Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 31

chapter 31 The Executioner in the Imperial Palace


At the night, Helian Jue really fulfilled his promise. However, Tang Xia could not be happy when hearing the news that he was coming.

“Your Grace, are you worried about the emperor’s coming?” Lyuyou was really smart and immediately figured out Tang Xia’s worry.

Tang Xia looked at herself in the bronze mirror. She had a light makeup and made a red mark at the center of her forehead. A pink hairpin was stuck in her back pun.

She looked more tender and pretty.

She sighed.

Lyuyou only thought that she was too nervous. “Your Grace, you don’t have to be worried. The emperor always treats you good.”

At the end of her words, Tang Xia looked at her seriously.

Lyuyou stopped for a second and held back her neck. “Would you like me to report to the eunuch Shun to say you don’t feel good before the emperor comes?”

Tang Xia lowered her forehead and raised her eyebrows. “No, it’s fine.”

“Anyway, he is the character she needed to conquer. Since he takes the initiative to find me, why should I find a way to avoid?”


Tang Xia held her chin and fell into a long-term meditation. A group of her hair was fluttering with the breeze behind her ears and placed on her shoulders softly. Her palm-size face was so delicate and as white as the ceramics, while the sunshine scattered between her eyebrows.

Judging from the basic experience of her only twice live broadcasts, she obviously tried her best to conquer Chu Tiankuo.

However, when facing Helian Jue, she had different feelings.

Tang Xia hooked her long fingers. “Come here.”

Lyuyou understood and put her ear near to Tang Xia’s mouth.

“Later, you go to Yanyue Palace and share the message to Lengmei’s maid that the emperor will come to my palace.”

Tang Xia said gently. Her lips were tender and teeth were white, while the way she was talking was as elegant as an orchid.

Tang Xia’s breath made Lyuyou felt itchy on her ear. She turned her head and wore a smile. “Your Grace, are you going to make a trap for Lengmei?”

Tang Xia nodded her head with satisfication. “You’re teachable.”

Lyuyou always disliked Lengmei. Now, she met this good chance. She bowed to Tang Xia with excitement and left.

Tang Xia kicked at the table regularly. Her eyes seemed to cover the whole stars. A piece of cunning flashed by her eyes and left a smile in the end.

Unsurprisingly, Lyuyou would return without success.

Sure enough, for a short moment, Lyuyou came in with a sad expression on her face.

“What’s the result?” Tang Xia curved her eyes and her skin was extremely tender under the candlelight.

Lyuyou lowered her eyes. “I should have died for my uselessness.”

Though she had expected the result, Tang Xia still pretended to be surprised. She asked step by step. “Go ahead. I’m listening.”

“I went to the Yanyue Palace and told them the news that the emperor would come to our Jiaofang Palace tonight. The maids in Yanyue Palace were all arrogant and argued with me.”

“The words finally passed to Lengmei. She said nothing, but looked at her maid. However, when I left for a moment, I received a message from eunuch Shun which said the emperor would not come to Jiaofang Palace tonight, but changed his mind to go to Yanyue Palace.”

Lyuyou’s eyes were full of tears. Her palm-sized face was divided under the sunshine The light and dark sides overlapped, which covered her eyesight.

Tang Xia held back her guilty and comforted her softly, “It doesn’t matter. The emperor’s not coming is not a big deal. My Jiaofang Palace is so large and it’s OK he will come or not.”

Perhaps Tang Xia’s comfort worked well. Lyuyou stopped crying, but her voice was still upset. “Your Grace, you have paid a lot for this chance, but is destroyed by me. You still try to comfort me…”

Tang Xia had not expected that her image in Lyuyou’s eyes was that noble. She did not know she should be happy or sad. “Anyway, you’re my maid. How can you cry like a fool?”

Lyuyou was amused by Tang Xia’s blaming words and said, “Talking about this, since Yi Jiazi found troubles for you last time, you have few times to see the emperor.”

“I could not forget the scene on that day.” After all, it was the first time for Tang Xia to kill someone. She stopped for a second. “Do you know how Faner’s corpse is finally settled?”

Lyuyou’s fingers were slightly shaking. Thinking back the scene of that day, she could not help feeling cold. “It’s said that she was thrown into the mass grave with the sword stuck in her chest.”

“It’s said that a leading eunuch was curious and went to the mass grave, but he didn’t find her corpse. Everyone said Faner could not die in peace. Lady Yi Jiazi must do something wrong behind. It’s really intriguing.”

Lyuyou was serious. Her delicate face showed out scare, which made Tang Xia burst into a laugh.

“It’s just a rumor. You even take it seriously.”

Tang Xia wore a smile. The slightly curved corner her mouth was tender, which could attract everyone’ attention.

“I just thought this rumor was mysteriousness, so I dare to share with you, Your Majesty.”

The rumors in the imperial palace were often coming quickly and disappearing quickly, except for the death of Faner.

Originally, Tang Xia only heard those rumors from Lyuyou. A few days later, all the palaces were talking about this matter, which became more and more mysterious.

“What’s the new rumors recently?” Tang Xia was making up in front of the bronze mirror. Her amorous eyes were shining.

