Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 27

Chapter 27 His Eyes Are Like The Stars

As the night breeze swept by gently, the lively atmosphere of the banquet lingered in front of the Hecheng hall. Like ink spilling into the horizon, the dense darkness of the sky spread into the far distance slowly.

Thinking of Chu Tiankuo’s eyes, Tang Xia inexplicably felt a trace of sweetness in her heart.

“Is Your Grace Yue Ji bewitched by your humble servant’s charm?” Chu Tiankuo asked.

Hearing his words, Tang Xia paused then turned around to see Chu Tiankuo standing in front of her wearing silver armor. With the moon casting light on his shoulder, there was a bleak brilliance around Chu Tiankuo.

Tang Xia wore a smile involuntarily, “Guard Chu, good evening.”

Chu Tiankuo raised his eyebrow and said, “Now that Your Grace has the mood to extend greetings, I guess you are satisfied with what has happened today.”

Tang Xia nodded her head contentedly.

“Hmph, if it weren’t for me, you would be begging Helian Jue for mercy.”

Chu Tiankuo said the words close to Tang Xia’s ear and his warm breath tickled her.

Turning away her head, Tang Xia pretended to bow to Chu Tiankuo seriously, “I, Yue Ji, thank Guard Chu again. ”

Chu Tiankuo turned his head awkwardly with a hum, his arrogance waning, and then passed by Tang Xia.

Gazing after Chu Tiankuo, Lyuyou said in a soft voice, “As Guard Chu owns an androgynous face and danced with Your Grace tacitly, I thought he was a gentleman. However, it turns out that he knows nothing of etiquette.”

Hearing her words, Tang Xia wore a trace of a smile in her eyes.

“If Chu Tiankuo knew anything of etiquette, iron trees would blossom.”

Then Lyuyou led the conversation to the topic, “Your Grace, as you let Lengmei lose face in the banquet, you should be more careful in the future.”

Tang Xia stroked her hair by her ear and said, “It is not necessary to guard against her. The emperor will support us based on the present situation.”

Having had a deep and dreamless slumber, Tang Xia woke up after breakfast time.

Then Lyuyou pushed the door walking in with a copper pot in her hand.

“I request the kitchenette to reserve some snacks including lotus cakes from the imperial kitchens. Your Grace can eat it.” Lyuyou said.

Tang Xia dipped her fair fingers in clean water.

Tang Xia glanced at the ashes in the corner with slight fragrance lingering and asked, “Did you do aromatherapy in my room last night?”

“Yes, Your Grace. I noticed that you have been annoyed these days, so I employed lavender as the primer of the aromatherapy which is helpful to soothe the nerves.” Lyuyou replied.

“I appreciate that.” Tang Xia said with a smile, then wet her face with cool water gently.

After cleaning the ashes in the corner off, Lyuyou asked, “Several imperial concubines have been in a dispute in the Royal Garden for the whole morning. Would you like to check it out later?”

“Let’s check it out then.” Tang Xia replied.

There was a sea of flowers in the Royal Garden, and a slight floral fragrance lingered in the air. The floral aroma of different kinds blending with each other made it a comfortable place to relax.

“What do you mean by doing so?”

Before Tang Xia came close, she heard Lengmei’s cold voice. And what she saw first from afar was the beauty standing under the scorching sun.

“I did not mean to offend you. What I ask is just an apology from you.” Yi Jiazi said.

Then Tang Xia raised her upper eyelids up.

Owning snow white skin, Yi Jiazi wore a long purple gauzy dress with multiple pleats around her thin waist. And she had part of her hair braided as a hanging circle and the rest hang down loosely on the shoulder. Also, there were two purple pompons hanging under the chignon.

With a vermillion point on her forehead, Yi Jiazi owned a pair of phoenix-like eyes and red lips.

“She is truly a beauty.” Tang Xia thought.

Supporting Tang Xia by her hands carefully, Lyuyou said, “I heard that Yi Jiazi’s slave girl offended Lengmei while she was walking, then Lengmei gave her two slaps. Hearing what had happened, Yi Jiazi rushed into the Royal Garden for an explanation.”

