Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 55

Chapter 55 The Scumbag Chu Tiankuo

Lyuyou smiled. “Compared with the emperor of the last dynasty, I think you’re more suitable with our emperor, Your Grace.”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you remember your dance with our emperor before?” Lyuyou reminded her.

Tang Xia’s thoughts traced back to a long time ago and she gradually gathered her memories. “You mean the dance in the Hecheng Palace?”

“Yes, you danced with Guard Chu on that day. You dressed in red, while he was in silver. You two were like the extraordinary son of God and fairy from heaven. Later on, Guard Chu contacted with you frequently.” Lyuyou stopped and frowned slightly, “However, I could not remember too much about Guard Chu’s previous stories.”

Tang Xia said nothing.

At that time, the task did not start for a long time. Chu Tiankuo had rewritten the system, so it was weird if Lyuyou still remembered.

“So what? Though he’s suitable for me, he’s still a cold killer.” Tang Xia sighed and a piece of resistance showed up on her eyebrows.

“I don’t think so.” Lyuyou faintly smiled and her eyesight towards Tang Xia was joking. “Talking about the killer, the emperor of the last dynasty was known as a tyrant, who always killed people as he liked. Besides, you had no hesitation in killing Anxia before, so how could you consider our emperor as a bloody killer, Your Grace?”

Tang Xia was stunned, while Lyuyou in front softened her expression. “Your Grace, you just could not accept the fact at once, or you might think the emperor of the last dynasty is wronged.”

“I grow up in this palace. When I met something unhappy, I would always be mad at Anran. I could only lose my temper on my closest person.” She stopped for a second. “You must understand my meaning, Your Grace.”

Tang Xia thought a lot in her mind, while the coldness between her eyebrows gradually faded away during Lyuyou’s words, but changed into deep seriousness instead.

Lyuyou’s eyes curved into a line. “Your Grace, are you going to visit our emperor? He might not be good without your explanation.”

Tang Xia kept silent for a while. Then, she opened her mouth and said, “Set the carriage to Imperial Study Imperial Study.”

The carriage arrived at Imperial Study, while the candlelight scattered on the door. By the other side of the stone lion, the carriage of Lengmei also reached.

“Why does she come?”

Tang Xia was tightened and pursed her lips. “Why are you coming here?”

Lengmei was stunned and her mouth curved, “I thought you wouldn’t come to me initiatively, but you could not hold your temper.” She stopped for a second. “Well, I heard that you promised not to approach our emperor anymore. But now, you behave so actively and have reached his palace.”

She rolled up her sleeves and gently covered her lips. It seemed that she was laughing at her.

Tang Xia frowned with a disgusted expression, but her smile on her face did not fade away. “I ask you why you come here, but you give me a different answer. Besides, it’s none of your business what I have said. You might care about me too much.”

“It might be you that care about me too much. It’s none of your business why I come here. What quality you have to manage my thing.”

Lengmei’s charming eyes were squinted, while her cold face wore a faint smile. The irony inside made Tang Xia extremely uncomfortable.

Tang Xia straightened her body and deepened her smile. “Listen, I am the queen, but you are just an abandoned imperial concubine of the emperor of the last dynasty.”

Tang Xia’s words contained a piece of anger, roaring into Lengmei’s ears and making her raise her eyebrows high.

She was still smiling coldly. “I thought you’re a devoted woman, but the bitch is the bitch. It’s not long after the emperor of the last dynasty died. You would not like to hide your feeling and rush towards this emperor directly. You’re just a queen. You really think you’re unstoppable.”

“You still know I am the queen.” Tang Xia wore a vague smile. “You dream about this title for two dynasties, but I get it easily. It’s just a title of queen.”

The irony in Tang Xia’s words was obvious. Lengmei could not hide her embarrassment and her smile was getting colder. “Now, the dynasty is changed. Do you think you still the original Yue Ji? You offended the new emperor when you just became the queen, but show off your title to me now. You’re really shameless.”

Tang Xia was planning to refute. When she opened her mouth, Little Orange’s sharp voice came out from the inside.

“Two Ladies, our emperor is reviewing the memorials. Please don’t be worried and let him do his job first.”

Lengmei stopped at the right time and wore a smile after a while. “I heard that our new emperor is hardworking and tired, so I deliberately take a cup of tonic soup to visit him.”

Little Orange understood and turned to Lengmei, “Your Grace…”

The inquiry in his eyes made Tang Xia a little bit embarrassed.

“I come across here and have a look.” Tang Xia turned aside and covered her embarrassment.

“Ah, OK. I will inform him immediately. Our emperor must be very happy.”

After a while, Little Orange came out of the palace. “Two Ladies, please come in.”

In the Imperial Study, Chu Tiankuo sat against the shining candlelight. His lips pursed and showed out a piece of coldness. The intent around him forced no one to come near.

Getting used to the appearance of dressing in silver armor, Tang Xia could not adapt to his new image immediately.

“Greetings, Your Majesty.” Lengmei stepped forwards and made a bow at once. She stopped for a second. “I know you are tired of reviewing the memorials, so I ask maids to specially make this tonic soup.”

