Technology: The naughty kid ruined my college entrance examination, but I turned over to nuclear fusion

Chapter 95

Chapter 96

After placing the note on Lu Yu’s desk, the middle-aged man returned to his seat accompanied by his secretary.


Lu Yu glanced at the note and put it away.

His ability to detect words and colors is not very strong, but looking at the middle-aged man’s talking temperament, he can also judge that he is not an ordinary person.

For the sake of the other party, there is no reason for Lu Yu to refuse.

After the middle-aged man left, he didn’t think about it anymore, just silently continued to read the “Nature” journal in his hand, after all, grasping the accelerator time to study is the most important thing at the moment.

In the first class, on the other side of the seat,

“Mayor Li, just now…”

the secretary with gold wire glasses asked hesitantly.

Unlike others, his boss has always been interested in scientific research except for his reputation.

And this also stems from Mayor Li’s special life trajectory, which is different from the general system, and Mayor Li’s path at the beginning was not from Z.

He actually graduated from Modu Jiaotong University, and he is also a solid science and engineering major.

Back then, Mayor Li originally held a teaching position at a certain university, but gradually rose to professor.

Only later, because of chance, he was ordered by the old number one and turned into the system, thanks to good professionalism and ability, he also went straight to Qingyun all the way and became the second in command of Zhenshan City.

However, what Mayor Li misses most is the purest days.

Because of this, even if he has become the second in command, he will take a certain amount of time every day to read “Nature” and “SCI”… and other scientific journals.

The middle-aged man known as “Mayor Li” smiled slightly: ”

A very interesting young man who is also very talented. I used to think that not forgetting was just an exaggerated rhetoric, but I didn’t expect to see it today. ”

There are really a lot of capable people in our Dragon Kingdom.”

Although his face was not obvious, what Lu Yu showed just now still shocked him.

“Yes, my Dragon Kingdom is rich in resources, and there will naturally be no fewer capable people.”

The secretary bowed his head slightly and echoed: “I used to think that some things were just exaggerations, but sometimes I know how amazing it is when I see it with my own eyes.”

Mayor Li did not continue the conversation

, but closed his eyes slightly, leaned on the seat and rested.

He originally went to Luohai City for a meeting, but halfway through the meeting, he suddenly received a notice that asked him to return to Zhenshan City as quickly as possible.

All this is actually related to a special security mission.

It is said that a big man is coming to Jinshan City.

As the mayor, he must have full authority to avoid accidents!

However, the

specific content of the task was not notified from above, but he was asked to return to Zhenshan City first and then make arrangements.

“Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, your flight is about to arrive at its destination…” The

polite and elegant voice of the flight attendant sounded again on the radio.

After a long flight, the plane was finally about to reach its destination.

“It’s coming, phew.”

Mayor Li slowly opened his eyes and let out a long turbid breath.

This time the security task, although there is no famous word at present, but the attitude is very important, the requirements and specifications are also exceptionally high!

Obviously, the top attaches great importance to this, for fear of an accident!

This is also a great pressure for Mayor Li, who is about to take charge of the task himself….

The plane finally landed smoothly, he glanced in the direction of the seat where Lu Yu was, and then asked the secretary to take his luggage and slowly walked out of the cabin.

At this moment,

a phone rings and suddenly rings.

“Here it comes!”

Mayor Li took a deep breath, took out his mobile phone connected to the confidential line, and connected the call.

“Mayor Li, you should return to Zhenshan City, right?”

The voice coming from the microphone is majestic.

Mayor Li nodded lightly, his eyes solemn: “Yes, if there are any orders from above, you can just explain, Team Liu.” The

person who called was called “Team Liu”.

The specific captain of which team “Team Liu” is, not many people actually know.

Mayor Li only knew that the team to which the “Liu Team” belonged was extremely mysterious in the army, and his subordinates were all elite soldiers out of a hundred, specially responsible for providing security measures for certain big people.

More, it is not something that a person of his level can understand.

“I’ll send you the information of the security target in a moment.”

“You don’t need to know his specific identity, you just need to cooperate with us to protect his personal safety.”

Team Liu’s icy voice came over the phone.

Immediately, through the secret line, documents and pictures were transmitted to Mayor Li’s confidential line.

“Received it?”


Mayor Li bowed his head slightly, immediately took a deep breath, and opened the document a little nervously.

He knew that the confidentiality level of these documents could probably be top secret, and even at his level, there would only be one or two access to such documents.


With a crisp tone, the file was successfully decompressed and slowly opened.

“It’s him!”

When he saw the picture on the document, Mayor Li’s pupils shrank suddenly!