Tang Xia frowned as she asked, “Who told you that?”

Having heard what Tang Xia said, Lyuyou replied in a lower voice, “I just heard it when I delivered the laundry to Huanyi Bureau this morning.”

Tang Xia nodded then fixed her eyes on Lengmei and Yi Jiazi.

“Sister Leng, why did you do that to my slave girl? Is it because I am new here? I just want to please the emperor well with other imperial concubines. Why do you bully me like that?”

With a soft voice, Yi Jiazi said with eyes full of injustice.

“I feel sorry for Yijia. People from the Southern Dynasties are all kind and innocent. She was just sent into the palace but was already bullied.” Lyuyou said.

Having turned her head away, Tang Xia heard all the words Lyuyou said.

Frowning from the torturing sun, Tang Xia squinted but coldness remained in the bottom of her eyes.

“It is not Lengmei who bullies Yi Jiazi, but Yi Jiazi who stirred up trouble.” Tang Xia thought.

Standing there arrogantly, Lengmei straightened her body in a blue dress with a red hairpin embellishing her hair perfectly.

“Lengmei is such an aloof woman that she would never lower her own status to embarrass a slave girl.”

“As for Yi Jiazi, although she seems kind and sweet, the maliciousness and shrewdness hidden in her tears cannot be covered up.” Tang Xia thought.

“She must have investigated the people of the imperial harem so that she chose Lengmei as the start of her plan.” Tang Xia whispered.

Leaning forward, Lyuyou asked, “What does Your Grace mean? I am too stupid to understand.”

Squinting her phoenix eyes, Tang Xia remained totally sober.

“Tell me whom the emperor loves most among the imperial harem?” Tang Xia asked.

Lyuyou replied with no hesitation, “It is definitely you.”

Tang Xia inclined her at a glance and asked, “Who is the previous one before me?”

Frightened by her words, Lyuyou opened up her eyes timidly and replied in a softer voice, “… It is Lengmei…”

“Right.” Tang Xia said with a trace of coldness in her smile, “As a consecrated woman from other countries, she cannot be bullied by others.”

“The quickest way to increase her influence is to win a dispute with someone who owns a certain status in the imperial harem.”

Wearing a bigger sneer, Tang Xia said, “As Yi Jiazi is a newcomer here, it is not necessary to fight against someone preferred most by the emperor. So she chose the woman who owns a lower status than me but a higher status than other imperial concubines and is disliked by the emperor.”

“So Lengmei who lost the emperor’s love because of her arrogance is the best choice,” Tang Xia thought.

Having heard Tang Xia’s analysis, Lyuyou was too shocked to close her mouth for a long time, “I am too stupid.”

Looking at the two women in front of her worrisomely, Tang Xia knew that neither Lengmei in blue and Yi Jiazi in purple were people of goodwill.

It was obvious that Lengmei standing afar had run out of patience so she said impatiently, “Get out!”

“I, Jiazi, do not know why Sister Leng bullied me with words. What I want is just an apology from you, and I hope you can show me some respect.” Yi Jiazi said.

Wearing deeper eyes, Lengmei said angrily, “You are playing with fire.”

Having already lost her patience, Lengmei did not take the woman in front of her seriously and thought she was just stirring up trouble.

“There is an explicit law in the imperial harem that one who makes trouble or bullies others will be punished.”

A cold and familiar voice came from behind Tang Xia’s back.

Turning her head back, what Tang Xia saw was Chu Tiankuo’s exceedingly handsome face – an aquiline nose with a somewhat wicked temperament.

Seeing Chu Tiankuo, Yi Jiazi raised herself slightly and said in a softer voice, wearing a trace of a smile in the corner of her mouth, “It is Guard Chu.”

“Your Grace Yi.” Chu Tiankuo gave a salute to her, and with an indistinct sneer turned to Lengmei and said, “I felt a strong killing intent when I passed by, so I came by to check it out.”

