Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 43

Chapter 43 Singing “Prelude to Water Melody”

Where did this Qingling Archduke come from?

Tang Xia’s beautiful eyebrows tightly frowned. The Qingling Archduke from people’s words dressed in a robe, hanging over her back to the ground. There were a few diamonds adorned the robe. The robe was complicated but not old-fashioned. She made a long-curved bun and a heavy makeup.

As she walked into the main hall, she glanced at Tang Xia with her old and calm eyesights. Then, she turned to Helian Jue on the high platform.

Helian Jue straightened up with a respectful expression on his handsome face. “I did not expect that I can welcome you, my Qingling Archduke, at Xingyun Tower. It’s my fault.”

“How could I miss your feast?” Qingling Archduke wore a smile and stepped to Helian Jue’s side. Then, she glanced at Tang Xia.

Tang Xia raised her chin proudly, while her shining amorous eyes were full of observation to Qingling Archduke.

“Who is she?” Qingling Archduke’s cold voice raised by Tang Xia’s ears.

“She is my loved concubine.” Helian Jue’s voice turned soft and turned to Tang Xia. “Yue Ji, come and meet Qingling Archduke.”

Tang Xia moved forward and bent her knees slightly. She said at a cold voice, “Greetings, Qingling Archduke.”

Qingling took back her eyesight and did not care about Tang Xia. “I thought she should be a tough woman, but just a little girl. Lianjue, you really could send her to King Nanchen for a favor.”

Helian Jue frowned deeply. “I’m sorry I can’t.”

The atmosphere around Qingling Archduke instantly fell to the freezing point. “Dare you not listen to my words?”

Helian Jue’s words were respectful, but his eyebrows were tightened. “I respect you so much, Qingling Archduke. However, I can not send Yue Ji to the others.”

“Yue Ji is my wife, so I would not send her to anyone else,” Helian Jue said word by word. His voice raised over Qingling Archduke’s ears.

“Ridiculous!” The blue veins on Qingling Archduke’s forehead showed up. “Are you going to become another King Chu who ruined a dynasty for a woman?”

“I’m not King Chu and Yue Ji is not Lady Lan.” Helian Jue’s voice raised a few levels. “The difference between King Chu and I is that since I can get his imperial throne, I will not repeat his mistakes.”

Helian Jue’s voice was powerful. Even the emperors present who had experienced a lot were shocked by his words.

Wife… In the emperor’s palace, it was the most ordinary, but most difficult title to get.

Qingling Archduke’s eyes were full of disdainful. “A few days ago, I heard a lot of rumors about you. How about Lengmei? It said that she was one of your favorite women. How about now? Just a few days passed, you changed your love?”

“The wife in your words is not the real wife. You and your father are amorous and hurt so many girls heart. The men I have met are even more than you have killed. How could you say you love one woman only in front of me?”

Qingling Archduke said word by word, hitting on Helian Jue’s mind. His long eyes hide in the darkness, and his expression could not be seen.

Only his teeth and words could be seen and heard, which was heart-shaking.

“Lengmei is just a concubine, but Yue Ji is my wife.”

His words were clear without any tone, and even his voice was illusory.

However, his words hit Tang Xia’s heart and left a slight ripple.

He said she was his wife. Helian Jue said Yue Ji was Helian Jue’s wife.

Tang Xia’s amorous eyes were shining like stars. Helian Jue’s words must be too magical to make her draw back her eyesight.

“Just a ‘wife’ could touch you and make you behave like an idiot. You’re really a washboard. The monogamy policy in the 24 century could not save your IQ.”

Chu Tiankuo’s indifferent voice came from her head. His lips tightened and the slightly downward arc seemed to show his dissatisfaction. His thick eyebrows raised and he arrogantly looked at Tang Xia.

Tang Xia regained her consciousness and her eyes were already wet.

“Helian Jue is telling his love to me…” she whispered. Her words were like a slight breeze, trembling Chu Tiankuo’s entire heart.

Comments covered the whole bullet screen area.

[Fans] Forget Love Portion: Oh my god, Helian Jue could provoke my passion and make my heart tremble!

[Fans] Sing Dog: Hahaha, Chu Tiankuo’s washboard comment is enough for me to laugh a year.

[Fans] Love Trading: Only I have noticed that the system has not issued an announcement that our anchor succeeds to conquer the hero?

The atmosphere was freezing at once.

[Fans] Love Hug: Ah, why?

[Fans] Green House’s Raby: Ah, it might be that Helian Jue thought it was shameless to accept King Nanchen’s requirement, but could not lose Qingling Archduke’s face. Therefore, he found a win-win method that he built a rightful imperial image like a figure in “24 filial piety”.

[Visitor] Upstairs 666. Helian Jue is really a scheming man. He failed our anchor’s love to him~

Tang Xia returned to her thoughts.

She glanced at the system tips. There was no change indeed.

Helian Jue on the high platform still showed his passionate love in his eyes. Tang Xia crumpled her mouth, but heard Chu Tiankuo’s indifferent voice.

“Such a stupid woman.”

