at the moonlight and felt a little excited in his heart, and his dream finally had hope to come true.

At the same time, he also felt a little nervous, after all, this is an experiment involving the safety of patients’ lives, and there can be no sloppiness and carelessness.

Through the corridor, Dr. Jiang came to the gate of the hospital. At night, the hospital building stands out, and in the flower bed at the door, various flowers emit a faint fragrance in the moonlight.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm the excitement in his heart.

Suddenly, his mobile phone rang, it was Dean Ma calling.

Old Doctor Jiang answered the phone, and after a while, the smile on his face grew stronger. Dean Ma told him that everything had been arranged, the rest of the procedures had been declared, and the prototype was ready!

Tomorrow, clinical trials can begin.

Hearing this news, Old Doctor Jiang felt a burst of joy in his heart, such an old person, coupled with his usual style of acting should be a very calm person, but at this time, Old Doctor Jiang wanted to punch the air hard to vent the joy in his heart.

These days, for him, it is like a dream!

After —

hung up the phone, Lu Yu finally let his mind empty a little and began to think about the original question again.

Although NMR technology has been properly solved, the problem he faced at the beginning, that is, the choice of the Kalman filter algorithm and the support vector machine algorithm, has not been solved in the slightest.

After reconsidering this question, Lu Yu felt a little pain in his head again.

According to his thinking, using genetic algorithms to solve these two problems is indeed the best way.

But the problem is…

Other people don’t even know what a genetic algorithm is!

And to make a textbook, the time and energy required to consume are unimaginable, maybe the textbook on your side has not yet been made, and the node of Zhurong 2 launch time is almost here!

If this is the case, then I can’t make teaching materials myself… It doesn’t make sense at all.

Thinking of this, Lu Yu couldn’t help but rub his temples, and a wry smile appeared on his face: “It’s difficult.” In

addition to paying attention to the experimental progress on the No. 2 side, there are some problems that need to take some time, such as tomorrow, he and Liu Miaoer also made an appointment to go to the previous virtual reality research base together to fulfill his initial agreement.

This is certainly not a bad thing, and playing with friends can also make your mood a little more enjoyable.

But the time consumed is also real.

Although time is like water in a sponge, as long as there is always a courtyard level, the reality that there are only 24 hours a day will not be changed in the slightest, and some time is used up, and there is no chance of redemption.

So, no-show?

Lu Yu shook his head and immediately threw this idea directly out of his mind.

He is not a big deal.

But it is impossible to regret the things that have been agreed with others, let alone explain that Ming Du has made an appointment, and will find other reasons to shirk this matter, so the idea of making an appointment was suddenly thrown to the ends of the earth by Lu Yu!

So… That’s all you have to do with the initial research plan, right?

Lu Yu’s face became more and more helpless.

Although he really wanted to replace the Kalman filter algorithm and the support vector machine algorithm with a more advanced genetic algorithm.

But in the absence of other people knowing the genetic algorithm, it seems unrealistic to use this so-called better algorithm to solve the problem.

Instead, choosing a more secure solution to the problem seems to be the best option at the moment.

It is… It’s a bit of a pity.

After all, this is not that you can’t find a better solution, but you obviously have a better plan in your heart that can be used as a replacement, but you can’t use it, or you can only use the original loophole method.

It’s really humiliating to think about.

Just as Lu Yu was thinking so, a sudden prompt sound, suddenly remembered in his mind, made his original thoughts slightly shocked.

【Ding! 【

Congratulations to the host for activating the new option! 】 Is it

the system?

The expression on Lu Yu’s face froze for a moment, and after reacting again, a smile suddenly appeared on his face!

There is a saying in the Dragon Kingdom that it is better to come early than to come.

Now is the right time for this system!

If the reward given by the system can solve his current problem, he can directly use the genetic algorithm to apply it in the field of compatibility of the micromotor system, which can not only save a lot of effort, but also smooth out the pimple in Lu Yu’s heart!

[Option 1: In a word, the horse is difficult to chase. ] 】

【Fulfill your agreement, tomorrow I will visit the virtual reality technology base with Liu Miaoer

】【Option reward: Genetic algorithm technology outline (crash file version)】Good

to come!

If it weren’t for the fact that it was too late today, Lu Yu would even call out directly excitedly.

This system is simply an intimate little cotton jacket, now his biggest headache is the problem of genetic algorithms, but the system directly gives such an irresistible reward, think about it is exciting!

[Option 2: The person who knows the time is Junjie. Refused…]

Not yet, when the system introduced the reward of option two, Lu Yu almost didn’t think about it, so he directly said: “Needless to say option two!”

“I pick one!”

Does this still need to be chosen?

Unless option two directly gives yourself the technology of the spacecraft, what else is there … Under the current circumstances, can it be compared to a crash course textbook on genetic algorithms?

For the current situation of Lu Yu, this is what he needs the most!

Moreover, according to the system this urine well… The reward of its option two, even if it is better, is probably not much better.

Moreover, he is not a person who likes to make appointments, obviously he promised Liu Miaoer to take him to the virtual reality base to experience how the technology that gave birth to the legendary movie “Myth of the Dragon Kingdom” was made?

If you suddenly break the contract at this time and violate the agreement that the two people said at the beginning, then Lu Yu’s heart is somewhat overwhelmed.

Unless the reward given by the system can really make him unable to ignore, the kind of attraction that directly explodes!

Otherwise… He should be 100% not going to choose option two.

Besides, even if the system really gives some kind of spacecraft and other rewards, with the current technology of the Dragon Kingdom, it still needs to build grassroots steps step by step, in other words, even if it is given technology, it is impossible to create it all at once!

So, do you need to hesitate?

[Does the host confirm its choice?] The

system lasted for about a second, and then it really didn’t say option two, but directly asked Lu Yu if he confirmed option one.


Lu Yu nodded slightly, still without the slightest hesitation.

He is like this, once the matter is decided, there can be no time to regret it.

If you really regret it, why did you go earlier?

【Option confirmed complete! 】 The

familiar electronic prompt sound of the system sounded in Lu Yu’s mind again, and after squeaking like this, the system disappeared silently, and it seemed that it would only emerge again after Lu Yu finished this option task.


Lu Yu breathed angrily, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

His headache was finally properly solved!

Although he did not have the energy and time to compile a complete introductory textbook on genetic algorithms, so that Zhurong-2 researchers could do it quickly.

But the system can!

According to the quality of many rewards given by the system before, if you just need a quick introduction textbook, it is simply simple for the system!

It does not take a little effort to further improve the compatibility of micromotor systems under electronic interference.

This is simply a sale sent to the door, blood earned!

In this way, the last worry in Lu Yu’s heart was properly solved, and he was finally able to go to bed and fall asleep with peace of mind.

The glow of neon lights adorns the facades of high-rise buildings like stars, decorating the entire city picturesquely.

These lights are like brilliant jewels, set in the city’s night sky, giving it endless brilliance.

Under the white jade-like moonlight and the neon lights of the city, Lu Yu closed his eyes in satisfaction and slowly fell asleep.

Tomorrow, I will visit the virtual reality base with Liu Miaoer!


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