Lengmei said nothing more, but her purpose was obvious.

Little Orange was clever and reported to Chu Tiankuo quickly. “Your Majesty, Lady Yue Ji also comes over here, and she might have something to report.”

Chu Tiankuo’s expression was indifferent. “Take the tonic soup to me.”

The atmosphere was embarrassing, while there was a piece of sadness passing by Tang Xia’s eyes. Then, she was interrupted by Lengmei’s high sound. “I promise you will be pleasant after you drink it.” She stopped for a second and passed the cup of soup to Little Orange. “Thank you for your help, Eunuch.”

Tang Xia’s face turned hot and a piece of fret passed by her mind. “I have never expected that the cool Lengmei would serve the emperor with pretending smiles.”

“Your vocabulary needs to be improved, Yue Ji.” Lengmei wore a faint smile, while looking through Tang Xia upside and down. “It’s not appropriate to use the words ‘pretending smiles’.”

“Come here and spoon-feed me.”

The indifferent voice came over to them. Chu Tiankuo’s cold eyes were like the thousand-year-old ice. It seemed that he was coming from the hail.

The two were stunned.

“Your Majesty… are you asking…”Lengmei hesitated.

Chu Tiankuo raised his eyes casually, glancing at the two imperial concubines. He stopped when looking at Tang Xia, but moved away at once. “I am asking you.”

Lengmei who was asked was happy, making a bow and stepping on the stairs.

“This soup is a little hot, and let me blow to cool them.” Lengmei deliberately softened her voice and put the spoon by her mouth. Her behavior was as elegant as an orchid.

She glanced at Tang Xia’s shoulder with irony from the top platform.

Tang Xia’s eyes were shining and she pursed her lips tightly. “Since it’s so, I ask for leave.”

Tang Xia made a bow quickly and felt hot on her face. Her steps back were heavy.

“When did I permit you to leave?” Chu Tiankuo’s voice was indifferent. It was not like an asking sentence. Each word passing by Tang Xia’s mind would make her painful.

“It’s useless for me to stay here.” Tang Xia took a deep breath and turned around. The two’s behavior was too disgusting. “Why are you still hoping me to stay here, Your Majesty?”

“Hoping you to stay?” Chu Tiankuo raised his eyebrows and sneer. “Ah, you have thought too highly of yourself.”

Chu Tiankuo’s voice raised. “This is my palace. I ask you to stay here, so you must stay here. Even if I stay with Lengmei, you could only watch us.”

His words made Tang Xia angry for a while. Her slim shoulders trembled. “Bah! Chu Tiankuo, you’re really a good emperor. Even the high-tech of the 24 century could not save your IQ? You deserve to be single for 20 years. The straight behaviors and stuffy thoughts in your mind are the classic representatives of a stupid emperor. It’s wronged for your trash thoughts that you did not grow up in this era!”

Tang Xia’s anger was aggressive. Chu Tiankuo on the high platform squinted his eyes. He stood up immediately and stepped towards Tang Xia.

Lengmei behind wore an ironic smile and her voice turned softer. “Ah, how could you say something like this… and dare to call our emperor’s name. You’re…”

“You’re really losing your mind!” Tang Xia interrupted her and said ironically. “Lengmei, stop pretending. You pretend to be cool when staying with Helian Jue. You looked troubles for me when he did not care about you. The dirty of your mind is not suitable for your elegant name. Can you look at you in the mirror before you come out? Don’t send soup with such a disgusting face. If I am that soup, I’d like to evaporate on the way here!”

Chu Tiankuo approached her slowly. When he came nearer, Tang Xia’s face turned pink. The former wore a vague smile, while his eyes were shining like the stars.

“Are you…” Chu Tiankuo’s voice deliberately lasted long. His handsome face got closer. He clenched Tang Xia’s tender face with his fingers and leaned her forward. “Are you jealous?”

Tang Xia turned around, while a piece of hurry and confusion passed by her eyes. Chu Tiankuo’s voice raised by her ears. “However, even though you’re a clever tongue, you cannot match with Lengmei’s soup in my eyes.”

Tang Xia’s face turned dark.

“Chu Tiankuo.” Tang Xia’s eyes widened and said word by word. “You…”

Before she could finish her words, Chu Tiankuo’s thin lips covered her mouth.

Tang Xia was stunned when feeling the coldness on her lips. Her eyes were scattered and the strength of her palm lightened.

“You just said you did not care about me, but lose for a kiss. You’re just so so.” Chu Tiankuo kissed her for a while and said by Tang Xia’s ear.

The latter’s eyesight tightened, while her teeth bit her lips.

He originally thought his little girl would rise up to resist. However, the girl who was sharp-tongued just now said nothing under Chu Tiankuo’s faint irony.

The girl in front of him pursed her lips and her eyes got wet. Her mouth moved.

“Chu Tiankuo, you’re such a scumbag.”

She could not bear it anymore. Her eyelashes trembled slightly, like the wings of a butterfly, which was difficult for him to forget.

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