Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 53

Chapter 53 It Will Be So Hard To Forget Tang Xia

As the glint and flash of swords could be seen, the glow of silver swords lighted the whole Hecheng hall. The scent of blood wafted through the air while the moon shined alone in the sky.

“Your Excellency, ten thousand soldiers of King Nanchen have been killed, and the site has been cleared.”

A moment later, the people in Hecheng hall remained quiet.

Chu Tiankuo raised his chin, wearing an obscure smile on his mouth, “Good.’

“King Nanchen, you can leave a will before you die.” Chu Tiankuo said, holding his sword with a cold but brilliant light in hand, which made the scar on King Nanchen’s face more ferocious.

“What… what are you going to do to me?” King Nanchen stepped back in disorder, bumping against the scarlet pillar in Hecheng hall.

“I want to kill you.” Chu Tiankuo’s deep voice floated into King Nanchang’s ears. Then Chu Tiankuo pulled out his sword from its handle and placed in on the side of King Nanchang’s neck.

“Haha, you cannot kill me. You are just an imperial bodyguard with a sword. If you kill me, my soldiers will definitely turn out in full strength from Southland. The date of your death will come then.” King Nanchen fixed his eyes on Chu Tiankuo with his pupils contracting fiercely.

Chu Tiankuo wore a bloodthirsty smile, with his eyes as dark as the shades of night, “You will never see that day come, because I will defeat the soldiers from Southland.”

King Nanchen scorned Chu Tiankuo’s words at first, then became quite terrified as if he had found out something, “You lunatic! You want-”

With a slight sound, King Nanchen’s head fell down beside Chu Tiankuo’s feet.

As Chu Tiankuo stood against the light, his silver armor appeared more obscure in the candlelight.

While Tang Xia froze, Lengmei was the first one to react.

“King Nanchen… is dead… What a timely death… What a timely death!” Lengmei covered up her fear, then faced Helian Jue, “Your Majesty, we don’t need to fight anymore.”

However, Helian Jue just fixed his eyes on Chu Tiankuo whose silver armor reflected the glow so brightly that his eyes were blinded by it, then wore a regretful appearance on his charismatic face.

“Your Majesty?” Lengmei fixed her eyes on Helian Jue pulling out his arm from her, “What is wrong, Your Majesty…”

Helian Jue stepped forward, “Guard Chu.”

As Helian Jue finished his sentence, a sharp knife flew directly for Helian Jue’s heart. Tang Xia moved her body quickly then blocked the blade with her body for him.

As the silver dagger pierced Tang Xia’s slender body, she covered her chest then turned her head around calmly, “Are you alright?”

Helian Jue held Tang Xia’s body, “Yue… Ji…”

“Summon the imperial physician!” Chu Tiankuo shouted gruffly, then went back immediately and killed the bodyguard who had thrown out the hidden weapon.

As Chu Tiankuo fixed his eyes on Tang Xia, frowning his eyebrows tightly, Helian Jue held Tang Xia tightly in his arms. The more tightly Helian Jue held her, the more upset Chu Tiankuo was.

“You blocked the dagger for me.” Although Helian Jue said that in a soft voice, everyone could hear what he said clearly.

“Why? I thought you would never forgive me…” As Helian Jue hid his eyebrows in the darkness, Tang Xia wore a pale face then felt that something cold was falling on her forehead.

“Your Majesty…” Lengmei covered her mouth, “… You are crying.”

As Tang Xia closed her eyes, she heard a few words intermittently and started going into a daze, feeling a buzz by her ears.

“Am I going to die?”

While Tang Xia felt warm beneath her body, she felt cold in front of her body with Helian Jue’s tears dropping down on her forehead, hearing Helian Jue asking her in a daze.

“Why did you save my life…”

“Nonsense! How can I accomplish my task if you die?”

Tang Xia had no energy to roll her eyes and felt uncomfortable lying on top of Helian Jue.

Then Tang Xia felt someone else holding her by the waist, she recognized the familiar scent in a daze.

“You don’t deserve to touch her.” Chu Tiankuo said, wearing a cold appearance. As the imperial physician hurried into the hall, Chu Tiankuo placed Tang Xia gingerly on the golden throne with the blood on his sword making it appear more coquettish.

“You will die if you cannot save her.” Chu Tiankuo put his sword near the imperial physician’s face.

The imperial physician obeyed what Chu Tiankuo said. Although Tang Xia closed her eyes, she could see the messages on the bullet screen come in great numbers and felt a surging power gathering in her heart. “This feeling…”

[Fans] Love Quietly: Helian Jue… Is he falling in love with the anchor…

[Fans] Fleet Of Time: He is truly falling in love with her. It seems that the anchor… is about to accomplish her task.

[Fans] Corner Love: Mission is about to be accomplished!!

“It seemed that I felt this way in the face of Chu Tiankuo before.”

“Am I going to leave? Can I see Chu Tiankuo again if I leave this world…”

“Chu Tiankuo…” Tang Xia whispered softly as if she felt wretched.

“Hang in there, Your Grace. I’m going to pull out the dagger.” The imperial physician treated Tang Xia with acupuncture in several acupressure points.

Chu Tiankuo frowned his eyebrows and looked at Tang Xia with the corner of his eyes, then found that Tang Xia closed her lips tightly, murmuring his name with her forehead filled with cold sweat.

“Chu Tiankuo, Chu Tiankuo.”

Chu Tiankuo frowned his eyebrows more tightly.

“I don’t want to leave.”

As time went by, it was the sentence that Chu Tiankuo would never forget – Tang Xia opened her thin lips slightly with blood staining her long dress red, saying that she did not want to leave.

