Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 33

Chapter 33 Break into Men’s Camp

“Do you have any clues about the executioner?” Tang Xia raised her waterful eyes, which were like the spring winding through the mountains and going straight into Chu Tiankuo’s world.

The whole sky was bright.

Tang Xia seemed to have this kind of magic power to make people not move their eyes away from her.

Since the first say she broke into his world, Chu Tiankuo had experienced so many difficulties and challenges. It was such a lucky thing for him to see her again and stay by her side.

After a long while, Chu Tiankuo’s eyes could focus on her and laugh at a low voice. “En… perhaps a little.”

Tang Xia just asked casually but had not expected that she would get the answer. “What’s that?”

His black eyes were shocked and somewhat eager.

Chu Tiankuo pretended to be mysterious. “I don’t want to tell you.”

Tang Xia was slightly stunned.

“Forget about it.” Tang Xia stuck her tongue out and her beautiful hair floated over by the breeze.

“Do you want to stay in Hecheng Palace to have a look?” He asked.

Tang Xia raised her eyebrows, “I don’t want to stay here.”

Chu Tiankuo frowned. His fingers pinched Tang Xia’s delicate checks. He turned his body and said in a deep voice.

“I remembered that you were trying to seduce me a few days ago. Now, you change your clothes, but become bolder.”

Tang Xia’s face was in his fingers, so her words were vague. “Off your hand! I am also a fierce person!”

Chu Tiankuo laughed at a low voice, which was deep and fascinating.

Tang Xia was stunned.

She waved her tender fist and rapidly hit on Chu Tiankuo’s chest, while using the other hand to off the fingers pinching her face.

“Somebody is coming!”

Chu Tiankuo’s eyes turned gloomy and he quickly dragged Tang Xia to the back of the emperor chair.

Tang Xia moved her body carefully to see what happened through the chair.

Chu Tiankuo waved his arm and held her into his breast, but turned his eyes to the other side.

Tang Xia was stunned and a little bit out of mind when smelling the familiar and clean taste of his body.

“Stupid woman, don’t try to satisfy your curiosity regardless of the situation. What if we are discovered by them?”

He tightened the strength of his arms, and his eyebrows raised high.

Tang Xia’s face was instantly pink and she turned her head embarrassedly. “Let…let go of me…”

“What do you say?” Chu Tiankuo put all of his attention on the movement. When he confirmed that there was nobody else in this palace, he relieved his breath and turned to her.

Tang Xia straightened her body. Chu Tiankuo’s strong body touched Tang Xia’s stunned and delicate small body.

Their lips contacted with each other indistinctly.

A breeze seemed to pass by and lingered around Tang Xia’s ear. The sound of the breeze also rang over the ears intoxicatingly.

It was at the mid of July, but the breeze warmed up when Chu Tiankuo was there.

Tang Xia’s forehead was shining with ambiguous glow under the dim candlelight in the Hecheng Palace.

It made him fascinated for her.

Tang Xia bounced off immediately and widely opened her eyes. She was like a shocked hamster whose face turned pink at once.

Chu Tiankuo’s black eyes showed out a piece of sorrow, but restored his emotion immediately. “Let’s go. The executioner is gone.”

He got up first and left without any explanation. The place Tang Xia’s lips touched was still warm and her aroma left.

Tang Xia lowered her head after a second, looking at Chu Tiankuo’s silver armor and following him quickly.

The silver armor reflected a soft glow under the candlelight, tenderly scattering on Tang Xia’s eyes.

She felt a little bit upset.

“After all, it’s a kiss. Doesn’t he care about that?”

Chu Tiankuo sent Tang Xia back to the Jiaofang Palace, but found Lyuyou was stepping outside the door anxiously. Chu Tiankuo stopped.

Tang Xia walked a few steps forward and Chu Tiankuo turned around at the same time. When their eyes contacted, Tang Xia slightly lowered her head embarrassedly and entered the Jiaofang Palace quickly.

When Lyuyou noticed the happening over there, Tang Xia had rushed into the inner room.

Lyuyou made a bow to Chu Tiankuo at distance, while he deliberately nodded his head.

Chu Tiankuo stared at the wall of the Jiaofang Palace. There was an ancient tree standing by. He jumped up on it without hesitation.

On the other side, Tang Xia was holding her hot checks and her eyes were clear.

“How could I be disturbed by an unintentional kiss.” Tang Xia sighed, covering her face and falling on the bed.

“Are you going to sleep, Your Majesty?” Lyuyou pushed the door and entered. She saw Tang Xia’s orange yarn and asked slightly.

Tang Xia answered in a low voice, but the temperature on her face still increased.

Lyuyou was stunned.

“Your Grace, I help you to open the window a little. I found that you did not look good just now. The imperial city is full of wind and water. We can let more fresh air in.” Lyuyou waled a few steps by the window. She lifted her hands and opened the window for a half gap.

“I ask for leave, Your Grace.”

After Lyuyou left for a while, Tang Xia slowly got up from the bed.

Chu Tiankuo’s handsome face seemed to have been rooted in her mind and she could not get rid of it.

Tang Xia took a deep breath and slowly took off the orange yarn.

Leaning by the ancient tree in the Jiaofang Palace, Chu Tiankuo finally could see the figure of Tang Xia after changing a few angles.

Seeing that she gently took off the yarn, Chu Tiankuo changed color.