What he meant was that Chu Tiankuo suspected that Lengmei would bully Yi Jiazi.

Lengmei snorted, “I always disdain to fight with one whose status as an imperial concubine is below mine.”

Chu Tiankuo said coldly, “I hope what you said is true.”

Seeing that a chilly atmosphere was around both of them, Yi Jiazi said in a soft voice, “Now that Guard Chu has intervened, I would like to make a concession. I notice that Guard Chu is familiar with the layout of the palace, could you take me around?”

Although the first half of the sentence was said to Lengmei, Yi Jiazi fixed her eyes on Chu Tiankuo for the whole time.

Loosening his frowning eyebrows, Chu Tiankuo declined aloofly, “I have important affairs to deal with and I hope that Your Grace can understand.”

Not able to say anything else, Yi Jiazi said remaining her smile, “Maybe next time.”

Then Yi Jiazi nodded and said, “I have to go now.”

Before she left, her eyes met with the eyes of Tang Xia for a moment.

But Tang Xia cast her eyes calmly back on Lengmei.

Lengmei snorted, “I offer you a piece of advice, Guard Chu. Do not meddle in other people’s business.”

After saying that, Lengmei turned away in the opposite direction.

When all the people had left, Tang Xia jumped briskly to the side of Chu Tiankuo and greeted, “Guard Chu.”

With his eyebrow raised, Chu Tiankuo said, “One who looks on other’s trouble with indifference dies the fastest.”

“Good intentions do not pay off. I came here to thank you.” Tang Xia leered to him stagily.

Squinting his eyes, Chu Tiankuo wore an indistinct smile and spread out his palm, “Then what is my reward?”

Tang Xia had intended to watch the show, so there was no gratitude in her peach blossom eyes.

“What do you want? I will present it to you myself within a few days.” Tang Xia replied.

Chu Tiankuo said with his squinted eyes, “You, a woman with an A-cup, can present nothing good.”

“Take it or leave it.” Tang Xia rolled her eyes at him then asked as if something came to her mind, “Have you slept well recently?”

Chu Tiankuo wore a bigger smile uncommonly, “Are you caring for me?”

Remaining silent for a while, Tang Xia moved away.

Chu Tiankuo who stood behind her was in a good mood, wearing a bigger smile that even his eyes looked more handsome.

When Tang Xia got back to her hall, she could feel the slight floral fragrance lingering on her nose.

The floral fragrance in the Royal Garden smelt so good that Chu Tiankuo’s eyes appeared in her mind.

“Lyuyou, bring me the lavender primer for the aromatherapy you lit last night.”

Tang Xia said, with starry eyes in her small face which was exceedingly charismatic.

After Lyuyou put what Tang Xia wanted in the tray, Tang Xia asked for a needle and thread as well as a blue cloth bag.

As Tang Xia seldom did needlework, she could not hold it firmly.

So Lyuyou taught her from her side. Tang Xia’s green gauzy dress fluttered along with the wind as a floral fragrance lingered on her hand.

“With such effort, you must be doing it for your beloved one.”

Tang Xia knew what Lyuyou referred to must be Helian Jue.

But she just remained silent. Her curly eyelash hung over her eyes and fine hairs could be seen clearly on her tender face. She sat there with long hair tied and her headwear making ringing sounds in the wind.

She could roughly imagine what Chu Tiankuo would react when he received the cloth bag – he would definitely turn his head away haughtily, saying something like ‘It’s uncommon for a woman with an A-cup like you to do needlework.’

Wearing a trace of a smile in the corner of her mouth, Tang Xia stayed totally sober.

As a breeze swept by, Anran’s voice came from afar.

“Your Grace, it seems that Yi Jiazi is making trouble again, it involves you this time.”

Anran said hurriedly wiping the hot sweat off his forehead.

Cutting off the last string, Tang Xia completed her needlework perfectly.

“Then let’s go check it out.” Tang Xia opened her lips elegantly.

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