Lyuyou sighed and her sound was a little trembled.

“There’s a rumor in the imperial palace, which said Faner had turned into a ghost after she died, becoming an executioner in this palace. Everyone was scared. Those who had a piece of connection with her were afraid of being affected.”

At the end of her words, Tang Xia found Lyuyou’s voice trembling slightly.

“It’s just a rumor. Why are you so afraid?”

Tang Xia touched her eyebrows and frowned. The delicate skin of her hands was like the softest silk.

A flashing of anxiety passed by Lyuyou’s eyes. “I… I saw the executioner…”

Tang Xia was shocked. Her long fingers clicked on the Gold Phoebe table regularly. A long sigh turned out from her lips.

“What do you mean?”

Lyuyou bent her body. “A few days ago, I remembered that the spices in your palace needed to be changed. But I found there was not enough in our palace, so I went to Royal Garden to pick up some. However, to my surprise, I came across the executioner in the rumor…”

Tang Xia raised her eyebrows. “How could you tell it is the executioner?”

“She dressed in black and her figure was really like Faner. What’s the most important thing is that she was holding a knife in her hand. It’s in the harem! She dressed in black and held a knife. I… used to see she stuck Xiaomai, a little maid, on her back!”

“But Xiaomai didn’t notice. On next day, her back appeared a scar. Just thinking of it could make me scared.”

Lyuyou’s eyes enlarged, which seemed not to be a fake.

However, as an outstanding lady in the 24 century, how could she be confused by some little ghosts!

Moreover, it was still in the live broadcast…

“If the emperor heard about this, he must rectify the unhealthy tendencies in the imperial palace.”

Tang Xia wore a smile, but her thoughts drifted into the distance.

“I don’t know what Chu Tiankuo thinks of this.”

As the same kind of persons owning modern memories, Tang Xia would think of him reasonably.


“Tonight, the emperor has a feast at the Hecheng Palace. You should remember not to mention this.”

Lyuyou nodded her head and continued to make up for Tang Xia.

Over the Hecheng Palace covered in the darkness, the candlelight was replaced from time to time. The overlapped layers dazzled Tang Xia’s eyes. The alcohol smell filled in the air. Tang Xia wore a smile.

Lyuyou followed her carefully. Tang Xia knew she was scared, so she comforted her with a smile.

“If Faner wants to find someone to kill, it must be Yi Jiazi who had killed her. She is OK, so you’re fine.”

Lyuyou was stunned for Tang Xia’s smile and her eyes got wet. “Your Grace, thank you for your comfort.”

The breeze blew slightly. Tang Xia wore an orange dress and the hemline touched the ground. She did a formal makeup and the dark-red hairpin on her bun was ringing. Her lips were red and alluring, adding pieces of elegance.

Helian Jue seemed to consider the feasts as a tradition in the imperial palace and would hold one per month.

Lengmei had already sat at the center. In the past few days, she had gained Helian Jue’s love. Therefore, she wore a bare smile today though she was always cool.

“It’s a long time to see you, sister Yue Ji. You seem to be more beautiful.”

A soft voice turned up behind her. Tang Xia turned around, while Yi Jiazi bowed lightly to her. “Sister Yue Ji, greetings.”

Tang Xia kept her eyes on her for a second and moved away. “You’re also like a hibiscus out of the water. No one could move their eyes away from you.

Tang Xia lowered her head coldly and returned to her seat.

The imperial concubines of the harem continued to enter, while Tang Xia was looking through the crowd and finding a silver armor.

“It’s him.”

Chu Tiankuo’s face was cold. He tightened his lips. His arrogant face seemed to smile rarely.

It seemed that he would only wore a ironic smile when he said she was a washboard.

Such a… hateful man…

Tang Xia lowered her eyes and her eyes were shining. After a long time that she did not see him, Chu Tiankuo was still handsome and straight. His neutral face was always cold and seemed to keep people from distance.

“Guard Chu really has a good appearance.” Yi Jiazi stepped by.

Tang Xia turned around and stared at her. “Do you have anything?”

Yi Jiazi wore a light smile, but in Tang Xia’s eyes, it was sarcasm.

Chu Tiankuo was absent-minded and found Tang Xia who was sitting on her imperial concubine seat for just a second. All of her hair had been tied up, uncovering her silky forehead. His eyesight moved to her red lips, which was really fascinating.

“This woman always comes out with a close-up shot.”

Chu Tiankuo moved his lips and finally could not look away.

The arrival of Helian Jue made the atmosphere in the Hecheng Palace rise to a certain degree. Shun Decai reported in her sharp voice. Everyone’s eyesight was on him and followed him into the palace.

“Greetings, Your Majesty.”

Helian Jue waved his hands and forewent their formalities.

Everyone took a seat. Tang Xia glimpsed Helian Jue’s handsome face at distance. He wore a vague smile. It seemed that he had a good mood.

Tang Xia frowned. It seemed that everything was harmonious, but she felt that something big would happen.

There were plenty of candles in the Hecheng Palace, but the lengths were different. The shining lights were bright, and the wind blew slightly in, making the inside very comfortable.

It was also a bit of weird.

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