“She is really a stupid woman.”

He said in his mind and jumped into the night after Tang Xia fell asleep.

The stars in the sky were hidden, and the wind was blowing over the ground. When it touched one’s face, it felt warm and comfortable.

When Tang Xia gradually woke up, it was already late in the morning.

The sunshine slanted into the room. The weather was fine, and there was a slight smell of aroma floating in the air.

“Are you waking up, Your Grace?” Lyuyou stepped in with a square scarf in her tender hands.

Tang Xia cleaned up roughly and walked out. The sunshine was blinding.

“Your Grace, what’s the process of your investigation?” Lyuyou asked curiously.

Tang Xia wore a smile and remembered Chu Tiankuo’s arrogant face. Her mouth curved unconsciously.

“I have found out something.” She said.

Lyuyou smiled. “It’s good to find out something.” She followed Tang Xia and asked again, “Where will you go, Your Grace?”

Tang Xia walked ahead at a relaxing speed and wore a vague smile on her face.

“Go to the Imperial Guards Camp.”

Inside the Imperial Guards Camp,

Chu Tiankuo held his hands behind. A yellow drawing was flatting on the table.

“My Lord, Lady Yue Ji asks for meeting you.”

When hearing the words “Yue Ji”, Chu Tiankuo frowned unconsciously.

His eyes were full of glow and seemed to contain starlight.

“Let her in.” His voice was still cold and it seemed that the coming person had nothing to do with him.

“But… she is an imperial concubine…” If the soldiers in the Imperial Guards Camp saw the emperor’s lover, they did not have enough heads to be cut off.

Chu Tiankuo’s eyes turned gloomy and a piece of intolerance showed up in his eyes, but nobody could see it.

“It’s the emperor’s order to ask Lady Yue Ji to investigate the executioner issue. Do you still have any objections?”

The guard shook his head like a rattle and quickly left.

Tang Xia wore a vague smile, followed with careful Lyuyou. They stepped in one after the other.

“Free of the ceremony.” Tang Xia stopped Chu Tiankuo’s embarrassment and looked at him showing her grace to him. Her eyes were full of smiles.

Chu Tiankuo completely ignored.

Tang Xia was angry for a moment. When she noticed the yellow drawing in the table, she took it up with curiosity.

“What are you looking at?”

Chu Tiankuo turned his head and his voice was really cold. “A map.”

Tang Xia played with the map with curiosity at the opposite side. “Why do you look at it? This is… the map of the Imperial Palace?

She was amazed, pointing at the top of the drawing. The breeze rolled over her hair, so she put it behind her head and focused on the map.

Chu Tiankuo sighed and got it back.

When he waved his hand, all the imperial guards left, leaving Tang Xia and Lyuyou here.

“Lyuyou, how about going outside to have a look?” Tang Xia’s eyes condensed and turned to Lyuyou.

Chu Tiankuo shook his head and said in a deep voice, “It doesn’t matter.”

“This is the drawing of the Imperial Palace. I affirm that the executioner is artificial.”

“You mean the executioner might be someone else and he is in the palace.” Tang Xia analyzed from his words.

“Yes.” Chu Tiankuo whispered.

Lyuyou raised her eyebrows. “But what about the weird events happening in the palace?”

Chu Tiankuo lowered his eyes and answered, “It’s easy to explain. Maybe someone is playing a trick secretly or he has been colluding with someone else.”

“I see…” Lyuyou was shocked.

“In the term of the current situation, which one do you think will be the truth?” Tang Xia licked the messy hair and her eyes were shinning.

Chu Tiankuo’s eyes darkened. He wrote a “one” on the map slightly.

The other two understood immediately.

“Then, where do you think she will hide?” Tang Xia held her chin with one hand, and a piece of doubt flashed by her eyes.

Chu Tiankuo was stunned, looking at the little woman in front of him, who was smiling to him and wearing a vague smile on her face.

“We have to analyze the motivation first.”

“If Yue Ji is dead, who will be the happiest person in this palace?” He continued to ask.

Tang Xia thought seriously for a moment. “Everyone would be happy except me.”

Her words successfully provoked sharp eyesights from Chu Tiankuo.

Lyuyou suddenly realized. “If you say the happiest person, it must be Lady Lengmei and Lady Yi Jiazi.”

Chu Tiankuo raised his chin with a half-identified answer. ” Not all right.”

“To Lengmei, Yue Ji has no longer a threat. Therefore, Lengmei doesn’t have to waste her time and efforts to do something bad.”

Lyuyou’s face and eyes were gloomy. “It seems that Lady Yi Jiazi has the most possible motivation.”

Chu Tiankuo nodded. “Actually, the one who did this might not try to obtain the love from the emperor.”

“Then, what’s her purpose?” It was the turn for Tang Xia to be curious.

Chu Tiankuo wore a sinister smile to pretend not to tell her.

“For revenge.” In his smile, there was a piece of bloody feeling.

Tang Xia was slightly contemplative and held her chin with her tender hands. “There were a few times indeed.”

It meant that she agreed with Chu Tiankuo’s view.

Chu Tiankuo raised his chin, arrogantly looking at Tang Xia. He continued to say.

“As a result, we have to focus on Yi Jiazi first. When everything is settled, we can uncover the evidence.”

“How long will we wait for…” Tang Xia sighed.

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