“Well! Well!” Qingling Archduke wore a cold smile. “You’re really a persistent person, but I think Yue Ji is not qualified to make you do this.”

Qingling Archduke put her old hand on the wooden table. The dark-red robe moved with her wrist.

“Raise your head.” Her words were sharp and directly turned to Tang Xia.

Tang Xia had no fear and raised her chin.

“You’re kind of good-looking indeed.” Qingling Archduke’s voice was cold and wore an ironic smile. “Do you have any talent? Just show me.”

Tang Xia lowered her eyes. At this moment, if she said she had, Qingling Archduke must be fastidious at her, but if she said she did not have, Helian Jue would lose his face and make people laugh at him.

Hundreds of thoughts passed her mind and then wore a smile on her face. “Archduke, I have few talents indeed.”

“Oh? Talk about it.” Qingling Archduke raised her thick eyebrows and her eyes showed out coldness.

“I can dance and sing.”

Tang Xia could not think of good talent at this moment, but to bring up an idea indifferently.

“Ah, I thought you must have an extraordinary talent. In this harem, everyone can dance and sing.” Qingling Archduke’s eyebrows were stained with severe coldness, and she was extremely disdainful to Tangxia’s words.

Helian Jue recalled Tang Xia’s dance last time. Though the form was weird, he had to admit that she was like a fairy from heaven.

“I have seen Yue Ji’s dance before. I have never seen the way she dances before. It’s really a beautiful dance.”

Helian Jue’s words raised everyone’s interest and the buzzing sounds came out one after another.

Yi Jiazi was ignored at the first, so the jealousness in her mind had reached to the top. “The dance you have mentioned is the one that you danced with Guard Chu in the Hecheng Palace last time, my sister?”

Helian Jue’s face turned dark. Yi Jiazi really did not know how to say right words at this situation.

As expected, Qingling Archduke’s expression was stunned. “Who’s the Guard Chu? How dare Yue Ji dance with a guard?”

Noticing this, Yi Jiazi kneeled and said in a soft voice, “Archduke, my sister used to dance with Guard Chu. Everyone there praised their beautiful dance. It seemed that they were like the fairy and prince from heaven.”

Yi Jiazi’s words were really out of mind. Helian Jue’s handsome face was darker during her continuous talking.

“Oh? Is there such a thing like she said?” Qingling Archduke turned to Tang Xia again.

Her delicate face was carved like the most touching jade in the world. The amorous eyes were rippling. The red dress set her skin more delicate and tender. Her small lips were as red as cherries. A red hairpin with a golden border was in her bun and the remaining hair was floating with the slight breeze.

At the other side, Chu Tiankuo wore a silver armor. There was a high stand of a nose on his handsome face. With a piece of free quality, he lowered his head coldly. The candlelight in the palace reflected his silver armor into a soft curve, which could be heart-wrenching in everyone’s eyes.

“They’re really like immortal man and woman,” Qingling Archduke said at a plain tone. There was no expression in her eyes, which was like the stagnant water.

Helian Jue’s face turned darker and darker. “It was just a dance that my love prepared for a long time for me. In other scheming people’s eyes, it turned out to be weird.”

Helian Jue said with a piece of teeth-clenching. Yi Jiazi softened her voice. “It’s my fault. I should not mention this.”

When Qingling Archduke saw Yi Jiazi compromise out of consideration for the general interest, she felt unsatisfied. “If there was nothing happening, why were you afraid of the others persons’ words. Now, you still speak for Yue Ji, you’re really out of mind.”

People present looked at him with more exploration. Helian Jue could not bear it. “She’s my girl. I did not say some bad words on her. How dare you say something like this?”

Tang Xia also could not stand for this. If she did not say something now, Helian Jue would find her lots of troubles after the feast.

“Your Majesty, I’m so plain. It was also the first time for me to show my dance in the Hecheng Palace, but it makes sister laugh at me.” There was a glimmer of light passing by her eyes. She mapped out a strategy. “I learn the dance for His Majesty. Since it has been over, I dare not mention it again. Since Qingling Archduke orders me to show my talents, I would not let you down.”

She wore a cunning smile. “I’m practicing a song recently and like to sing it without accompany. If Qingling Archduke is willing to listen, I’d like to perform for you.”

Helian Jue frowned, but his eyesight to Tang Xia added a piece of praise.

Yi Jiazi immediately stopped Tang Xia. “It’s just a song. You really think that the guests here are coming for fun, my sister?”

Yi Jiazi’s words provoked people’s attention. Helian Jue looked at her angrily, which made her stop talking.

“Let’s just see it. We could consider that we have invited a singer over there.” Qingling Archduke looked down upon her with coldness in her eyes. She was sure that Tang Xia could not make any tricks.

“I can have a try.”

What Tang Xia was singing was the Prelude to Water Melody. This song was touching, and she preferred the version of Faye Wong. It was an old song. With her crisp voice like an Oriole, the song passed by the candlelight in the Xingyun Tower and everyone enjoyed the eternal night.

At the climax, everyone was drunk in the music.

Tang Xia prolonged the last tail. Her red dress was dancing in the middle of the hall. The hair ribbon was hidden in the hair, vague and beautiful.

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