Her exceedingly charismatic look with blood staining her long dress into a red bridal array remained in his memory. This woman was Tang Xia whom he would never forget.

Chu Tiankuo placed his sword stained with blood on the side of Helian Jue’s neck, “Abdicate.”

Chu Tiankuo opened his thin lips with extreme coldness in his eyes, like ice hitting Helian Jue.

“Chu Tiankuo, you are crazy!” Lengmei could not stand straight out of fear, then fell down on the ground, “You are taking this opportunity to conspire against the state!”

Helian Jue fixed his eyes on Chu Tiankuo whose face showed no feeling but extreme coldness.

Then Helian Jue nodded his head slightly.

It seemed like consent or a promise.

Chu Tiankuo was relieved, then looked back at Tang Xia and said in a cold tone, “Spread my order: the former emperor, Helian Jue, is not able to rule the country well, so he will be waiting for his sentence in a cell. The name of the dynasty will be changed into ‘Xia’. The Xia Dynasty who is not afraid of soldiers from Southland will kill them all as long as they are within 50 meters of the state border.”

Chu Tiankuo’s indifferent words unfolded his domineering temperament completely.

The imperial bodyguard behind him obeyed, “Yes, Guard Ch… Your Majesty!”

As the dark sky above the Xingyun Tower blurred the candlelight, a woman in white sat on the spire, then took her wine gourd and drank wine from it.

“Chu Tiankuo and Yue Ji…” Her white dress appeared brighter as the wine stains slipped down from her smooth chin to the side of her neck, wetting her neckline, “It’s becoming more and more interesting.”

The woman in white jumped down from Xingyun Tower and said a little bit tipsily, “Zui Linglong, Zui Linglong, why can’t Linglong get drunk?”

A few days later.

Tang Xia opened her eyes then saw Anran’s enlarged face in front of her.

“Her Grace woke up! Her Grace woke up!” Anran shouted happily.

Tang Xia blinked her eyes, then managed to figure out the scene in front of her.

What Tang Xia saw were indigo drapes, a pink velvet quilt and Anran wearing a green floral dress, falling down to the ground.

“What the hell? Didn’t I accomplish the task successfully?”

Messages on the bullet screen came forth in great numbers.

[Fans] Raise Goldfish In Condoms: Too many things happened when you were in a coma.

[Fans] The Blazing Sun Behind The Mountains Goes: Yep, it is a long story.

[Fans] The Yellow River Towards The Oceans Flows: Alas! Don’t scare the anchor~

[Visitors] Frequently Disconnected: Mantis shrimp, let’s move. We are friends after your snooze.

Tang Xia wore a strange appearance and fixed her peach blossom eyes on Anran’s face, “Tell me what happened!”

Anran froze for a moment, with her eyes looking around confusedly, then looked back to Tang Xia after her reproach, “Your… Your Grace.”

“Congratulations! You are the empress now!”


Tang Xia looked back at Anran, then managed to blink her eyes, “Are you sure?”

“I’m… I’m sure… Your ceremony will be held after you wake up. And the new palace prepared for you is also under construction. His Majesty will definitely go wild with joy if he knows that you woke up…”

Anran’s voice trailed off.

“It is unbelievable!”

Tang Xia pondered carefully, “Did Helian Jue promote me to empress because I blocked the dagger for him?”

“It doesn’t make any sense! Why didn’t he fall in love with me! Why!”

A terrible thought struck Tang Xia.

“Wait a minute. Is Helian Jue playing cat and mouse with me so that he can ‘show his gratitude’ in a more atrocious way as he did not fall in love with me?”

“What a tragic love story~”

Fans: You are thinking too much.

“Your Grace, His Majesty must have known that you woke up. I’ll dress you and put makeup on you so that you can make a good impression on His Majesty later!”

Anran said that with blandness in her eyes, making Tang Xia wear a heavier appearance.

“What the hell…”

Anran chose a pink dress for Tang Xia which could highlight Tang Xia’s fair skin. Then she tied Tang Xia’s hair, showing her slender neck which was demure and charismatic.

Tang Xia pulled her neckline with a bitter smile, then tilted her head, “His Majesty loves blue, why did you choose the pink makeup for me?”

Anran’s fingers trembled.

“You will know later, Your Grace.” Anran replied.

After Anran dressed Tang Xia up quickly, Tang Xia fixed her eyes on Anran, feeling that she had hidden something from her.

[Fans] Qianqian: Should we tell the truth to the anchor?

[Fans] The Blazing Sun Behind The Mountains Goes: No.

[Fans] Weep: No +1.

[Fans] Waters Of Forgetfulness: No +10000.

Tang Xia wept in her heart.

“Your Grace, His Majesty is in the Imperial Study.” Anran stepped backward hesitantly.

“What? Aren’t you going in with me?” Tang Xia raised her eyebrows and asked surprisedly.

Anran paused, “His Majesty doesn’t like strangers to get in. You can go inside on your own, I’ll wait for you outside.”

Before Tang Xia could ask more, a stranger eunuch came in front then bowed to Tang Xia, mumbling something.

“Greetings, Your Grace.”

Tang Xia’s eyes froze for a moment, “You are?”

“I’m Xiao Chengzi.” He squinted his eyes, “I’m sorry, I should have called you the empress.”

Tang Xia wore a strange appearance, “You don’t need to call me that way.” Then she paused for a moment and asked in a lower voice, “Is His Majesty jarred by something?’

As Xiao Chengzi’s face changed, he nodded in agreement, “His Majesty is truly jarred.” Then he leaned forward, “You should go and check on him, Your Grace.”

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