The young man in the picture has bright eyes, delicate facial features, and a thick bookish atmosphere.

It’s no one else, it’s Lu Yu he just met on the plane!

“Mayor Li, what’s wrong?”

Captain Liu asked with a frown.

Mayor Li took a few deep breaths and said with a wry smile: “It’s nothing, it’s just a little surprised.”

He also didn’t expect that the figure that Team Liu needed to protect was actually the teenager he had just met in the first class, which was too coincidental, right?

“Don’t be too surprised, just remember to cooperate with us to protect his personal safety.”

Captain Liu said solemnly:

“He came to Zhenshan City to wish his grandmother a birthday, and he will leave after seven days, and within these seven days, there must be no accident!”


City, Huanshui County Huanshui County in Zhenshan City, neither the economy nor the population, can not be called how prominent.

It can be said that it is a very ordinary small county.

However, in the ordinary small county town of Huanshui County, the Lu family is not ordinary at all.

Today’s grandmother of the Lu family is nearly eighty years old, and her eightieth birthday will be in a few days.

Although the grandmother of the Lu family was old, she was also a small leader at some levels in the system before she retired that year.

The grassroots has been floating and sinking for 40 years, and his cloudy eyes seem to be able to penetrate the world, and after retirement, he has done a lot of charity, willing to give charity, help the poor and help the weak, so that many local people in the county are respected.

The grandmother of the Lu family has three sons and a daughter, except for the younger son, who has no climate, the other two sons and one daughter are all small achievements.

The eldest son, Lu Huai’an, is good at people’s affection, and he is also smooth in entering the world, serving as the second-in-command in Huanshui County.

Although there is not much room for further progress, it is already very good for ordinary people.

The second son, Lu Huairen, although he did not study well, but he had a good brain for business, made a fortune in the assembly of electronic devices, and was a famous local small boss.

Although it is not comparable to those big bosses with a net worth of more than a billion or tens of billions, it can be regarded as a bit of luck for the God of Wealth to be able to do this.

As for the third son Lu Huali, that is, Lu Yu’s father, compared with his two older brothers, it is far behind.

Being rigid and speaking well is called being upright, and being ugly is called not being flexible.

Although I studied hard in school, I didn’t read anything famous in the end.

Because he didn’t want to rely on his parents’ relationship to get ahead, he went to the distant Luohai City alone as an adult to develop, but after most of his life, he was just an ordinary working boy.

The only achievement, I am afraid, is that the son who was born was admitted to the University of Science and Technology.

Because it is a branch in all walks of life, although the Lu family does not have any special big figures, it can be regarded as a prestigious clan in the small Huanshui County.

Of course, it is naturally incomparable with those real big families.

“I haven’t seen that child in Xiaoyu for a long time, I don’t know how he is.”

The grandmother of the Lu family stood in front of the door of the homestead, her eyes full of thoughts:

“The last time I saw Xiaoyu, it was the year before last, when he was very tall, and if he grows a long man in the past two years, maybe he will be taller than you, Huai’an.”

Lu Huai’an, who was standing on the side, held his mother’s arm:

“Mom, let’s go in and wait.”

“The third man’s plane is this morning, wait for us, it is estimated that it will take a while, the wind is strong outside, you are careful of the cold.”

“Out of the way.”

The grandmother of the Lu family shook her head slightly and said with a smile: “My body is bones, which are boiled out of the mud and farmland, and it is very tough.”

“What is this little wind?” I haven’t seen Huai Li and Xiaoyu for a long time, standing outside and waiting for a while, what is it? ”


Lu Huai’an was a little helpless, but he didn’t say anything.

Although in terms of the degree of success, he and Huairen are far more successful than Lu Huali, but his mother loves Huali the most.

He is such a big person, because this thing is jealous, naturally impossible.

But to say how balanced the mind is, it is also unrealistic….

Just between the two conversations, a roar of a car suddenly came from afar.

“Huali is back!”

A smile appeared on the face of the grandmother of the Lu family, and she helped Lu Huai’an out of the homestead to greet her.

The vehicle slowly stopped in front of the homestead, and

Lu Yu’s family of three walked slowly down from the car.

Seeing the grandmother of the Lu family who came to greet her, a smile appeared on Lu Yu’s face: “Grandma, we are back!”

“Here, let Grandma see!”

“Gee, grandma was still chatting with your uncle just now, you see you, really taller than your uncle!” Huai’an, come and see.

Lu Huai’an came over helplessly: “Here, grandma.”

He walked nearby, his gaze just moved to Lu Yu, and he was suddenly slightly startled!


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